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Can someone help me Find on pag Enter test to search No results Options v Section 1: Collect custoner input Collape aCollect Customer Data- Part

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Find on pag Enter test to search No results Options v Section 1: Collect custoner input Collape aCollect Customer Data- Part 1 Collect Customer Data -Part 1 8 1) Request Rental code: 1. Request Rental Code Prompt the user to input the Rental Prompt-(B)udget, (D)aily, or (W)eekly rental? erentalCode Code 10 Prompt: "(8)Judget, (D)aily, or (Wjeokly rental?n" Variable: rentalCode? rentalPeriod-int (input(Number of Days rented:In)) lif(rentalcode:#09: The code options are rentalPeriod int (input ('Number of days Rented:n')) 17 elif (rentalCodes) Code Category budget daily Rate rentalPeriod int (input ("Nunber o #2) Request tine period the car was rented #Prompt-> "Number of Days Rented; srentalPerfod Pronptmber of Weeks Rented: dai ly charge 68.00 25BrentalPeriod weekly woekly charge 190.00 CUSTOMER DATA CHECK 1 O Type here to search | Codio-Projeci X Find on page No results Optiom v Enter test to search rental car-cu rentalCode #rentalperiod Collapse 30 Collect Customer Data Part 1 print (rentalCode) print (rentalPeriod) 30 rentalcode . inut("(B)udget, (Daily, or (W)eekly rental ?w) aCalculation Part budgetCharge 48.88 dailyCharge69.00 weeklycharge 198.88 2 Request number of days or weeks the car was rented Proept: "Nuaber of Days Rented:n" OR Set the base charge for the rental type as the variable baseCha Prompt: "Number of Weeks Rented:n" entat cehe hentat perfod the speroeriate rates Variable: rentalPeriod? Hint This input code is similar to the code in the previous step daily or weekly rental then set the user input equal to .f rentalCode 8* baseCharge rentalPeriod-budget Charge elif rentalCodezz'D' baseChargecrentalPeriod-dailyCharge print (baseCharge) but use a cond tional statement to test if the rentalPeriod is a elsei baseChargecrentalPeriod weektlyCharge 3 Test your code 14 A k He eO proiect-1-draft-ental-car-biling5c1711 Find on page Eeter tedt to search No neultsOptions C Codo Project Ede Fed ew Toos Educa.on Goode" budgetcharge 48.88 dailyCharge 68.8 weeklyCharge 198.88 Collapse Cellapse eSet the base charge for the rental type as the variable bahar Collect Customer Data Part 1 The base charge is the rental period the appropriate rate 45.if rentalCode'B' Customer Data Check 1A baseChargesrentalPerfod budgetcharge elif rentalCode0' baseChargecrenta Period dailyCharge print (baseCharge) AST RLUN n 05205980 24 Check 1 passed basechargecrentaLPeriod weeklyCharge The following data will be used as input in the second check rentalcode rentalPeriod1 Customer Data Check 1B Need I n Codio Find on page Enter text to searth no results Optons isport sys Collapse Section 11 Collect customer input Collect Customer Data Part 2 Add customer input 1 here , rentalCode : ? arentalCode-input (B)udget, (D)aily, or (M)eekly rental?)n) rentalCodesinput (B)udget, (o)aily, or (W)eekly rental?n) 1 Collect Mileage information Prompt the user to input the starting odometer reading (expect type int from the user) a rentalPeriod-int (input("Number of Days rented:In")) rentalPeriod int (input ('Number of days Rented: In)) rentalPeriod-int (input ("Number of weeks Rented: In")) 16 eLif (rentalCode'D') 12elif (rentalcode) Proept: "Starting Odoseter Reading:n Variable: odoStart? rCollect Custoner Data Part 2 b Prompt the user to input the ending odometer reading lexpect type int from the user) 4) Collect Hileage information ta) Prompt the user to input the starting odoneter reading and st Prompt: "Ending Odoneter Reading: n" ariable: odoEnd PromptStarting Odometer Reading:n c Test your code odoStart 1234 odoStartsint input ("Starting odometer Readingsin")) + A 0 page Eniter text to search No results Options Collect CustO odoStart-1234 odoStart-int(input("Starting Odoneter Reading:In)) odoEnd 2222 odoEnd int (input("Ending Odoneter Readinga )) totalMiles: odoEnd-odoStart Collect Customer Data-Part 2 #b) Prompt the user to input the ending odometer reading and stor Add code to PRINT odeStert and #Pronpt -->"Ending 0doneter Reading:" odoEnd variables as well as the totaMiles to check your work sc) Calculate total miles totaLMiles odoEnd-odostart Print odoStart, odoEnd and totalMiles The following data will be used as input in the test print("odoStart : " # Calculate Charges +str(odoStar t ) +"odoEnd 2 "+ Base charge :" + ! Calculate the nileage charge and store it as s the variable mileCharge: odoStart 1234 odoend 2222 a) Code B (budget) mileage charge: 58.25 for each mile driven if rent atCode:#0-1 mileCharge: totalMiles9.2S rentalPeriod Customer Data Check 2 lype here t 4 A Need in SKY/guides/2 Firdd on page Enter test to search No resuts Options C Codio ProjectFle Edi ind Tools EducaonHepfun CurrentGooale #a) Code B' (budget) ni leage charge: S0.25 for each mile driven if rentalCode:.8 Collepe mi leCharges totalMiles .25 rentalPeriod elif rentalCode:-': 48. averageDayMiles-float(totalMiles)/rentalPeriod if averageDayMilesc 100 Collect Customer Data Part 2 extraMiles 8 else: Customer Data Check 2 extraMiles-float (averageDayHiles-188) nileCharge-float (extraMiles 8.25 rentalPeriod In your py file, add code to print out the two new variables you have collected input for elset averageweeklyMiles-float(totalMiles)/rentalPeriod if averageweeklytiles9ee: odoEnd totalMales eLset extraMiles-float(totalMiles-998) nileCharge-float (extraMiles 188+ rentalPeriod) print("Starting Odoneter+str(odoStart)) pr int ("Ending Odometertstr(odoEnd)) print ("totalMiles:str(totalMiles)) b) Code D (daily) aileage charge no charge if the average LASTR number of miles driven per day is 100 miles or less Calculate the averageday"les (totalMiles/rentalperiod) Check 1 failed Outiput: , If averageDayMiles S above the 100 "ile per day udget, (ojally, or No resuts verageMeeklytiles float (totalMiles)/rentalPeriod if averageWeeklyHiles estraMiles Collect Customer Data- Part 2 extrailes float (tota Niles-990) ilechar genfloat(extraMiles 189 rentaLPerlod) print("Starting Odometerstr (odaStart)) print (Ending Odometerstr (odotnd) ) print(totae Check 1 failed str(totalMites)) Code (daily) wiLeage charges no charge if the average moter of "nes driven per day S 100 miles or less; stating Odonete Ending Odoneter Read traceback (et rece ) If sverageayies s above the 10 mite per day xpected ind on page Enter test to search budgetCharge 40.9 dailyCharge 68.9 4weeklyCharge 198.88 eSet the base charge for the rental type as the variable basecha Calculate Charges- Part 1 1 Calculate the base charge 4The base charge is the rental period the appropriate rates if rentalCodea8 46 47-elsf rentalCode'D baseCharge rentalPeriod-budgetCharge a Set the base charge for the rental type equal to the baseCharcecrentalPeriod-dailyCharge print (baseCharge) variable baseCharge The base charge is the rental period the appropriate rate: For example else: baseChargecrentalPer fod-weeklyCharge if rentalcode'8 baseCharge rentalPeriod budehar Finish the conditional statement by adding the conditions for other rental codes Test your code b Get l Need In Codio /project-1-draft rental on page Enter tet to seardh No resultsOptions v Codio Project Fle Ed nd View Tools Education Hap un CuentGooe Calculste Ch budgetCharge 48.8 dailyCharge 68.88 weeklyCharge 198.88 Collapee Set the base charge for the rental type as the variable baseChaCalculate Charges-Part The base charge is the rental period the appropriate rate: if 5. rentalcode", B': baseChargecrentalPeriod budgetCharge elif rental CodeD Add code to PRINT the baseCharge to check your work baseChargeirentalPeriod dailyCharge print (baseCharge) 50else: baseChargesrentalPerfod weeklyCharge The following data will be used as input in the test 54 rentalCodeD rentalPersod Calculate Charges 1 Add code to print the value of A https/ 1 dra,re tal arbilpc17' 1chttatDA57dad229xngonsoogides 2 Find on page Enter teat to search o results >Options Ccodo proiect Fie Edt Find 'view Toos 6ducacon me#RunCurrentw Google Confaure Calculate Ch 39 budgetCharge 48.88 dailyCharge 68-88 Collapse 41 weklyCharge 198.80 Calculate Charges - Part 1 3 Set the base charge for the rental type as the variable baseCha 44 The base charge is the rental period . the appropriate rate: 45-if rentalCodess'8 baseChargecrentalPerfod+budget Charge elif rentalCode * Calculate Charges 1 baseChargesrentalPeriod daiLyCharge print(baseCharge) Add code to print the value of baseCharge variable 58 @lse: baseChar gesrentalPeriod weeklyCharge LAST RUN 10209 104M Check 1 failed Output: 0)udget, (Ojaily, or umber of days Rented x harge nd on page Enter test to search No results Optionv C coso Project e Edt Fnd Ve Toos EducaconH nileCharge- float(extrakiles-9.25*rentalPeriod) 5.else averageweeklyMiles float(totalMiles)/rentalPeriod if aver ageweekly. les(a900: Calculating Charges- Part 2 extraMiles 59. i leCharge -totaMites x 0.25 extraMiles-float(totalMiles-980) miteCharge float(extrakiles 188- rentalPeriod) print("Starting Odometer +str(odoStart)) print( Ending Odometertr (odoEnd)) print("totalMiLes:str(totalMtes)) c Code 0 (daily) mileage charge no charge if the average number of miles driven per day is 100 miles or less 6s ab) Code "D' (daily) ileage charge: no charge if the average i Calculate the averageDayftiles nuder of miles driven per day is 100 mites or less; totalmiles/rentalPeriod i) Calculate the averageDay-iles (totalMiles/rentaperiod) 55) 1f averageDayiles is above the 198 wile day a If averagedaytaes is 100 or less. per extratiles If averageDayttites is above the 100 mile per day imit, calculate extrati les averageoaytiles 100 (1)calculate extraites (averageDayMiles -100) (2)milecharge is the charge for extratiles, .25 for each mile c) Code 'w' (weekly) iileage charge: no charge if the s average number of miles driven per week i b Calculate the cost of the extra miles xtraies x$0.2 Find on pag Enter test to search No results Options v Section 1: Collect custoner input Collape aCollect Customer Data- Part 1 Collect Customer Data -Part 1 8 1) Request Rental code: 1. Request Rental Code Prompt the user to input the Rental Prompt-(B)udget, (D)aily, or (W)eekly rental? erentalCode Code 10 Prompt: "(8)Judget, (D)aily, or (Wjeokly rental?n" Variable: rentalCode? rentalPeriod-int (input(Number of Days rented:In)) lif(rentalcode:#09: The code options are rentalPeriod int (input ('Number of days Rented:n')) 17 elif (rentalCodes) Code Category budget daily Rate rentalPeriod int (input ("Nunber o #2) Request tine period the car was rented #Prompt-> "Number of Days Rented; srentalPerfod Pronptmber of Weeks Rented: dai ly charge 68.00 25BrentalPeriod weekly woekly charge 190.00 CUSTOMER DATA CHECK 1 O Type here to search | Codio-Projeci X Find on page No results Optiom v Enter test to search rental car-cu rentalCode #rentalperiod Collapse 30 Collect Customer Data Part 1 print (rentalCode) print (rentalPeriod) 30 rentalcode . inut("(B)udget, (Daily, or (W)eekly rental ?w) aCalculation Part budgetCharge 48.88 dailyCharge69.00 weeklycharge 198.88 2 Request number of days or weeks the car was rented Proept: "Nuaber of Days Rented:n" OR Set the base charge for the rental type as the variable baseCha Prompt: "Number of Weeks Rented:n" entat cehe hentat perfod the speroeriate rates Variable: rentalPeriod? Hint This input code is similar to the code in the previous step daily or weekly rental then set the user input equal to .f rentalCode 8* baseCharge rentalPeriod-budget Charge elif rentalCodezz'D' baseChargecrentalPeriod-dailyCharge print (baseCharge) but use a cond tional statement to test if the rentalPeriod is a elsei baseChargecrentalPeriod weektlyCharge 3 Test your code 14 A k He eO proiect-1-draft-ental-car-biling5c1711 Find on page Eeter tedt to search No neultsOptions C Codo Project Ede Fed ew Toos Educa.on Goode" budgetcharge 48.88 dailyCharge 68.8 weeklyCharge 198.88 Collapse Cellapse eSet the base charge for the rental type as the variable bahar Collect Customer Data Part 1 The base charge is the rental period the appropriate rate 45.if rentalCode'B' Customer Data Check 1A baseChargesrentalPerfod budgetcharge elif rentalCode0' baseChargecrenta Period dailyCharge print (baseCharge) AST RLUN n 05205980 24 Check 1 passed basechargecrentaLPeriod weeklyCharge The following data will be used as input in the second check rentalcode rentalPeriod1 Customer Data Check 1B Need I n Codio Find on page Enter text to searth no results Optons isport sys Collapse Section 11 Collect customer input Collect Customer Data Part 2 Add customer input 1 here , rentalCode : ? arentalCode-input (B)udget, (D)aily, or (M)eekly rental?)n) rentalCodesinput (B)udget, (o)aily, or (W)eekly rental?n) 1 Collect Mileage information Prompt the user to input the starting odometer reading (expect type int from the user) a rentalPeriod-int (input("Number of Days rented:In")) rentalPeriod int (input ('Number of days Rented: In)) rentalPeriod-int (input ("Number of weeks Rented: In")) 16 eLif (rentalCode'D') 12elif (rentalcode) Proept: "Starting Odoseter Reading:n Variable: odoStart? rCollect Custoner Data Part 2 b Prompt the user to input the ending odometer reading lexpect type int from the user) 4) Collect Hileage information ta) Prompt the user to input the starting odoneter reading and st Prompt: "Ending Odoneter Reading: n" ariable: odoEnd PromptStarting Odometer Reading:n c Test your code odoStart 1234 odoStartsint input ("Starting odometer Readingsin")) + A 0 page Eniter text to search No results Options Collect CustO odoStart-1234 odoStart-int(input("Starting Odoneter Reading:In)) odoEnd 2222 odoEnd int (input("Ending Odoneter Readinga )) totalMiles: odoEnd-odoStart Collect Customer Data-Part 2 #b) Prompt the user to input the ending odometer reading and stor Add code to PRINT odeStert and #Pronpt -->"Ending 0doneter Reading:" odoEnd variables as well as the totaMiles to check your work sc) Calculate total miles totaLMiles odoEnd-odostart Print odoStart, odoEnd and totalMiles The following data will be used as input in the test print("odoStart : " # Calculate Charges +str(odoStar t ) +"odoEnd 2 "+ Base charge :" + ! Calculate the nileage charge and store it as s the variable mileCharge: odoStart 1234 odoend 2222 a) Code B (budget) mileage charge: 58.25 for each mile driven if rent atCode:#0-1 mileCharge: totalMiles9.2S rentalPeriod Customer Data Check 2 lype here t 4 A Need in SKY/guides/2 Firdd on page Enter test to search No resuts Options C Codio ProjectFle Edi ind Tools EducaonHepfun CurrentGooale #a) Code B' (budget) ni leage charge: S0.25 for each mile driven if rentalCode:.8 Collepe mi leCharges totalMiles .25 rentalPeriod elif rentalCode:-': 48. averageDayMiles-float(totalMiles)/rentalPeriod if averageDayMilesc 100 Collect Customer Data Part 2 extraMiles 8 else: Customer Data Check 2 extraMiles-float (averageDayHiles-188) nileCharge-float (extraMiles 8.25 rentalPeriod In your py file, add code to print out the two new variables you have collected input for elset averageweeklyMiles-float(totalMiles)/rentalPeriod if averageweeklytiles9ee: odoEnd totalMales eLset extraMiles-float(totalMiles-998) nileCharge-float (extraMiles 188+ rentalPeriod) print("Starting Odoneter+str(odoStart)) pr int ("Ending Odometertstr(odoEnd)) print ("totalMiles:str(totalMiles)) b) Code D (daily) aileage charge no charge if the average LASTR number of miles driven per day is 100 miles or less Calculate the averageday"les (totalMiles/rentalperiod) Check 1 failed Outiput: , If averageDayMiles S above the 100 "ile per day udget, (ojally, or No resuts verageMeeklytiles float (totalMiles)/rentalPeriod if averageWeeklyHiles estraMiles Collect Customer Data- Part 2 extrailes float (tota Niles-990) ilechar genfloat(extraMiles 189 rentaLPerlod) print("Starting Odometerstr (odaStart)) print (Ending Odometerstr (odotnd) ) print(totae Check 1 failed str(totalMites)) Code (daily) wiLeage charges no charge if the average moter of "nes driven per day S 100 miles or less; stating Odonete Ending Odoneter Read traceback (et rece ) If sverageayies s above the 10 mite per day xpected ind on page Enter test to search budgetCharge 40.9 dailyCharge 68.9 4weeklyCharge 198.88 eSet the base charge for the rental type as the variable basecha Calculate Charges- Part 1 1 Calculate the base charge 4The base charge is the rental period the appropriate rates if rentalCodea8 46 47-elsf rentalCode'D baseCharge rentalPeriod-budgetCharge a Set the base charge for the rental type equal to the baseCharcecrentalPeriod-dailyCharge print (baseCharge) variable baseCharge The base charge is the rental period the appropriate rate: For example else: baseChargecrentalPer fod-weeklyCharge if rentalcode'8 baseCharge rentalPeriod budehar Finish the conditional statement by adding the conditions for other rental codes Test your code b Get l Need In Codio /project-1-draft rental on page Enter tet to seardh No resultsOptions v Codio Project Fle Ed nd View Tools Education Hap un CuentGooe Calculste Ch budgetCharge 48.8 dailyCharge 68.88 weeklyCharge 198.88 Collapee Set the base charge for the rental type as the variable baseChaCalculate Charges-Part The base charge is the rental period the appropriate rate: if 5. rentalcode", B': baseChargecrentalPeriod budgetCharge elif rental CodeD Add code to PRINT the baseCharge to check your work baseChargeirentalPeriod dailyCharge print (baseCharge) 50else: baseChargesrentalPerfod weeklyCharge The following data will be used as input in the test 54 rentalCodeD rentalPersod Calculate Charges 1 Add code to print the value of A https/ 1 dra,re tal arbilpc17' 1chttatDA57dad229xngonsoogides 2 Find on page Enter teat to search o results >Options Ccodo proiect Fie Edt Find 'view Toos 6ducacon me#RunCurrentw Google Confaure Calculate Ch 39 budgetCharge 48.88 dailyCharge 68-88 Collapse 41 weklyCharge 198.80 Calculate Charges - Part 1 3 Set the base charge for the rental type as the variable baseCha 44 The base charge is the rental period . the appropriate rate: 45-if rentalCodess'8 baseChargecrentalPerfod+budget Charge elif rentalCode * Calculate Charges 1 baseChargesrentalPeriod daiLyCharge print(baseCharge) Add code to print the value of baseCharge variable 58 @lse: baseChar gesrentalPeriod weeklyCharge LAST RUN 10209 104M Check 1 failed Output: 0)udget, (Ojaily, or umber of days Rented x harge nd on page Enter test to search No results Optionv C coso Project e Edt Fnd Ve Toos EducaconH nileCharge- float(extrakiles-9.25*rentalPeriod) 5.else averageweeklyMiles float(totalMiles)/rentalPeriod if aver ageweekly. les(a900: Calculating Charges- Part 2 extraMiles 59. i leCharge -totaMites x 0.25 extraMiles-float(totalMiles-980) miteCharge float(extrakiles 188- rentalPeriod) print("Starting Odometer +str(odoStart)) print( Ending Odometertr (odoEnd)) print("totalMiLes:str(totalMtes)) c Code 0 (daily) mileage charge no charge if the average number of miles driven per day is 100 miles or less 6s ab) Code "D' (daily) ileage charge: no charge if the average i Calculate the averageDayftiles nuder of miles driven per day is 100 mites or less; totalmiles/rentalPeriod i) Calculate the averageDay-iles (totalMiles/rentaperiod) 55) 1f averageDayiles is above the 198 wile day a If averagedaytaes is 100 or less. per extratiles If averageDayttites is above the 100 mile per day imit, calculate extrati les averageoaytiles 100 (1)calculate extraites (averageDayMiles -100) (2)milecharge is the charge for extratiles, .25 for each mile c) Code 'w' (weekly) iileage charge: no charge if the s average number of miles driven per week i b Calculate the cost of the extra miles xtraies x$0.2

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