so I am getting these error I need someone to fix the code please :)
my code:
#include #include using namespace std; int main() { int word_count; bool cont=true; while(cont) { cout>word_count; if(word_count>0) { cont=false; } else { cout>option; switch(option) { case 1: { cout>str[i]; } break; } case 2: { int shift; cout>shift; for(int i=0;i Output differs. See highlights below. Specialcharacter leged nput Hou many words are in your messagez salect one of thoe options: (1) Nossa (2) Encrypt (3) Trint 4) your ouSeese B2-ect ona of tnoco options : (1) Cot Messag(2) Encrypt 3) print {4} selection:The Select one of these options: (1) Get Meage (2) Encrypt 3) Print 14) sLcct ons selection: of these option: (1) cct Nc:"70 2) Encrypt 3) Print {4) Hou many words an in your massage? Enter value elect one of these optiones (1) Ge e (2) Encrypt (3) Print 14) Salaction: Entor Narage ta Encrypt: Enter aumberc leters tosh Et Select one of these optiona: (1) Get Message (2) Encrypt 3) Print 141 Expected ourputThe mea5sge :OUR Salact onent thaaa opti ona: Salaction: (1) Ga: Naaaaga [2) Encrypt (3) print. {4} lect on of these optione: (1) G(2) Encypt (3) rint (4) Selection: Select one of these options : (1) Ge; Messaqo (2) Encrypt (3) Frint (4) C Selection: Activate Windows Go to Settings to activate WindoWS Ho rany words aro in your massage? Enter value Invalid value Please Re enter of positive value Rou many worda ara in your messaga Entor valuc: Select one of these options:(1) Get Nessage (2) Encrypt 3) Frint 4) selection:Enterords of your trng:1ctone of these options 1 salaction: Invalid option... salact ona ot thasa optiona: 11) a slection:Enter nbr lettors hitt: Select one f these options: (1) Get Message 2) Encrypt (3) Print {4) number Enter value: Ho rany words aro in your massage? Enter value: Invalid value Please Re enter a nunber of positive value Hou many words ara in your msa? Invalid value. Please Re-enter a nunber of positive value Hou many words are in your message? Expected output ectns of thess optione: (3)e (2) Encrypt (3) Trint 14) Selection Enter Massage t salect one of these options: 1) t N2) Encrypt (3) Trint 4) Selection: SAlAct one of thasA nptiona: (1) GAt. ass (2) Encrypt 3) Print 14 Salaction: Salact one ot thasA optiona: (1) GAt. assage (2) Encrypt (3) Print 14 solection: Activate Windows Go to Setlings to activate V heck program for any unterninated ioops generating output input results hidden by your instructor ow many words are in yout nessage? B2Loctons of these options : (1) Cst Message 2) Encrypt 3) print {4) Selection: Enter e rds f your string : Select one of these options: ection: Invalid option.. elect one of these optione: (11 Get Laction: Invalid optior election: valid option . alid option lid option elaction: Invalid option. Lection: Iavalid option.. ection: Lavalid option. alaction: Invalid option slcction: Iavalia optior. Selection: lavalid optior. Selection: Tavalid opt.ion. sclect one of these options: 12) Cot E Select otte of thiese options: {1} G t Selection select one ot theso option Select one of these options: Get Select one of theee options: (11 Get alact one or these options: 121 Gat Eclect cnc of these option: 2) Cot select one of these oppions () Get Me elect one of thage opione: 131 cet :Invalid opti Slection:Iavalia slect one of these options ) Est Me selection: Iavalid optior.. Selection: Invalid option. Salaction: Invalid option alection: avalid option Selection: Lavalid option elect one of thees options: (11 Get Salact one ot thase optiona: 121 Gat eclect one of these optiona: 2) Cct gelect one of these options: (2) Get Salact, ona of tass options : select one ot thes options: 11/ cet Activate Windows Go to Setings to activate Windows lection: Tysa l d nption salaction: Invalid opti tion: Lavalid ptior Select one of Se1ect one of thase optione: (1 Got Mes salact one ot thase options: (1) Gat as select one of thare options:() Ce Nc: e options: ( Get Ne: Selection: Invalld option. Salection: Invalid option. ealection: Invalid optior. ne of thasa Salection: Trvalld option salection: Invalid optior. lectioan: Invalid optior. select ona ot thes options: (1) Cat Meg select one of th options: (e Rou many worda ara in your massaga Entor value select one of these options: (1) Get Nesage ( Frint 4) Selection: Entar Massage to Encrypt: Entor number ct later: to shift: Select one of these options: (1) Ges 2) Encrypt (3) Frint (4) 2) Encrypt 3) Expected output selection: salact ona at these options : (1) Gat Nassage [2) Encrypt {3) print {41 C lection: salect ona or thesa optiona: (1) ar Mansage (2) Encrypt (3) Frint 14) szlection: 9: Compare output 0/10 output check p: oaram for any uncominated coca ceneta tin output input results hcden by your instructo HoM nany words are in your nessage? Enter valuR HDM many 01d are in your nessage? Enter value Activate Windows