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Chapter 1What Is Organizational Behaviour? 1.A field of study that investigates the impact of individuals, groups, and structure on behaviour within organizations is known as

Chapter 1What Is Organizational Behaviour?

1.A field of study that investigates the impact of individuals, groups, and structure on behaviour within organizations is known as

A) psychology.

B) sociology.

C) social psychology.

D) anthropology.

E) organizational behaviour.

2.Which of the following topics is generally outside the field of OB?

A) therapy

B) absenteeism

C) employment turnover

D) productivity

E) job satisfaction

3.What are the three inputs to processes that OB is concerned with?

A) experience, goals and configuration

B) individual, group, and organizational structure

C) structure, social units and teams

D) group, structure and political

E) interpersonal, personal and group

4.When managers have positive social relationships with their employees they are

A) re-engineering the workplace.

B) establishing a new program of TQM.

C) developing new styles of leadership.

D) developing ways of more effectively controlling work.

E) lowering employee stress, which lowers intentions to quit.

5.Which of the following is TRUE about ethics?

A) is easy to implement at the organizational level

B) is the study of consciously coordinated social units

C) aims to understand motivations for individual behaviours

D) informs us as to whether a job is intrinsically rewarding

E) helps us do the "right" thing

6.Everyone loves to work for Peter because he is respectful and a good listener; he is firm with goals and expectations, but gives support with training and flexible timelines. Peter has strong

A) motivational abilities.

B) similarities and demographics.

C) interpersonal skills.

D) quantitative skills.

E) ethics.


Chapter 2Perception, Personality, and Emotions

1.What are the three rules about behaviour that attribution theory relies on?

A) distinctiveness, resemblance, and consistency

B) resemblance, consensus and consistency

C) deviation, distinctiveness, and consistency

D) consistency, consensus and distinctiveness

E) context, consensus and distinctiveness

2.Terry is a good communicator, and those who know this assume she is very competent at her job. This is an example of

A) selective perception.

B) the halo effect.

C) contrast effects.

D) projection.

E) consensus.

3.Jane Allen, a campaign manager at a non-profit organization, often takes full credit for project successes even when her team members' contributions play a big role in achieving milestones. However, when projects receive setbacks, she blames her team members and sometimes states that the situation was beyond her control. Jane's behaviour is an example of

A) halo effect.

B) stereotyping.

C) contrast effect.

D) selective perception.

E) self-serving bias.

4.Self-fulfilling prophecy is a concept that proposes a person will behave

A) in ways inconsistent with how he or she is perceived by others.

B) in ways that are similar to self-interest.

C) in ways consistent with how he or she is perceived by others.

D) in ways that are dissimilar to self-interest.

E) in ways consistent with how he or she perceives him-/herself.

5.How would you describe an individual who believes the ends justify the means and maintains emotional distance in situations?

A) narcissist

B) psychopath

C) Machiavellian

D) self-monitor

E) risk-taker

6.Which of the following statements is TRUE of narcissists?

A) They feel less guilt and remorse when they harm others.

B) They alter their behaviour to reflect the external situation they are in.

C) They have poor long-term health outcomes.

D) They are low key and tend to keep emotional distance.

E) They are more likely to engage in self-promotion in social media.

7.If a manager has high emotional intelligence he will likely engage in

A) projection.

B) stereotyping.

C) narcissism.

D) self-monitoring.

E) extroversion.

8.The expectation of airline companies for flight attendants to always be cheerful when dealing with customers requires

A) conscientiousness.

B) agreeableness.

C) emotional labour.

D) narcissism.

E) mindfulness.

Chapter 3Values, Attitudes, and Diversity in the Workplace

1.What are values?

A) goals that individuals would like to achieve during their lifetime

B) convictions or beliefs that guide our decisions and evaluations of how to behave

C) principles that guide behaviour and inform us whether actions are right or wrong

D) preferable ways of behaving

E) fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action

2.Which of the following best describes ethics?

A) concepts or beliefs that guide how we make decisions about, and evaluations of, behaviours and events

B) principles that guide behaviour and inform us whether actions are right or wrong

C) preferable ways of behaving

D) fixed or predetermined policies or modes of action

E) goals that individuals would like to achieve during their lifetime

3.A society that prefers structured situations to alleviate unpredictability experiences

A) certainty avoidance.

B) power distance.

C) gender differentiation.

D) uncertainty avoidance.

E) assertiveness.

4.Generation Xers are characterized by which of the following common values?

A) belief in order and authority

B) belief in, and practice of, the Christian moral code

C) strong concern for the environment

D) flexibility and achievement of job satisfaction

E) intimidated by change

5.An employee who actively helps colleagues, takes minimal breaks, and alerts others to work-related problems is

A) high in job satisfaction.

B) high in organizational citizenship behaviour.

C) high in job stability.

D) high in organizational commitment.

E) low in organizational loyalty.

6.If employees have a negative attitude toward their jobs, they do NOT have

A) organizational commitment.

B) values.

C) job satisfaction.

D) job involvement.

E) job stability.

7.Job satisfaction is ________ to turnover.

A) positively related

B) unrelated

C) negatively related

D) equal in number

E) No relationship can be reasonably expressed.

8.________ represents differences in values, personality and work preferences whereas ________ represents differences in easily recognizable characteristics such as gender, race, and age.

A) Valuative diversity, surface-level diversity

B) Progressive diversity, conservative diversity

C) Deep-level diversity, surface-level diversity

D) Surface-level diversity, deep-level diversity

E) Conservative diversity, surface-level diversity

9.Which of the following is NOT considered to be a way to deal with excessive stress?

A) aerobics

B) jogging

C) swimming

D) riding a bike

E) tennis match

Chapter 4Theories of Motivation

1.Motivation is

A) a component of ability, personal traits and desire.

B) an individual's intensity, direction and persistence.

C) an effort toward creating goals.

D) a constant intensity.

E) an attitudinal trait.

2.Maslow's hierarchy of needs is arranged in which order?

A) physiological, esteem, safety, social, and self-actualization

B) physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization

C) safety, physiological, esteem, social, and self-actualization

D) physiological, social, safety, esteem, and self-actualization

E) physiological, social, safety, self-actualization, and esteem

3.When Jaden shows up to work, he becomes completely absorbed in what he is doing. Jaden puts all his energies into his job. Jaden has a

A) high level of expectancy.

B) high level of instrumentality.

C) high level of valence.

D) high level of job engagement.

E) high level of goal-setting.

4.Melanie works hard in the hope of getting a promotion but gets a pay increase. According to expectancy theory, Melanie's

A) valence is high.

B) expectancy is low.

C) instrumentality is low.

D) valence is low.

E) expectance is high.

5.Lisa ordered in pizza for her staff that are staying late to finish month end. According to reinforcement theory this is referred to as:

A) positive reinforcement.

B) expected reinforcement.

C) extinction.

D) negative reinforcement.

E) employee reinforcement.

6.Employees are required to complete the frustrating task of weekly status reports. However, Jason regularly demonstrates that he can meet deadlines consistently so his supervisor informed Jason that he no longer has to complete weekly status reports. According to reinforcement theory, removing the task of weekly status reports for Jason is referred to as:

A) positive reinforcement.

B) negative reinforcement.

C) extinction.

D) continuous reinforcement.

E) punishment.

7.Zeke was a manager who believed that, in general, people disliked work; he believed people had to be forced or threatened with punishment to motivate them to work. Zeke believes in which of the following management theories?

A) Theory Z

B) Theory X

C) Theory Y

D) Theory Q

E) Theory T

8.Carrie was unhappy with the pay increase that she recently received. She didn't think that the dollar value was fair relative to her performance, and she was even more upset that some of her co-workers received a greater increase than she did. This is an example of

A) distributive justice.

B) procedural justice.

C) interactional justice.

D) operant justice.

E) equitable justice.

9.An individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing a task is known as

A) self-fulfillment.

B) self-respect.

C) self-esteem.

D) self-efficacy.

E) self-starting.

Chapter 5Motivation in Action

1.Thinking of money as a motivator, expectancy theory mainly suggests that

A) money plays no part in motivating employee behaviour.

B) money is the only extrinsic motivator.

C) individuals need to value the reward, whether it is money or something else, or it won't be motivational.

D) individuals care little about the value of the reward but appreciate the gesture.

E) the mere suggestion of more money will motivate employees.

2.When using bonuses, managers should be mindful of

A) the amount, so that the bonus does not negatively affect the profits of the company.

B) not recognizing friends within the company.

C) the size of the bonus in relation to the event recognized.

D) potential unexpected behaviours arising when employees try to ensure they will receive bonuses.

E) very little, the bonus is just so effective.

3.Which of the following is an example of a piece-rate plan?

A) $20 for each hour of work

B) $2 for each unit produced

C) stock options at cheaper prices

D) straight commission plan

E) spot bonuses

4.Variable-pay programs are consistent with expectancy theory predictions; expectancy theory perceives a strong relationship between performance and

A) rewards.

B) productivity.

C) stock options.

D) salary.

E) seniority.

5.A spontaneous and private "thank you," or a "bragging board," are examples of

A) employee recognition programs.

B) intrinsic employee reward systems.

C) union-sponsored recognition programs.

D) gainsharing and profit-sharing programs.

E) motivation theories.

6."We are most likely to become enthusiastic about what we are doing-and all else being equal, to do it well-when we are free to make decisions about the way we carry out a task." This speaks to which core job dimensions?

A) skill variety

B) encourage collaboration

C) enhance content

D) provide choice

E) autonomy

7.Kirsten was happy with recent changes to her job. She now has more freedom, independence, and responsibility, as she now is able to complete every seven steps of assembly by herself. She also inspects her product to ensure it is functioning. This is an example of

A) job rotation.

B) job enrichment.

C) job security.

D) job sharing.

E) job evaluation.

8.The JCM describes jobs in terms of five core dimensions

A) motivational factors, performance outcomes, satisfaction, activities, and growth.

B) skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback.

C) meaningfulness, experience, outcomes, tasks, skill acquisition.

D) collaboration, choice, evaluation, motivation and opportunity.

E) skill variety, collaboration, outcomes, satisfaction and feedback.

9.Participative management includes

A) workers setting targets with co-workers.

B) subordinates reporting to supervisors.

C) workers participating as team leaders.

D) subordinates sharing decision-making with immediate superiors.

E) workers sitting on the board of directors.

Chapter 5Motivation in Action

10.Thinking of money as a motivator, expectancy theory mainly suggests that

A) money plays no part in motivating employee behaviour.

B) money is the only extrinsic motivator.

C) individuals need to value the reward, whether it is money or something else, or it won't be motivational.

D) individuals care little about the value of the reward but appreciate the gesture.

E) the mere suggestion of more money will motivate employees.

11.When using bonuses, managers should be mindful of

A) the amount, so that the bonus does not negatively affect the profits of the company.

B) not recognizing friends within the company.

C) the size of the bonus in relation to the event recognized.

D) potential unexpected behaviours arising when employees try to ensure they will receive bonuses.

E) very little, the bonus is just so effective.

12.Which of the following is an example of a piece-rate plan?

A) $20 for each hour of work

B) $2 for each unit produced

C) stock options at cheaper prices

D) straight commission plan

E) spot bonuses

13.Variable-pay programs are consistent with expectancy theory predictions; expectancy theory perceives a strong relationship between performance and

A) rewards.

B) productivity.

C) stock options.

D) salary.

E) seniority.

14.A spontaneous and private "thank you," or a "bragging board," are examples of

A) employee recognition programs.

B) intrinsic employee reward systems.

C) union-sponsored recognition programs.

D) gainsharing and profit-sharing programs.

E) motivation theories.

15."We are most likely to become enthusiastic about what we are doing-and all else being equal, to do it well-when we are free to make decisions about the way we carry out a task." This speaks to which core job dimensions?

A) skill variety

B) encourage collaboration

C) enhance content

D) provide choice

E) autonomy

16.Kirsten was happy with recent changes to her job. She now has more freedom, independence, and responsibility, as she now is able to complete every seven steps of assembly by herself. She also inspects her product to ensure it is functioning. This is an example of

A) job rotation.

B) job enrichment.

C) job security.

D) job sharing.

E) job evaluation.

17.The JCM describes jobs in terms of five core dimensions

A) motivational factors, performance outcomes, satisfaction, activities, and growth.

B) skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback.

C) meaningfulness, experience, outcomes, tasks, skill acquisition.

D) collaboration, choice, evaluation, motivation and opportunity.

E) skill variety, collaboration, outcomes, satisfaction and feedback.

18.Participative management includes

A) workers setting targets with co-workers.

B) subordinates reporting to supervisors.

C) workers participating as team leaders.

D) subordinates sharing decision-making with immediate superiors.

E) workers sitting on the board of directors.

Chapter 6Groups and Teamwork

1.Which of the following best describes a group?

A) a number of people working interdependently

B) people working independently

C) a collection of people working closely together toward a common objective

D) people without common relationships

E) a collection of two or more people with a common relationship

2.Which of the following is a benefit of cross-functional teams?

A) Organizational structure is mirrored in group dynamics.

B) physically dispersed organizational structure

C) Easy team dynamics emerge quickly.

D) diversity of viewpoints

E) efficient decision-making

3.Janice was in a tough spot. She was trying to meet a deadline for her boss when the leader of her cross-functional team asked her to submit some work on the same day. She knew she could not meet both deadlines. In this case, Janice was experiencing

A) role conflict.

B) role reversal.

C) role expectations.

D) role ambiguity.

E) role underload.

4.If a team leader states that no personal phone calls are allowed during working hours, this is an example of the establishment of a group

A) practice.

B) goal.

C) norm.

D) compromise.

E) design.

5.Standards of behaviour in groups are known as

A) sanctions.

B) norms.

C) roles.

D) goals.

E) expectations.

6.What are the five stages in the Five-Stage Model?

A) forming, determining, norming, performing, adjourning

B) forming, storming, shaping, performing, adjourning

C) shaping, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

D) forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

E) shaping, determining, storming, norming, performing

7.After which stage of a group's development is there a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group?

A) norming

B) storming

C) forming

D) performing

E) goal setting

8."Who is in charge?" and "Who does what?" are questions that are relevant to which stage of group development?

A) forming

B) storming

C) norming

D) performing

E) adjourning

9.Ineffective teams tend to have conflict that is

A) resolved through discussions.

B) unresolved, but team members agree to disagree.

C) focused on personalities and relationships.

D) focused on task requirements and group needs.

E) valued but not adequately processed.

Chapter 7Communication

1.When a receiver creates meaning from a sender's message, this is

a)the message.


c)the channel.



2.When it comes to electronic communications, which of the following channels would be the richest?

a)personal palm pilots

b)video conferencing


d)telephone answering machine


3.It is easy to tell when Donald isn't listening by the way he looks away when you are speaking to him and when he begins to tap his pen. Donald is communicating through


b)social distance.

c)nonverbal communication.

d)lateral communication.

e)selective perception.

4.Silence is less likely when

a)managers create clear goals.

b)managers use the wheel communication network.

c)minority opinions are respected.

d)managers encourage feedback before encoding messages.

e)the communication channel is email.

5.Which of the following is an example of routine communication?

a)suggestion boxes

b)employee attitude surveys

c)email reminder of monthly accounting deadlines

d)identification and discussion of current problems with the boss

e)peer evaluation of job performance

6.To be effective, downward communication must include

a)explanations of when a decision was made.

b)explanations of why a decision was made.

c)explanations of where a decision was made.

d)explanations of who made a decision.

e)explanations of when a decision will be implemented.

7.Tori is considered to be the office gossip. One of her most annoying habits is her persistent use of the phrase "rumour has it...." when speaking to her colleagues. Tori's source of information is likely the

a)formal communication network.

b)feedback loop.

c)communication apprehension.

d)informal communication network.

e)electronic communication network.

8.Researchers indicate that we are prone to "listener burnout". Which of the following is an example of listener burnout?

a)waiting to offer advice

b)extending the conversation

c)tuning out the other person

d)not willing to fix the other's problems

e)providing nonverbal feedback

9.Which written communication format is likely the fastest for sharing information?






10.Instant messaging is similar to





e)face-to-face communication.

Chapter 8Power and Politics

1.Mohammed is good report writer, but a terrible speller, so he relies on Kelly, one of his co-workers, to help him with this aspect of his reports. What type of relationship does Mohammed have with Kelly?






2.Yanni has been with the organization for 25 years; even though he hasn't been promoted, he is held in high regard by co-workers who ask for his ideas when trying to solve problems. It is agreed amongst his co-workers that "Yanni knows everything and everything around here!" Yanni possesses

a)no power.

b)referent power.

c)coercive power.

d)expert power.

e)legitimate power.

3.Lisa works in the Human Resources Department, and everyone tries to do favours for her because she can give special benefits to employees, like free corporate tickets to hockey games. Lisa possesses

a)coercive power.

b)reward power.

c)referent power.

d)legitimate power.

e)information power.

4.People comply with ________ power because they fear negative outcomes if they don't comply.






5.The ________ relationship can be seen in the power of occupational categories. In occupations where supply is low relative to demand, compensation is more attractive.



c)referent power


e)referent dependence

6.Pina is charming and warm; she uses these to her advantage by flattering others prior to asking them to do something for her, and it works most of the time. This influence tactic is known as


b)personal appeals.

c)inspirational appeals.


e)rational persuasion.

7.Sophia, your co-worker, gets others involved to support her idea for the new marketing strategy; she explains her ideas, shows people documents and concept plans and asks directly for their help at the meeting when the decision is made. Sophia is using what type of influence tactic?

a)consultation tactics

b)personal appeal

c)inspirational appeal

d)pressure tactics

e)ingratiation tactics

8.Unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature is

a)sexual harassment.

b)not illegal.

c)ethical-power usage.



9.Sheila is a demanding boss who regularly requires employees to work overtime without pay "or else." This is an example of


b)workplace bullying.


d)political behaviour.

e)reward power.

10.One of the greatest things about working for Francois is that he lets his staff make decisions and commitments without always having to check with him first. Francois is practicing





e)political behaviour.

11.When employees see their work environment as political, the effect on work attitude and behaviour is usually






Chapter 9Conflict and Negotiation

1.Terry is known to provoke arguments, and while some people don't like her for that reason, most would admit that her confrontational style improves the performance of the group. This is an example of

A) dysfunctional conflict.

B) destructive conflict.

C) functional conflict.

D) negotiation conflict.

E) forcing conflict.

2.A process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something that the first party cares about is called

A) politics.

B) consideration.

C) power.

D) conflict.

E) negotiation.

3.Conflict is dysfunctional when it

A) provides a medium to release tension.

B) reduces group cohesiveness.

C) fosters an environment of self-evaluation and change.

D) enhances flexibility.

E) increases productivity.

4.Conflict is functional if it

A) supports the goals of the group.

B) is satisfying to the individual members of the group.

C) causes group members to argue.

D) causes turnover.

E) supports the objectives of management.

5.Raffi is a good worker, but in a group setting, he often resorts to personal attacks on other workers who disagree with his point of view on a given issue. This is an example of

A) functional conflict.

B) task conflict.

C) destructive conflict.

D) relationship conflict.

E) process conflict.

6.When working on a team, Angela is effective, even though she often expresses disagreement with the perspectives and judgments of her peers regarding various tasks that they are discussing. This is an example of

A) task conflict.

B) functional conflict.

C) relationship conflict.

D) destructive conflict.

E) process conflict.

7.When Antonio gets into a disagreement with co-workers at staff meetings, he intimidates them with physical gestures and by standing up, rather than remaining sitting. Antonio's behaviour is occurring in which loci of conflict?

A) functional conflict

B) relationship conflict

C) didactic conflict

D) intragroup conflict

E) intergroup conflict

8.Ambiguity about responsibilities and accountabilities describes which category of conflict sources?

A) affective

B) structural

C) cognitive

D) cultural

E) communication

9.A reduction in efforts toward group goals is an example of

A) problem solving.

B) forcing.

C) avoiding.

D) yielding.

E) compromising.

10.Tina is known as a bit of a "softie" among her co-workers, because when someone challenges one of her ideas, she backs off, even when her idea is a very good one. This conflict management strategy is known as

A) yielding.

B) compromising.

C) avoiding.

D) problem solving.

E) forcing.

Chapter 10Organizational Culture

1.What is the pattern of shared meaning within an organization?

A) the organizational chart

B) organizational culture

C) dominant culture

D) stories

E) a belief system

2.The key characteristic of organizational culture that addresses the degree to which management decisions consider the effect of outcomes on people within the organization is termed

A) innovation.

B) attention to detail.

C) outcome orientation.

D) people orientation.

E) stability.

3.Which of the following expresses the core values shared by a majority of the organization's members?

A) dominant culture

B) subculture

C) strong culture

D) personal morality

E) ethics

4.The frustrating aspect to Peter about his new organization was the degree to which it emphasized maintaining the status quo. Which of the following characteristics of organizational culture does this reflect?

A) outcome orientation

B) aggressiveness

C) people orientation

D) stability

E) team orientation

5.________ climates may foster the individual-level successes their companies need to thrive, for example, and they may help underperformers to recognize their self-interest is better served elsewhere.

A) Instrumental

B) Caring

C) Law and code

D) Rules

E) Independence

6.Which of the following is inconsistent with creating an ethical culture?

A) ethical role models

B) ethical expectations

C) punish unethical behaviour

D) ethical training

E) reward unethical behaviour

Chapter 11Leadership

1.Managers give organizations ________ while leaders ________.

A) change; stability

B) efficient structures; create vision

C) inspiration to become; handle day-to-day activities

D) day-to-day goals; create structure

E) efficient structures; detailed planning

2.Ron always seems to be challenging the status quo and looks to create change whenever he feels that it is needed, and that is often. Ron is exhibiting

A) supervision.

B) leadership.

C) management.

D) transformation.

E) charisma.

3.Emery's best skills revolve around day-to-day activities maintaining and allocating resources in his department. He is exhibiting

A) supervision.

B) management.

C) leadership.

D) transformation.

E) charisma.

4.Although organizations require a combination of strong leadership and strong management, the process of leadership does have specific characteristics. Which of the following best describes the role of leadership?

A) Leaders have no visionmanagers do that.

B) Leaders let managers deal with change.

C) Leaders let individuals deal with their own personal hurdles by leaving them on their own.

D) Leaders are micromanagers.

E) Leaders innovate for the entire organization.

5.The type of leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements are

A) transactional leaders.

B) charismatic leaders.

C) transformational leaders.

D) employee-oriented leaders.

E) process-oriented leaders.

6.Mei is a leader who has a clear vision of what her unit needs to accomplish; she is willing to take personal risks to achieve that vision, and she is sensitive to the needs of those who follow her. She is thus known as a ________ leader.

A) directive

B) supportive

C) participative

D) charismatic

E) achievement-oriented

7.Lilly does a great job of inspiring her employees to go beyond their own self-interests for the good of the organization. She thus is known as a ________ leader.

A) transactional

B) transformational

C) supportive

D) participative

E) competent

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