CASE 4 ZVNGA IS THE GAME OVERT" Don Matrick Ieft the poution and Pincus feturned at C.O for the becond time Juit ay year later in March zolb. CEO Frank Gibeas, another 20 .2 eat employes of ElecZues's lack of corsentent leaderahip had been critical to have fed to progress. Throughout the rowofving door of CEO replacements. Zyneta had not developed a vabuthe. been falling over the part years mocompinied by consatent net lowser: The company eventually made a comeback under Gebeat bieaderatip with strong acquistions. In less than tho years, Zynga acguifod Peak Games' casual cant pame maker of Empires and Purzles, for 5$60 million. Thous Anpen in revenue rose by 5 percent to 56i0 matifuating the end of 2018, it still posted a net loni of S15 million for the pear free Exhithits't and 21. fn 2018, their top three online game revonuegenerating games were Zyitga Poker, CSR. Racing 2 and Hith it Rich' Slote In another attempt at innovation, Zynga launched Wontit's Wort of Candy in 2015 , Aher years of strugeling to introduce new hit games and talling to combat the declins of formerty btoctbuter properiles tile farmVilie, the com pany hur been locusing on getint the most out of evergeren Racing 2 by kecpine them allee with opdares. The fioht to buid new games that carch the audiences' attention titht ment with Disney to develop a oer Froe-To-Play mobile Star Wars TY game tirings an cuisting fandem as their walience. zyiga's background Zunes collection of parnes coer becane of atiat nome cocilated man, were displeased with the coeponch aro able yrowth hes not bece drised ty hodel is to copy creative ideas and pact pither game developer and thee went its yoes continsed to arike for Zyrea th poryen could start lookins more hite a poods. 1- fis A)nge received $12 million related to the derivative intigation case for inslder trat roctors of the coline pumins corrinz. The Products We hive all been there and looked for a a ever, fes of ws bave the opportuatiy to tre? belore being pulled back to cur desk? C14 CASE 4 - TWNGA is The GAMF oven