Can someone help me do this assignment?!
It is about Tic Tac Toe.
Part 2 The questious in teis part of the assignimest il! be groded Question 1: Tic Tac Toe (100 points Before starting this question, we strongly recommend that you complete the warm-up ex- ercises if you have not already done so. These warm-up questions will be the best way to start the assignnent. This assignment should be solved without the use of OOP concepts In particular, all the methods ms be static, and all the variables mast be local For this question, you will write a program called TicTacToe that allous a ser to play Tic Tw Toe against an Al (the compater). You can assume that the user plays using the symbol 'x', while the Al uses the syabol 'o (the lower case vowel, please do not use a zero or the upper case vowel instead). To do so, write (at a minimnm) the following methods. You can write any additional helper method if you wat to. A. A method called createBoard that takes as input one integer n, representing the dimension of the board, and returns an n by n array of characters. This 2 dimensional array of characters represents the board of the gaane. When the board is created, it should be completely empty. To represent this, the elements of the array shoukl all be initialized with the space character For example, createBoard(3) should return a reference to the following array: B. A method called dioplayBoard that takes a 2 dimensional array of character as input and prints out the board. Below is an example of how an empty 4 by 4 board might look like when printed out Consider the array of then dieplayBoard(a) should print: character a-{('x',' l lol Ixlol C. A method ealed writedaBoard that takes as input the board (a 2 dimensional array of character), the character to write, and two integers x and y represetting the position on the board where the character shoukd be written on. Assume that the finst integer indicates the row, and the socond integer indicates the colann. Then, a cell on a board of dimension n is represented by the coordinates (x,y) where x and y are integers between 0 and-1. The method should first verify that the inputs received are valid: if the coordinates received represent a cell outside of the board or if the cell already contain a character that is not the space character, then throw an Page 4