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Change the sorting in the TEST class from bubbleSort to sort using compareTo and compare only without using buuleSort : import java.util.*; public class

Change the sorting in the TEST class from bubbleSort to sort using compareTo and compare only without using buuleSort :

import java.util.*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException { //test information on website Employee [] a1 = new Employee[9]; a1[0] = new Staff("Allen","Paita","123","M",1959,2,23,50); a1[1] = new Staff("Zapata","Steven","456","F",1964,7,12,35); a1[2] = new Staff("Rios","Enrique","789","M",1970,6,2,40); a1[3] = new Faculty("Johnson","Anne","243","F",1962,4,27,Level.FU,"Ph.D","Engineering",3); a1[4] = new Faculty("Bouris","William","791","F",1975,3,14,Level.AO,"Ph.D","English",1); a1[5] = new Faculty("Andrade","Christopher","623","F",1980,5,2,Level.AS,"MS","Physical Education",0); a1[6] = new Partime("Guzman","Augusto","455","F",1977,8,10,35,30); a1[7] = new Partime("Depirro","Martin","678","F",1987,9,15,30,15); a1[8] = new Partime("Aldaco","Marque","945","M",1988,24,11,20,35); System.out.println("A:"); System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------------------"); for(int i = 0; i<9;i++) { System.out.println(a1[i].toString()); } System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("B: Total Monthly Salary for Partime"); System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------------"); double partimeTotal=0; for(int i = 0; i<9;i++) { if(a1[i] instanceof Partime) { partimeTotal=partimeTotal + a1[i].monthlyEarning(); } } System.out.println("The total Monthly Salary for Partime is: $" + partimeTotal); System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("C: Total Monthly Salary for All Employees"); System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------------"); double total = 0; for(int i = 0; i<9;i++) { total = total + a1[i].monthlyEarning(); } System.out.println("The total monthly salary for all employees is: $" + total); System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("D: Sorted by ID Number "); System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(" " ); bubbleSort(a1); for(int i = 0; i<9;i++) { System.out.println(a1[i].toString()); } System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("E: Sorted by Last Name " ); System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------------------"); bubbleSortbyName(a1); for(int i = 0; i<9;i++) { System.out.println(a1[i].toString()); } System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("F: Cloning"); System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------------"); Faculty abc = new Faculty("Johnson","Anne","243","F",1962,4,27,Level.FU,"Ph.D","Engineering",3); Faculty xyz = (Faculty)abc.clone(); Education e = new Education("MS","Engineering",3); xyz.setE(e); System.out.println("Clone: "+xyz.toString()); System.out.println("Original: " + abc.toString()); System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------------"); } /** * bubble sort will call compareTo or Comparable to compare by ID number * @param a1 will be the array with all your Employees */ public static void bubbleSort(Employee[] a1) { boolean swapped = true; int j = 0; Employee tmp; while (swapped) { swapped = false; j++; for (int i = 0; i < a1.length - j; i++) { if (a1[i].compareTo( a1[i + 1])==1) { tmp = a1[i]; a1[i] = a1[i + 1]; a1[i + 1] = tmp; swapped = true; } } } } /** * Bubble Sort will sort by using compare or Comparer and will sort by Last Name * @param a1 will be the array with all your Employees */ public static void bubbleSortbyName(Employee[] a1) { boolean swapped = true; int j = 0; Employee tmp; while (swapped) { swapped = false; j++; for (int i = 0; i < a1.length - j; i++) { if (a1[i].compare(a1[i], a1[i + 1])>0) { tmp = a1[i]; a1[i] = a1[i + 1]; a1[i + 1] = tmp; swapped = true; } } } } }

import java.util.*; public abstract class Employee implements Cloneable,Comparator,Comparable { /** * @lastName last name of Employee */ String lastName; /** * @firstName first name */ String firstName; /** * @idNum ID number */ String idNum; /** * @sex sex(male or female) */ String sex; /** * @bDay will be object for date of birth of Employees */ Calendar bDay = new GregorianCalendar(); //constructor /** * this will be your constructor for class * @param last last name * @param first first name * @param id id number * @param s sex(male or female) * @param year year born in * @param month month born in * @param day day born on */ public Employee(String last,String first,String id,String s,int year, int month,int day) { lastName=last; firstName = first; idNum = id; sex = s; bDay.set(Calendar.YEAR,year); bDay.set(Calendar.MONTH,month); bDay.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH,day); } //methods //comparable /** * @Override * This will be your comparable and will no compare by object ID Number */ public int compareTo(Object obj)//ID { Employee e = (Employee)obj; int e2 = Integer.parseInt(e.getIDNum()); int e1 = Integer.parseInt(this.idNum); if(e1

import java.util.*; public class Staff extends Employee { /** * @hourlyRate this will be hourly rate for Employee */ int hourlyRate; /** * This is your constructor to initialize the following * @param last last name * @param first first name * @param id ID number * @param s sex(male or female) * @param year Year born in * @param month month born in * @param day day born in * @param hr hourly rate */ public Staff(String last,String first,String id,String s,int year,int month,int day,int hr) { super(last,first,id,s,year,month,day ); hourlyRate=hr; } /** * gets the Hourly Rate of Employee * @return Hourly rate */ public int getHourlyRate() { return hourlyRate; } /** * Changes the Hourly Rate of Employee * @param change new Hourly Rate */ public void setHourlyRate(int change) { hourlyRate=change; } /** * Monthly Earning calculates the Employee's monthly earning */ public double monthlyEarning() { double monthlySalary=hourlyRate*EmployeeInfo.staff_monthly_hours_worked; return monthlySalary; } /** * Displays attributes of class and abstract class Employee */ public String toString() { return super.toString() + "Full Time "+"Monthly Salary: " + monthlyEarning() + " "; } }

public class Partime extends Staff { /** * @hoursWorkedPerWeek this will be the amount of hours the employee works each week */ int hoursWorkedPerWeek; /** * This will be your constructor for Partime. * @param last This will be their last name * @param first This will be their first name * @param id this will be id number * @param s sex(male or female) * @param year year they were born in * @param month month they were born in * @param day day they were born in * @param hourRate how much they earn each hour * @param hpw how much they worked each week */ public Partime(String last,String first,String id,String s,int year,int month,int day,int hourRate,int hpw) { super(last, first, id, s,year,month,day, hourRate); hoursWorkedPerWeek = hpw; } /** * This will give the integer value of how many hours the Employee worked that week * @return integer value of hours worked that week */ public int getHoursWorkedPerWeek() { return hoursWorkedPerWeek; } /** * This will change the integer value of hours the employee works in a week * @param change the new amount of hours per week */ public void settHoursWorkedPerWeek(int change) { hoursWorkedPerWeek = change; } /** * Monthly Earning will calculate how much the employee earns each month */ public double monthlyEarning() { return hoursWorkedPerWeek *super.hourlyRate* 4; } /** * Displays last name, first name, ID number, sex(male or female), Birthday, hour per week, and monthly salary for that Employee */ public String toString() { return super.toString() + " " + "Hours worked per Week: " + hoursWorkedPerWeek + " " + "Monthly Salary: " + monthlyEarning() + " "; } }

public class Education implements Cloneable { /** * @degree This is the degree they received from college */ String degree; /** * @major This is what they majored in college */ String major; /** * @research How many research projects they have done */ int research; /** * constructor for Education initializes degree,major,and research * @param d Degree * @param m Major * @param r Research */ public Education(String d, String m, int r) { degree = d; major = m; research = r; } /** * Gets the Degree the Employee received * @return Degree(Bachelors,PH.D etc) */ public String getDegree() { return degree; } /** * Gets Major of Employee * @return Major(Computer Science,Biology, English, etc) */ public String getMajor() { return major; } /** * Gets the number of Research Projects the person has done * @return Number of Research Projects (1,2,3, etc) */ public int getReserch() { return research; } /** * Changes and Employee's Degree * @param change Degree you want to replace the current one with */ public void setDegree(String change) { degree=change; } /** * Changes the Major of an Employee * @param change Major you want to replace the current one with */ public void setMajor(String change) { major = change; } /** * Changes the number of Research Projects * * @param change number you want to replace the current one with */ public void setResearch(int change) { research = change; } /** * clone is here to just clone b. Also if equals doesn't work then use this one instead of the one in Faculty * */ public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { Education b = (Education) super.clone(); /* b.setMajor(major); b.setDegree(degree); b.setResearch(research); */ //if equals doesnt work out comment return b; } /** * @Override * Changes the equal fucntion to compare Employee's degree, major, and research. This to make sure clone() has worked and cloned two objects * succesfully. * @param o1 Object to compare with implicit. */ public boolean equals(Object o1) { Education e = (Education)o1; if( && this.major.equals(e.major) && this.research==e.research) { return true; } else return false; } }

public interface EmployeeInfo { final double faculty_monthly_salary=6000; final int staff_monthly_hours_worked=160; }

public class Faculty extends Employee { /** * @position This will be the Employee's position in the company */ Level position; /** * @e highest education received */ Education e; /** * @monthlySalary employee's monthly salary */ int monthlySalary; /** * Constructor for Faculty will initialize values for class * @param last last name * @param first first name * @param id ID number * @param s sex(Male or Female) * @param year year they were born in * @param month month they were born in * @param day day they were born * @param fu position in company * @param d degree they received from college * @param m what they majored in * @param r research projects they have done */ public Faculty(String last,String first,String id,String s,int year,int month,int day,Level fu,String d,String m,int r) { super(last,first,id,s,year,month,day); this.position=fu; e= new Education(d,m,r); } //methods /** * Finds the how much the employee earns each month. Dependent on position on company as well. * @return returns Employees Monthly earnings */ public double monthlyEarning() { switch(position) { case AS: return EmployeeInfo.faculty_monthly_salary; case AO: return EmployeeInfo.faculty_monthly_salary*1.5; case FU: return EmployeeInfo.faculty_monthly_salary*2.0; default: System.out.println("There's a PROBLEM OVER HERE!(Facutly Class->monthlyEarning!"); return 0; } } /** * Displays everything important for this class in particular. Uses super to display everything important from Employee * In particulart it displays position,degree,major,and research */ public String toString() { return super.toString() + "Level: " + position + " " + "Degree: " + e.getDegree() + " " + "Major: " + e.getMajor() + " " + "Research: " + e.getReserch() + " " + "Monthly Salary: "+ monthlyEarning() + " "; } /** * clones objects b and e. * @return returns object from Faculty */ public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { Faculty b = (Faculty) super.clone(); e = (Education) e.clone(); b.setE(e); return b; } /** * get position of Employee * @return AS,AO, FU */ public Level getPosition() { return position; } /** * set position changes the position of Employee * @param Position you want it changed too */ public void setPosition(Level position) { this.position = position; } /** * Gets Education of Employee * @return Education could be PH.D or Bachelors */ public Education getE() { return e; } /** * Changes Education of Employee * @param Education you want it changed too */ public void setE(Education e) { this.e = e; } /** * gets the Monthly Salary * @return Monthly Salary of Employee */ public int getMonthlySalary() { return monthlySalary; } /** * Changes the monthly salary of Employee * @param monthlySalary salary you want it changed too */ public void setMonthlySalary(int monthlySalary) { this.monthlySalary = monthlySalary; } /** * @Override * Changes the equals function to compare 2 objects. Tests Clone method to make sure it works * @return return true or false. */ public boolean equals(Object o1) { Faculty f = (Faculty)o1; if(this.e.equals(f.e)) { return true; } else { return false; } } }

public enum Level { AS, //Assistant Professor AO, //Associate Professor FU; //Full Time Professor }

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