can someone help me finish by adding a main menu and splitting the codes into 3 screen which is 1.main menu ,2.ordering pizza ,and receipt
can someone help me finish by adding a main menu and splitting the codes into 3 screen which is 1.main menu ,2.ordering pizza ,and receipt
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.Scanner; import javax.swing.*;
public class showMenu extends JFrame implements ActionListener, KeyListener {
double smallPizzaPrice = 6.50, mediumPizzaPrice = 8.50, largePizzaPrice = 12.50, elargePizzaPrice = 16.00; double vegtop1 = 0.25, vegtop2 = 0.25, vegtop3 = 0.25, vegtop4 = 0.25, vegtop5 = 0.25, vegtop6 = 0.25, vegtop7 = 0.25, vegtop8 = 0.25, vegtop9 = 0.25; double dritop1 = 1, dritop2 = 1, dritop3 = 1, dritop4 = 1, dritop5 = 1, dritop6 = 1, dritop7 = 1, dritop8 = 1, dritop9 = 1; double meattop1 = 0.50, meattop2 = 0.50, meattop3 = 0.50, meattop4 = 0.50, meattop5 = 0.50, meattop6 = 0.50, meattop7 = 0.50, meattop8 = 0.50, meattop9 = 0.50; double lalala; JFrame frame; JLabel lab1, lab2, lab3, lab4, lab5, vegtopLabel, meattopLabel, lab6, lab7, DrinkLabel; Button button, button2; JTextField text1, text2, text3, text4; ButtonGroup group; JRadioButton small, medium, large, elarge; JCheckBox chk1, chk2, chk3, chk4, chk5, chk6, chk7, chk8, chk9, chk10, chk11, chk12, chk13, chk14, chk15, chk16, chk17, chk18, chk19, chk20 , chk21, chk22, chk23, chk24, chk25;
public showMenu() { getContentPane().setLayout(null); frame = new JFrame("Mitch's Pizza Place"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setBackground(; lab1 = new JLabel("Name: "); lab2 = new JLabel("Address: "); lab3 = new JLabel("Contact No: "); lab4 = new JLabel("Quantity: "); lab5 = new JLabel("Select the size of the pizza(s):"); lab5.setForeground(new Color(0, 0, 205)); lab5.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 14));
vegtopLabel = new JLabel("Select Veg Toppings : "); vegtopLabel.setForeground(new Color(0, 0, 205)); vegtopLabel.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 14));
DrinkLabel = new JLabel("Select Drink(s): "); DrinkLabel.setForeground(new Color(0, 0, 205)); DrinkLabel.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 14));
meattopLabel = new JLabel("Select Meat Toppings : "); meattopLabel.setForeground(new Color(0, 0, 205)); meattopLabel.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 14));
lab6 = new JLabel("Total price(with tax): "); lab6.setForeground(new Color(200, 0, 0)); lab6.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 14));
lab7 = new JLabel("$0.00"); lab7.setForeground(new Color(235, 0, 0));
text1 = new JTextField(20); text2 = new JTextField(20); text3 = new JTextField(20); text4 = new JTextField(20); text4.setText("0");
small = new JRadioButton("Small", true); medium = new JRadioButton("Medium", false); large = new JRadioButton("Large", false); elarge = new JRadioButton("Extra Large", false); group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(small); group.add(medium); group.add(large); group.add(elarge);
chk1 = new JCheckBox("Baby Portabella Mushrooms", false); chk2 = new JCheckBox("Fresh-Sliced Roma Tomatoes", false); chk3 = new JCheckBox("Black Olives", false); chk4 = new JCheckBox("Sweet Pineapple", false); chk5 = new JCheckBox("Carrots", false); chk6 = new JCheckBox("Jalapeo Peppers", false); chk7 = new JCheckBox("Extra Cheese", true); chk8 = new JCheckBox("Fresh-Sliced Onions", false); chk9 = new JCheckBox("Fresh-Sliced Green Peppers ", false);
chk10 = new JCheckBox("Pepperoni", false); chk11 = new JCheckBox("Sausage", false); chk12 = new JCheckBox("Spicy Italian Sausage", false); chk13 = new JCheckBox("Ham", false); chk14 = new JCheckBox("Beef", false); chk15 = new JCheckBox("Salami", false); chk16 = new JCheckBox("Bacon", false);
chk17 = new JCheckBox("Dr. Pepper", false); chk18 = new JCheckBox("Mountain Dew", false); chk19 = new JCheckBox("Crush Cream Soda", false); chk20 = new JCheckBox("Crush Grape Pop", false); chk21 = new JCheckBox("Pepsi", false); chk22 = new JCheckBox("Coke a Cola", false); chk23 = new JCheckBox("Gingerale", true); chk24 = new JCheckBox("7-Up", false); chk25 = new JCheckBox("Water ", false); button2 = new Button("Receipt"); button = new Button("Order Now"); small.addActionListener(this); medium.addActionListener(this); large.addActionListener(this); elarge.addActionListener(this);
chk1.addActionListener(this); chk2.addActionListener(this); chk3.addActionListener(this); chk4.addActionListener(this); chk5.addActionListener(this); chk6.addActionListener(this); chk7.addActionListener(this); chk8.addActionListener(this); chk9.addActionListener(this);
chk10.addActionListener(this); chk11.addActionListener(this); chk12.addActionListener(this); chk13.addActionListener(this); chk14.addActionListener(this); chk15.addActionListener(this); chk16.addActionListener(this); chk17.addActionListener(this); chk18.addActionListener(this); chk19.addActionListener(this); chk20.addActionListener(this); chk21.addActionListener(this); chk22.addActionListener(this); chk23.addActionListener(this); chk24.addActionListener(this); chk25.addActionListener(this);
text4.addKeyListener(this); button.addActionListener(this); button2.addActionListener(this); lab1.setBounds(50, 50, 200, 20); lab2.setBounds(50, 80, 200, 20); lab3.setBounds(50, 110, 200, 20); lab4.setBounds(50, 140, 200, 20);
text1.setBounds(200, 50, 200, 20); text2.setBounds(200, 80, 200, 20); text3.setBounds(200, 110, 200, 20); text4.setBounds(200, 140, 200, 20);
lab5.setBounds(50, 170, 500, 20); small.setBounds(300, 170, 100, 20); medium.setBounds(400, 170, 100, 20); large.setBounds(500, 170, 100, 20); elarge.setBounds(600, 170, 100, 20);
vegtopLabel.setBounds(50, 200, 300, 20); chk1.setBounds(50, 230, 300, 20); chk2.setBounds(50, 260, 300, 20); chk3.setBounds(50, 290, 300, 20); chk4.setBounds(50, 320, 300, 20); chk5.setBounds(50, 350, 300, 20); chk6.setBounds(50, 380, 300, 20); chk7.setBounds(50, 410, 300, 20); chk8.setBounds(50, 440, 300, 20); chk9.setBounds(50, 470, 300, 20); meattopLabel.setBounds(500, 200, 300, 20); chk10.setBounds(500, 230, 300, 20); chk11.setBounds(500, 260, 300, 20); chk12.setBounds(500, 290, 300, 20); chk13.setBounds(500, 320, 300, 20); chk14.setBounds(500, 350, 300, 20); chk15.setBounds(500, 380, 300, 20); chk16.setBounds(500, 410, 300, 20); lab6.setBounds(50, 550, 500, 40); lab7.setBounds(200, 550, 500, 40); DrinkLabel.setBounds(800, 200, 300, 20); chk17.setBounds(500, 440, 300, 20); chk18.setBounds(500, 470, 300, 20); chk19.setBounds(800, 230, 300, 20); chk20.setBounds(800, 260, 300, 20); chk21.setBounds(800, 290, 300, 20); chk22.setBounds(800, 320, 300, 20); chk23.setBounds(800, 350, 300, 20); chk24.setBounds(800, 380, 300, 20); chk25.setBounds(800, 410, 300, 20); button.setBounds(50, 600, 100, 20); button2.setBounds(300, 600, 100, 20); add(lab1); add(lab2); add(lab3); add(lab4); add(text1); add(text2); add(text3); add(text4); add(lab5); add(small); add(medium); add(large); add(elarge); add(vegtopLabel); add(chk1); add(chk2); add(chk3); add(chk4); add(chk5); add(chk6); add(chk7); add(chk8); add(chk9); add(meattopLabel); add(chk10); add(chk11); add(chk12); add(chk13); add(chk14); add(chk15); add(chk16); add(lab6); add(lab7); add(DrinkLabel); add(chk17); add(chk18); add(chk19); add(chk20); add(chk21); add(chk22); add(chk23); add(chk24); add(chk25); add(button); add(button2); text4.selectAll(); setVisible(true); setSize(1000, 700);
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { }
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { }
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
try { Integer.parseInt(text4.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException fe) { text4.setText("0"); }
refreshPrice(); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == button) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Thank you, "+text1.getText() + " We will Find you and deliver that pizza(s). ", "Orders Confirmed", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } if (e.getSource() == button2) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Your Total is: " , "**Receipt**", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);} refreshPrice();
private void refreshPrice() { double price = 0; int pizzaAmount = Integer.parseInt(text4.getText());
NumberFormat numberForm = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); DecimalFormat moneyForm = (DecimalFormat) numberForm; moneyForm.applyPattern("0.00");
if (small.isSelected()) { price += smallPizzaPrice * pizzaAmount; } if (medium.isSelected()) { price += mediumPizzaPrice * pizzaAmount; } if (large.isSelected()) { price += largePizzaPrice * pizzaAmount; } if (elarge.isSelected()) { price += elargePizzaPrice * pizzaAmount; } if (chk1.isSelected()) { price += vegtop1 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk2.isSelected()) { price += vegtop2 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk3.isSelected()) { price += vegtop3 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk4.isSelected()) { price += vegtop4 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk5.isSelected()) { price += vegtop5 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk6.isSelected()) { price += vegtop6 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk7.isSelected()) { price += vegtop7 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk8.isSelected()) { price += vegtop8 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk9.isSelected()) { price += vegtop9 * pizzaAmount; }
if (chk10.isSelected()) { price += meattop1 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk11.isSelected()) { price += meattop2 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk12.isSelected()) { price += meattop3 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk13.isSelected()) { price += meattop4 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk14.isSelected()) { price += meattop5 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk15.isSelected()) { price += meattop6 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk16.isSelected()) { price += meattop7 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk17.isSelected()) { price += dritop1 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk18.isSelected()) { price += dritop2 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk19.isSelected()) { price += dritop3 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk20.isSelected()) { price += dritop4 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk21.isSelected()) { price += dritop5 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk22.isSelected()) { price += dritop6 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk23.isSelected()) { price += dritop7 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk24.isSelected()) { price += dritop8 * pizzaAmount; } if (chk25.isSelected()) { price += dritop9 * pizzaAmount; } double value = price * 0.0775; double totalPrice = value + price;
lab7.setText("$" + moneyForm.format(totalPrice));
} public static void main(String[] args) { showMenu order = new showMenu(); Scanner kbinput = new Scanner(;
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