CASE: Hosting the Annual Project Management Institute Symposium From: Project Management: A Managerial Approach, Chapter 8, p. 325 Read the Case Study thoroughly and answer the questions below. Create a separate document with your answers to the case study questions and submit by 11/20/22 11:59 pm 1. Elaborate on the uniqueness of this WBS. 2. Based on the Gantt chart, when did the symposium actually occur? 3. Why are there activities scheduled after the symposium? When is the project finally done? 4. What is the total project length? What does this imply about PMi's planning for their annual symposia? Project Management in Practice Hosting the Annuat Project Management institute Symposium Plansing and implementing a national conference for a society that will draw about 1000 attendees is a major project. The taks iavolved in bosting micb an erent are Ritsburgh was selected as bost city/chapter for the 1992 Project Management Institute's ansual September semiar//symponlum. The objectives for the event were three: (t) to deliver a high-quality, value-added program that would be useful and last for yrans to come, (2) to offer a social and guest program that would reflect iell on the host city, and (3) to meet striet financial criteria. The first lask after selecting the eity and hotel facilities was to pet together the profect team and thairpenson. This ischased masagers in charge of each of the tracks, the social peogram, the loeal amangements, and all the other details. The project team was oeganized wisg a functional appronch. Fittobungh PMrt Chapter officers had most of the primary responsibitities, with members from nine other chapeers assisting in other dubies Nest was the development of the WBS, shown in Egure A, and the Gastt chart of activity schedales, shown in Elaze 13 . As seen in the Gantt chart, scheduling alf the program offered 22 workshops composed of 70 technical pupers, special panel discussions, and case studies. The techinical tracks ind ided engineering and construction, examinations, learning about Taguchi concepts of statistical quality control, and future practice in peofect management. All of these also required careful achedalink Work Breakdown Structure and Tasks s/s Project Management Reeruit Project Team Establish Organinational Frocedures Ratablisti cro support Levels and Siufget tssue Reports to VP-Tech and thoard of Directors Develop s/s Coals and objectiver Assemble and tswe bost-s/s leport Technieal Program Devilop 5/5 Thene Strategice Tracks and sios Recruit Techical 1rowam Team Technical Program Develop S/S Theme Strategize Tracks and SIGs Recruit Technical Program Team Develop Selection Process Procedures Interface with Education Committee on Workshops Plan and Issue Call for Papers/Panel Discussion Recruit Invited Papers/Panel Discussions Recruit Moderators Develop and Issue Master Schedule for Presentations Select Printer Plan and Issue Abstract Books and Proceedings Organize Awards for Speakers' Breakfasts Identify Audio/Visual Reqtirements Develop and Issue Post-S/S Technical Report Social Guest Program Establish Objectives Identify Available Activities Analyze Cost-Benefit. Identify Recommendations Complete Contracts Recruit Staff Speakers Identify Candidates and Related Benefits and Costs Make Recommendations and Obtain Approval Speakers Identify Candidates and Related Benefits and Costs Make Recommendations and Obtain Approval Complete Contracts Maintain Periodic Contact Host Speakers Publicity/Promotion Theme Establishmsent and Approval L.ogo Development and Approval Video Production Promotional Materials Identification and Approval Advertising: PMI, Public and Trade Media Releases Regional Newsletter Articks Finance Initiate Code of Accountx Develop Procedures of Financial Operation Develop Independent Asditing Procedure Initiate Separate Banking Account Develop Cash Flow Estimates/Projections Develop and Issue Standard Reports Interact with CAO on Account Reconciliation Develop and Issue Post-S/S Financial Report Corporate Sponsorship Retabilish Particination Philloemeny EIGURE. A The Work Breakdown Structure. The vendor program included exhibits by dozens of vesdors and a large number of showease sersions for is depth demonstrations of their wares. The social peogram included a golf tournament, numerous social activities to meet with eolleagues, tours of Pittaburgh's attnetions, and a wide varivey of entertainment osportunitses ruvusts is Gantt chart. All in all, a conference such as PMI's is as difficult a project as many fin ms face in their competitive markets. Questions 1. Flaborate on the uniqueness of this WBS. 2. Based on the Gantt chart, when did the symposium actually oceur? 3. Why are there activities scheduled after the symposium? When is the project finally done? 4. What is the total project length? What does this imply about PMI's planning for their annual symposia