Celeb Productions performs London shows. The everage show aels 1,100 tickets at $70 per tcket. There are 150 thows per ywar. No addifional shows can be held as the theater is also used by other production oampanies. The average show has a cast of 45 , each earning a net average of $310 per show. The cast is paid aber euch show. The other variakie cost is a program-printing cost of $13 per guest. Annual fred costs total $487,500 Fedd the requisinents Requirement 1. Compute revenue and variable costs for each show. Select the formula and entor the amounts to compute sales revenue for each show. Select the formula and enter the amoums to compute variable cosis for each show. Compute the varisbin cosas per show for nach cost separathiy, and then compoufe the tatal varable costs por shere Requirement 2. Use the equation approach to compute the rumber of thows Celeb Productions must perform each year to break even. First select the formula to compute the required sales in units to break even. Rearrange the tormula you determined above and compute the required number of thows to break even Celeb Productions performs London shows. The avorage show sels 1,100 tickets at $70 per ticiet. There are 150 shows per year No additional shows can be held as the theater is abo used by other production companies. The average show has a cast of 45 , each earning a net average of 5310 per show. The cast is paid atter each show. The ceter variable cost is a program-printing cost of $13 per guest Annual fred costs total $487,500. Read the requitemeots Rearrange the formula you detemined above and compute the required number of shows to beeak even. The number of shows neoded annualy to break even is Requirement 3. Use the contribution margin ratio approach to compute the number of shows needed each year to eam a protit of $5,780,000. (RRound contribution ratio to two decrnal places. is this profit goal roalistic? Give your reasoning. Begin by showing the formula and then entering the amounts to calculste the required sales dollars to earn a proft of 55.750,000 (Round the required sales in doliare to the nearest while doilar. Round amounts in the formula to two dodmal ploces, XXX. Abbreviation used CM= contribution margh. Now use the informasoh given and the required sales in iolas compused in the prevous step to detemine eve required numtior of shews netded each year to eam a prodi of 55 , 750,000 , ffound your answer up to the nowest whole number) The number of shows needed anvuaby to eam a profit of 55,760.000 is Is this profit goal realisco? Cive you reasoning The proft goal ol \$5,750,000 is since Celeb Prodictions currently perfoms 150 shows a year Requirement 4. Prepare Ceeb Productions' contribition marga income statement for 150 shows perforned in the year. Report onv mo categories of oiste varable and food. Celeb Productions performs London shows. The average show sells 1,100 tickets at $70 per ticket. There are 150 sho other production companies. The average show has a cast of 45 , each earning a net average of $310 per show. The $13 per guest. Annual fixed costs total $487,500. Read the requirements. Now use the information given and the required sales in dollars computed in the previous step to determine the required your answer up to the nearest whole number.) The number of shows needed annually to earn a profit of $5,750,000 is Is this profit goal realistic? Give your reasoning. The profit goal of $5,750,000 is since Celeb Productions currently performs 150 shows a year. Requirement 4. Prepare Celeb Productions' contribution margin income statement for 150 shows performed in the year. Re