can you help with task 4?
LAB EXERCISES Filter out pure tones with minimum impact on the frequencies of a musical signal. 1) First, download from the course website the music file "RainFireNoise" to an active MATLAB folder and play the *. wav file: [SigN st]-andioread('Type the directory of the folder:MusicTone wav'): sound (SigN, st ) Can you hear the pure-tone noises? How many tones do you hear? 2) Plot the corrupted musical waveform in the time domain. 3) Use the Matlab spectrogram function to find the frequencies of the pure-tone noises. You can find in the introduction section of this lab an example using the spectrogram function. From the spectrogram determine the start and end times for each noise. Verify your finding with the lab instructor. 4) Use the pole-zero placements in the s-plane technique to design a filter to climinate as much as possible of the pure-tone noises without deteriorating the music quality. Make sure to write the mathematical expression of H(s) in the lab report. 5) Plot the frequency magnitude H() and the phase of the designed filter. 6) Test your design by simulating the filter in Matlab using the tf and Isim functions to filter out the noise. Play and plot the cleaned-up music signal. Call your instructor to verify the quality of the cleaned music. Attendant Signature: 7) Use the spectrogram function in MATLAB to plot the spectrogram of the cleaned-up music signal. Can you tell from the spectrogram if the strength of the noise is eliminated or reduced? 8) Did your designed filter eliminate all the pure noisy tones? If not, identify the problem and provide a solution for a better design. 9) Build the physical circuit of the filter you designed to remove the two frequencies of the noise. Remember if your system is 4th order then you can redesign it to be two subsystems connected in series (cascaded) where each subsystem is a 2nd order. The first subsystem eliminates the lower frequency pure-tone noise and the second subsystem eliminates the higher frequency pure-tone noise. Test your circuit by applying inputs of sinusoidal signals to your filter from the function generators. Use the frequencies shown in the table below for the sinusoidal inputs. Display the sinusoidal inputs and outputs in the oscilloscope. Fill the table below. LAB EXERCISES Filter out pure tones with minimum impact on the frequencies of a musical signal. 1) First, download from the course website the music file "RainFireNoise" to an active MATLAB folder and play the *. wav file: [SigN st]-andioread('Type the directory of the folder:MusicTone wav'): sound (SigN, st ) Can you hear the pure-tone noises? How many tones do you hear? 2) Plot the corrupted musical waveform in the time domain. 3) Use the Matlab spectrogram function to find the frequencies of the pure-tone noises. You can find in the introduction section of this lab an example using the spectrogram function. From the spectrogram determine the start and end times for each noise. Verify your finding with the lab instructor. 4) Use the pole-zero placements in the s-plane technique to design a filter to climinate as much as possible of the pure-tone noises without deteriorating the music quality. Make sure to write the mathematical expression of H(s) in the lab report. 5) Plot the frequency magnitude H() and the phase of the designed filter. 6) Test your design by simulating the filter in Matlab using the tf and Isim functions to filter out the noise. Play and plot the cleaned-up music signal. Call your instructor to verify the quality of the cleaned music. Attendant Signature: 7) Use the spectrogram function in MATLAB to plot the spectrogram of the cleaned-up music signal. Can you tell from the spectrogram if the strength of the noise is eliminated or reduced? 8) Did your designed filter eliminate all the pure noisy tones? If not, identify the problem and provide a solution for a better design. 9) Build the physical circuit of the filter you designed to remove the two frequencies of the noise. Remember if your system is 4th order then you can redesign it to be two subsystems connected in series (cascaded) where each subsystem is a 2nd order. The first subsystem eliminates the lower frequency pure-tone noise and the second subsystem eliminates the higher frequency pure-tone noise. Test your circuit by applying inputs of sinusoidal signals to your filter from the function generators. Use the frequencies shown in the table below for the sinusoidal inputs. Display the sinusoidal inputs and outputs in the oscilloscope. Fill the table below