Calculate the following ratios
a. Gross profit ration
b.Net Profit ratio
c. Current Ratio
d. Liquid ratio.
RO AL JAZEIRA SERVICES COMPANY SAOG AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2020 Parat Parent Group Group Company 2020 2019 2019 ASSETS Note RO RO RO Non-current assets Furniture and equipment 5 8,651 577 9.635 157 Goodwill 6 90,000 90,000 Investment in subsidiaries 7 320.444 320,444 Investment in associates 8 14,867,025 14,867,025 13.951,775 13.951.775 Financial assets at fair value through other 9 comprehensive income 9,897 9,897 9,897 9.897 Deferred tax asset 27 291,922 275.952 234.558 234.558 15,267,495 15,473,905 14.295,865 14,516,831 Current assets Inventories 233.RS 249.019 Trade and other receivables 10 2,394,281 1.960 3.03.288 2.176 Financial assets at fair value through profit or 11 loss 625,521 625.521 861.527 861,527 Amount due from related parties 12 775,811 1,175,718 Cash and bank balances 13 1,864,949 1.381.999 1.628.629 1,129,325 5,118.636 5.822.483 3,168,746 Total assets 20,386,131 18.259,195 20.118,345 17.685377 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity Share capital 14 11,171.717 11.171,717 11,171,717 11.171.717 Legal reserve 15 3,763.884 3.735,270 3,763834 3,735,270 Retained earnings 3.556,147 308,953 2,953377 2,834,544 Investment fair value reserve (264.260) (364.260) (230,368) (230,368) Other reserves 16 49,387 19,387 49,387 49,387 Total equity 18.276,875 18.121,067 17,708,197 17,560.550 Liabilities Non-current liabilities Deferred tax liability 27 3.227 Employees' end of service benefits 17 505,178 40,129 503.537 37.306 505,178 40,129 506,764 37,306 Current liabilities Trade and other payables 18 1.148.865 19.520 1,413.889 18,745 Amount due to related parties 12 270,656 572593 294011 48,089 Income tax payable 27 184,857 20,897 195,487 20.887 1.604,078 95.000 1.903.387 87,721 Total liabilities 2.109,256 138,129 2,410,151 125,027 Total equity and liabilities 20.386.131 18.299,195 20,118,348 17,685,577 Net assets per share 0.16 0.159 0.157 These financial staternenes were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 17 February 2021 and signed on their behalf by Abdulredha Mustafa Suite Amer Maskesihammed Al Fadhil Deputy Chairman Director The notes on pages 12 10 45 form an integral Por financial statements Page: 7