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C++ programming Instruction ---> Delete option is not working ccan you fix it. #include iostream #include stdio.h #include iomanip #include string.h using namespace std; #define
C++ programming Instruction ---> Delete option is not working ccan you fix it. #include "iostream" #include "stdio.h" #include "iomanip" #include "string.h" using namespace std; #define DASHES 50 //Count for no. of dashes #define TX 10 //No. of entries in the Transaction History //Macros for Actions: #define SAV_DEP 21 //Deposit into Savings #define CHK_DEP 22 //Deposit into Checking #define SAV_WD 31 //Withdrawal from Savings #define CHK_WD 32 //Withdrawal from checking #define TX_SC 41 //Fund transfer from savings to checking #define TX_CS 42 //Fund transfer from checking to savings #define TX_OUT 431 //Outward wire transfer #define TX_IN 432 //Inward wire transfer /* Description: Stores account number and the amount to be transfered into that account */ struct accDetail { int accNumber; int amount; }; /* Description: Used to record the action, amount and time of the transaction for an account */ struct contents { int action; int amount; time_t t; }; /* Description: prints out the dashes Parameters: n - represents the no. of dashes */ void dash(int n) { for(int i=0;i) { cout<<"-"; } cout< } /* Description: Prints $ on console Parameters: out - Reference for cout */ ostream& usd(ostream& out) { out<<"$"< } /* Description: Prints out "Option:" Parameters: none */ void Option() { cout< } /* Description: This class is used to overload operator<< and use the setfill(), setprecision() and setw() functions in a single function call. */ class manip { private: int width,precision; char ch; public: manip(int,int,int); friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&,manip); }; /* Description: Overloads operator<< Parameters:out-reference for cout m - object of class manip */ ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,manip m) { out< (m.width)< (m.precision)< (; return out; } /* Description: Constructor of class manip Parameters: w-width p-precision c-character constant */ manip::manip(int w,int p,int c) { width=w; precision=p; ch=c; } /* Description: Calls manip's constructor and returns an instance of it Parameters: w-width p-precision c-character constant */ manip set_fill(int w=0,int p=0, char c=' ') { return manip(w,p,c); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Description: This class is used to maintain the transaction history of an account */ class History { private: int count; contents arr[TX]; public: History (); void push(int,int); void dispTx(); int flushOldTx(); void sortTx(); }; /* Description: Sorts the transactions based on time in descending order Parameters: none */ void History::sortTx() { for(int i=0;i ) { for(int j=0;j ) { if(arr[j].t [j+1].t) { contents temp; temp=arr[j]; arr[j]=arr[j+1]; arr[j+1]=temp; } } } } /* Description: Displays all the transactions Parameters:none */ void History::dispTx() { #define W 40 sortTx(); cout< (5)<<"Date"< (W)<<"Description"< (20)<<"Amount"< (DASHES+20); for(int i=0;i ) { cout< (5)< [i].t; switch(arr[i].action) { case SAV_DEP: cout< (W)<<"Deposited into Savings"; break; case CHK_DEP: cout< (W)<<"Deposited into Checking"; break; case SAV_WD: cout< (W)<<"Withdrawn from Savings"; break; case CHK_WD: cout< (W)<<"Withdrawn from Checking"; break; case TX_SC: cout< (W)<<"Transferred from Savings to Checking"; break; case TX_CS: cout< (W)<<"Transferred from Checking to Savings"; break; case TX_OUT: cout< (W)<<"Outward wire Transfer"; break; case TX_IN: cout< (W)<<"Inward wire Transfer"; break; default: cout< (W+5)<<" "; break; } cout< (10)< [i].amount< } dash(DASHES+20); } /* Description: Removes the oldest transaction and creates a space for a new entry Parameters:none */ int History::flushOldTx() { int t1_index=0; time_t t1_smallest=arr[0].t; for(int i=0;i ) { if(arr[i].t ) { t1_smallest=arr[i].t; t1_index=i; } } arr[t1_index].action=0; return t1_index; } /* Description:Stores a transaction Parameters:action-represents one of the macros for actions amount-represents the amount in that transaction */ void History::push(int action=0, int amount=0) { contents c1; time_t* t1=NULL; c1.t=time(t1); c1.action=action; c1.amount=amount; if(count ) { arr[count++]=c1; } else { int idx=flushOldTx(); arr[idx]=c1; } } /* Description:Constructor for History Parameters:none */ History::History() { for(int i=0;i ) { arr[i].action=0; arr[i].amount=0; arr[i].t=0; } count=0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* Description: This class stores all the account related information */ class account { private: int accNo; char usrName[20]; char pswd[20]; int savings,checking; History rec; public: account(); friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, account&); friend istream& operator>>(istream&, account&); void accSummary(); void accDeposit(); bool accSearch(char[], char[]); char* accName(); void accWithdraw(); accDetail accTxFunds(); bool accSearch(accDetail); void TxFail(); void TxSuccess(); void dispTx(); }; /* Description: Calls rec.dispTx to display all transactions of an account Parameters:none */ void account::dispTx() { rec.dispTx(); } /* Description:Prints a message of successful transaction Parameters:none */ void account::TxSuccess() { cout<<"Transaction success"< } /* Description:Prints a message of failed transaction Parameters:none */ void account::TxFail() { cout<<"Insufficient funds"< } /* Description:Searches for an account and transfers funds into it Parameters:acc-stores the account details required to facilitate the transfer */ bool account::accSearch(accDetail acc) { if(acc.accNumber==accNo) { checking += acc.amount; rec.push(TX_IN,acc.amount); return true; } return false; } /* Description:Displays a Menu for transferring funds and takes appropriate actions Parameters:none */ accDetail account::accTxFunds() { int option,amount,acc=0; cout< (); cin>>option; cout<<"Enter amount:"; cin>>amount; switch(option) { case 1: if(amount>savings) { TxFail(); break; } savings -=amount; checking += amount; TxSuccess(); rec.push(TX_SC,amount); break; case 2: if(amount>checking) { TxFail(); break; } checking -= amount; savings += amount; TxSuccess(); rec.push(TX_CS,amount); break; case 3: if(amount>checking) { TxFail(); break; } checking -=amount; cout<<"Enter account no.:"; cin>>acc; rec.push(TX_OUT,amount); break; default: cout<<"Invalid option"< break; } accDetail a1; a1.accNumber = acc; a1.amount=amount; return a1; } /* Description:Displays a menu for cash withdrawal and takes appropriate actions Parameters:none */ void account::accWithdraw() { int option,amount; cout<<"1.Savings"< (); cin>>option; cout<<"Enter the amount:"; cin>>amount; switch(option) { case 1: if(amount>savings) { TxFail(); break; } savings-=amount; TxSuccess(); rec.push(SAV_WD,amount); break; case 2: if(amount>checking) { TxFail(); break; } checking-=amount; TxSuccess(); rec.push(CHK_WD,amount); break; default: cout<<"Invalid option"< break; } } /* Description:Returns the user name of the account Parameters:none */ char* account::accName() { return usrName; } /* Description:Displays a Menu for cash deposit and takes appropriate action Parameters:none */ void account::accDeposit() { int option,amount; cout<<"1.Savings"< (); cin>>option; cout<<"Enter the amount:"; cin>>amount; switch(option) { case 1: savings+=amount; rec.push(SAV_DEP,amount); break; case 2: checking+=amount; rec.push(CHK_DEP,amount); break; default: cout<<"Invalid option"< break; } } /* Description:Grants access to an individual's account by verifying the accounts username and password Parameters:user[]-takes in user name ps[]-takes in password */ bool account::accSearch(char user[], char ps[]) { if((strcmp(user,usrName)==0) and (strcmp(ps,pswd)==0)) { return true; } return false; } /* Description:Displays the account summary on the console Parameters:none */ void account::accSummary() { cout< (20)<<"Balance Summary"< (15)<<"Currency"< (10)<<"Assets"< (DASHES); cout< (20)<<"Savings account"< (15)< (10)< (20)<<"Checking account"< (15)< (10)< (DASHES); cout< (20)<<"Total"< (15)< (10)< (DASHES); } /* Description:Overloads >> to take user name, password and account number Parameters:in-reference to cin acc-stores required account details */ istream& operator>>(istream& in, account& acc) { cout<<"Set User Name:"; in>>acc.usrName; cout<<"Set Password:"; in>>acc.pswd; cout<<"Set Account No.:"; in>>acc.accNo; return in; } /* Description:Overloads << to display the username and account no. of an account Parameters:out-reference for cout acc-stores the required account info */ ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,account& acc) { out< (15)< (3)<<"|"< (15)< } /* Description:Constructor for account and call the constructor of rec Parameters:none */ account::account():rec() { accNo=0; usrName[20]=pswd[20]={'\0'}; savings=checking=0; } //_________________________________________________________________________*/ /* Description:Maintains a linked list of accounts */ class List { private: account acc; List* next; public: List(); void insert(List*); void displayAll(); friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&,List*); friend istream& operator>>(istream&,List*); List* del(int); void delAll(); List* accSearch(char[],char[]); void accSummary(); void accDeposit(); char* accName(); void accWithdraw(); accDetail accTxFunds(); bool accSearch(accDetail); void accTxDisp(); ~List(); }; /* Description:Calls acc.dispTx() to display all the recent account transactions Parameters:none */ void List::accTxDisp() { acc.dispTx(); } /* Description:Searches for the required account to do the wire transfer Parameters:a1-stores the required account details */ bool List::accSearch(accDetail a1) { List* current=this; while(current->acc.accSearch(a1)==0) { current = current->next; if(current==NULL) { return false; } } return true; } /* Description:Calls acc.accTxFunds() to facilitate funds transfer Parameters:none */ accDetail List::accTxFunds() { return acc.accTxFunds(); } /* Description: calls acc.accWithdraw() to facilitate cash withdrawal Parameters:none */ void List::accWithdraw() { acc.accWithdraw(); } /* Description: Returns the account holder's name Parameters:none */ char* List::accName() { return acc.accName(); } /* Description:Facilitates cash deposits into the account Parameters:none */ void List::accDeposit() { acc.accDeposit(); } /* Description:Displays the balance in Savings and Checking accounts Parameters:none */ void List::accSummary() { acc.accSummary(); } /* Description:Searches for account with valid username and password in the linked list Parameters:user[] - STores the username paswd[]-Stores the password */ List* List::accSearch(char user[],char pswd[]) { List* node=this; while(node!=NULL) { if(node->acc.accSearch(user,pswd)) { return node; } node=node->next; } return NULL; } /* Description:Deletes all the nodes(accounts) in the Linked List Parameters:none */ void List::delAll() { List* current=this,*nxt=this; while(nxt!=NULL) { nxt=current->next; current->next=NULL; delete current; } } /* Description:Calls the List destructor Parameters:none */ List::~List() { delete next; } /* Description:Deletes a particular node(account) based on its index Parameters:idx-takes in the index */ List* List::del(int idx) { int count=0; List* current=this,*prev=this,*temp=NULL,*first=NULL; if(idx==0) { temp=this->next; this->next=NULL;//It is necessary to update the next pointer to NULL, else the system crashes return temp; } while(count!=idx) { prev=current; current=current->next; count++; } prev->next=current->next; current->next=NULL; delete current; } /* Description: Overloads >> to get the account details Parameters:in-reference for cin node-stores the details of an account for that node */ istream& operator>>(istream& in,List* node) { cout<<"Enter Account Details:"< >node->acc; return in; } /* Description:Overloads << to print the account details Parameters:out-reference for out node-has the account details */ ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,List* node) { out< acc; return out; } /* Description:Displays all the accounts in the linked list Parameters:none */ void List::displayAll() { List* current=this; cout< (15)<<"Account Holder"< (3)<<"|"< (15)<<"Account No."< (DASHES); while(current) { cout< next; } dash(DASHES); } /* Description:Inserts a node at the end of the list Parameters:node-represents the node to be inserted */ void List::insert(List* node) { List* current=this; while(current->next!=NULL) { current=current->next; } current->next=node; } /* Description:Constructor of List, also calls the constructor of account Parameters:none */ List::List():acc() { next=NULL; } int main() { int option1,option2; List *first=NULL,*node=NULL; char usrName[20]={'\0'},pswd[20]={'\0'}; while(1) { cout< (); cin>>option1; cout< switch(option1) { case 1: node=new List; cin>>node; if(first==NULL) { first=node; } else { first->insert(node); } break; case 2: cout<<"Displaying all nodes..."< displayAll(); break; case 3: int index; cout<<"Enter the index:"; cin>>index; List* temp; if(index==0) { temp=first->del(index); delete first; first=temp; } else { first->del(index); } break; case 4: cout<<"Enter User Name:"; cin>>usrName; cout<<"Enter Password:"; cin>>pswd; if((node=first->accSearch(usrName,pswd))!=NULL) { while(1) { cout< accName()<<","< (); cin>>option2; switch(option2) { case 1: node->accSummary(); break; case 2: node->accDeposit(); break; case 3: node->accWithdraw(); break; case 4: accDetail a1; a1=node->accTxFunds(); bool accExist; if(a1.accNumber!=0) { accExist=first->accSearch(a1); if(accExist==false) { cout<<"Account "< } else { cout<<"Transaction successful"< } } break; case 5: node->accTxDisp(); break; case 6: break; default: break; } if(option2==6) { break; } } } else { cout<<"Sorry, your user name or password does not match" < } break; case 5: cout<<"Terminating..."< delAll(); first=NULL; //Once you delete all nodes, and then you insert a new node, first node should be NULL. return 0; break; default: cout<<"Invalid option"< break; } } }
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