Case Study Questions mition ONF docunesi fo Cersax. Tewin Henber keunwe: sentenat. Case Study: Management of Financial Resources tak 9is-4-13-21254t 4 2003 153-tS4 Case Nastative aficulies. Upoericvel managenesit eoticed that the not peotr af the foodserice pocratia had arooped feom cearly $40,000 in the first quarter to lew than 515.000 in the fouth quartef in acie of tire ufec leff: Aa ieft analyapd the probt ass fois statement it becaime clear that the item that wat ripen the tactrit meals. Controlatle expentet that locluse saldriet and wages, enpiope berefits, dreat eperating eepeseth eneigr and uthty servicent, wfministrative and feneral expenses, and fopsin and mantenance had increate: wey to avoid losuth. The conpany provided the spate for the foofsence rent fiee and to ry beleved that. Guarter could show a iow in net inceme. tivergreen Computercompsy is the headeusters, the faye manufacturier location and the Warehouse for a cemputer fran that prusuces both peraseur computets and sof ware as tusport tuireti verietr of wess. The moble carts zarry a cach drawer to accept pupesen for grodots sid enong tuventory is sudt-actedi in provide the cost ef food a aed durinethe time perisd. and enetee in oomertatias \$34,00 Cave study- Manakentint of Wrantal Reshurced Case Study Questions mition ONF docunesi fo Cersax. Tewin Henber keunwe: sentenat. Case Study: Management of Financial Resources tak 9is-4-13-21254t 4 2003 153-tS4 Case Nastative aficulies. Upoericvel managenesit eoticed that the not peotr af the foodserice pocratia had arooped feom cearly $40,000 in the first quarter to lew than 515.000 in the fouth quartef in acie of tire ufec leff: Aa ieft analyapd the probt ass fois statement it becaime clear that the item that wat ripen the tactrit meals. Controlatle expentet that locluse saldriet and wages, enpiope berefits, dreat eperating eepeseth eneigr and uthty servicent, wfministrative and feneral expenses, and fopsin and mantenance had increate: wey to avoid losuth. The conpany provided the spate for the foofsence rent fiee and to ry beleved that. Guarter could show a iow in net inceme. tivergreen Computercompsy is the headeusters, the faye manufacturier location and the Warehouse for a cemputer fran that prusuces both peraseur computets and sof ware as tusport tuireti verietr of wess. The moble carts zarry a cach drawer to accept pupesen for grodots sid enong tuventory is sudt-actedi in provide the cost ef food a aed durinethe time perisd. and enetee in oomertatias \$34,00 Cave study- Manakentint of Wrantal Reshurced