can i get the proper code plz
2.31LAB : Convert to dollars Given four values representing counts of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies, output the total amount as dollars and cents. Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows: System. out. printf("Anount: $5.2f(nn, dollars); Ex. If the inputis. 4321 Where 4 is the number of quarters, 3 is the number of dmes. 2 is the number of nickels, and 1 is the number of pennies, the output is: Anount: 11.41 For simpicity, assume inout is non-negative Laod sefaul template. Bincluoe istolio.h int ealn() [. int quarters, dimes, nickels, dennies? scanf("Wd", liquarters): scanf ( 2.di, (laines)): scanf(7ud, Boackels): scanf( ( 44, Eotrinies): double gollars = cents / 1e0.e; printf("Aoount it the.21f)h", dorlars)? reburn of Run your program as often as you'd like, before submitting for grading. Below, type any n input values in the first box, then click Run program and observe the program's output in second box. Enter program input (optional) 4321 input(fromabove) What is this? 130MO0,0,0,00,0min:4 Latest submission - 9:08 PM CST on 01/30/23 Total Download this Failed to compile error: 11 legal character: 'I' Hinclude stdio, h error: claas, interface, or enum expected Finclude atdio.h> error: class, interface, or enum expected scanf ("\$d", squartera); error: class, interface, or enum expected scanf ("ta", sdimes) : error: claas, interface, ox enum expected seant(" a", tnickela): LabProgram,java;8: error: class, interface, of enum expected acane("td", ipenniea); Labprogram, jaya:10: error: a1oas, interface, of enum expected int cents = quartera*25 + dines*10 + niokele*5 + pennies: Labprogram.jaya:11: error: clazs, ipcerface, or enum expected double do1lare - centa 1100.0% Labprogaam,jova:12: exroz; elaas, interface, of enum expected Habprogran, jovazias erfor: olaas, intertace, or enua expected Feriurn of Hebfrograni.javaiya: exfor: clasa, intertace, ov enum expected