Can you guys solve this for me please? Kinda urget since i got like 3 hours to submit
As at 31 December Assets Cash and balances at central banks Cash collateral and settlement balances 125,940 136359 Loans and advances at amortised cost 79.486 74.352 Reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending 18 141,636 136959 Trading portfolio assets 1.731 1513 Financial assets at fair value through the income statement LEE'ELI 10-4,038 Derivative financial Instruments 129.470 145.250 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 229.641 222.583 Investments in associates and joint ventures 45,406 Goodwill and Intangible assets 295 762 Property, plant and equipment 21 1.212 327 Current tax assets 1.631 347 Deferred tax assets 898 1.713 Retirement benefit assets 2.460 2970 2.108 1.768 Other assets 1,421 1.965 Total assets 876.672 477.700 Liabilities Deposits at amortised cost 18 213,881 199,347 Cash collateral and settlement balances 67,68 67.736 Repurchase agreements and other similar secured borrowing 2,032 7,378 Debt securities In issue 33,536 39,063 Subordinated liabilities 33.425 35377 Trading portfolio liabilities 35,212 36.614 Financial liabilities designated at fair value 204.446 217,741 Derivative financial Instruments 228,940 219.592 Current tax liabilities 320 621 Deferred tax llabilities 80 Retirement benefit liabilities 313 263 Other liabilities 5.239 5.170 Provisions 951 1.127 Total liabilities 826,057 429,989 Equity Called up share capital and share premium 2.348 2.348 Other equity instruments 8,323 7595 Other reserves 3,235 3.361 34,40 Retained earnings 36,709 Total equity excluding non-controlling interests 50,615 47.709 Non-controlling interests 29 50.615 47.711 Total equity 877,700 Total liabilities and equity 876,672 Table 1: A table shows the percentage of the balance sheet's components towards the total assets (") on 31 December 2018 (Statistics by Barclays annual report 2019 - Appendix 1.1; 1.2) 31/12/2019 (S'000) ASSETS % of Assets Cash and Reserves Securities (Safe) Loans Other assets Total Assets LIABILITIES Deposits: Savings & Current Accounts Money Market Borrowings Capital (Equity) Total Liabilities and Equity