Calculating Average Operating Assets, Margin, Turnover, Return on investment (RON) Forchen, in provided the following information for two of its divisions for last year Small Appliances Cleaning Products Division Division $34,670,000 $31,320,000 Operating come 2.77600 Operating assets, Lanuary 1 6,394,000 5,600,000 Operating assets, December 31 7,474,000 6,000,000 Required: 1. For the Small Appliances Division, calculate a. Average operating a s s Mar c. Turnover d. Return on investment (RON) 2. For the Cleaning Products D ona te: Round your turnover answer to one decimal place for a percentage rounded to one deomal place a. Average operating assets b. MO Turnover d. Return on westment OROD e 2. What if operating income for the Small Appliances Division was $2,000,000 would that letaver When regured, round the percent to four decimal places bore converting to a percentage. For example ever recured. ringa r would be rounded to umover R and entered y changed rates Enter "o", where Average rating assets Mwan Small Appliances Cleaning Products Division Division $34,670,000 $31,320,000 Operating income 2,773,600 1,252,800 Operating assets, January 1 6,394,000 5,600,000 Operating assets, December 31 7,474,000 6,000,000 Required: 1. For the Small Appliances Division, calculate: a. Average operating assets b. Maran Turnover d. Return on investment (ROI) 2. For the Cleaning Products on calculate: Round your turnover answer to one decimal place, Enter ROLa percentage rounded to one decimal place. a. Average operating assets b. Margin Turnover d. Return on wwest RON) 3. What if operating income for the Small Appliances Division was $2,000,000? How would that affect average operating assets? Margin? Tumover?ROT Calculate any changed ratios. when required, round the percent to four decimal places before converting to a percentage. For example, 38349 would be rounded to 3835 and entered as 8:35. Enter "o", where ever required Average operating assets byl by Turnover Return on investment (ROD)