can some one please help with this. i need someone to fill in the chart to help me see it.
El W'IleyPLUS ld ( a G Ii Secure,fedugenilimain.unT lNileyPLU Weygandt, Flnanclal E Managerlal Acmuntlng. 2e Helg | System Annnuncements [1 Unmd} Immnnnsmul '1IIIIK M: l ASSIGNMENT RESOURCES Chl r 21: Homework Assignment Exams 21-? [lhL Level Submission; Exercise 21:10 [WIT Level Submission Problem 214A (Part LINK'I'E 'I'EI'I' Attempts: 2 of 3 used V (b) / Your answer Is partially correct. Try again. Level Submission Review Score R-vi-w R-suli: Q! Ell-d]: O netw- Prepare an Incremental analysis of Twilight Hospi I. (In the rst two columns, enter casts and expenses as positive amounts, and any amounts receiver!I as negative amounts. In le third column, enter net income Increases as nosltive amounts and decreases as negative amounts. Enter negative amounts using either a negative sign preceding the number e.g. 45 or parentheses e.g. (45).) Net Income IhIIIn Rene IncreI-e Bellma- Susanna- (Damn-e) Annual operatlng mats New scanner amt Old sranner salvage Total Should TWllIght Hmpltal purchase the new scanner on January 2, 2017? |uukmnrr Quelnnlfmrdlu Chapter 21: Homework Asslonmem: ( a G Ii Secure,fedugeniltiimein.unT WileyPLU lil Exercise 21-? [ihL Level Submission; Exercise 21:10 [WK Level Submission Exercise 21713 (Pa . Level Suhmlsslun Problem 214A [Part Level Submission Review Score Review Rasulh Q! Ell-d]: O netw- El WileyPLUS slam Weygandt, Flnanclal E Managerlal Accountlng. 2e Help | System Announcements [1 Unmd} Immnnmoul '1IIIIK Exercise 21-13 (Part Level Submisslon) On January 2, 2016, Twillght Hospital purchased a $104,800 speclal radlology scanner frorn Bella Inc. The scanner had a useful llfe of 4 years and was estimated to have no disposal value at the end of lts useful llfe. The stralght-llne method of depreciation is used on thls scanner. Annual operating posts with this sranner are $106,000. Approxlmahely one year later, the hospltal ls approached by Dync Technology salesperson, Jacob Cullen, who indicated that purchasing the scanner in 2016 from Bella Inc. was a mistake. He poinu out that Dyno has a scanner that will save Twilight Hospital $26,000 a year In operatlng expenses over Its 3-year useful life. Jacob notes that the new scanner will cost $109,000 and has the sarne capabilities as the scanner purchased last year. The hospital agrea that both scanners are of equal quallty. The new mnner wlll have no dlspmal value. Jacob agrees to buy the old scanner from Twillght Hospital for $53,000. V (I) .1 Your answer is correct. If Twllight Hospltal sells lts old mnner on January Z, 2017[ compute the galn or loss on the sale. ._ . 5 256m |anowsolumul [WINNER-l |um1e1errl Attempts: 2 of 3 used V (b) / Your answer is partially correct. Try again. Prepare an Incremental analysis of Twilight Hospi I. (In the rst two ceiurnns, enter casts and expenses as positive amounts, and any amounts receivedI as negative amounts. In le third column, enter net income increases as positive amounts and decreases as negative amounts. Enter negative amounts using either a negative sign preceding the number e.g. 45 or parentheses eg. (45).) Net Income Itehln Ra-ca Increase Bellma- SCSIIIIH (Deana-e) x- [3 x Annuawmnsms ll ll x x% New scanner amt i 104500\" 109000