Chapter 21 Homework (Application) Time Warner, Inc Segment Revenues [in millions) Turner (at two and agital medias Home Box Omo (yes) Warner Bros. fim, to and Vide) 91.400 6.700 7,400 mer Home Box One 159 Warner 7 On the commanding for her from the women in when required, round to the rest wholementonth for evamo, reun01.7 165.480) Hound contribution margin ratio te what percents for each segment from the information given Home Bexom Warner Bros. Vanable costs Contribution margin Contribution margin ratio (sert Does you wer to that the others are more poate bune! The higher contemargination should not bewerten profitne volume of business centered the other the ents would In the first anys, fand costs aloe thould be considered in terming the overal presents. The whow the profit will be to changes volume. Previous Test Check My Won Check My W Chapter 21 Homework (Application) abo WUN Im WALE Time Warner, Inc Segment Revenues in milliona) Turner etwork and tama) $31,490 Home Boxe (pay television) 69.700 Warner Bros. (om television and video) 42.600 Resume but the varias perto sales for each sementares Turner Home Box Office 55% Wamere 379 .. Determine the common con maglie for each segment from the formation given when required, round to the nearest whole millionth (for example, round 66.73,00). Round contribution margin ratio to whole percents for each segment from the information given. Turner Home Box Office Warner Bros. Ravenue Variable costs Contribution margin Contribution margin ratio (as a percent) Does your answer to calm that the other segments are more profitable ? The higher contribution margin ratio of a segment should not be interpreted as being the profitable segment. If the volume of business is moment to exceed even point, then the segments would be In the final analysis, the bed should be considered in determining the overal profitability of the segments. The shows how the pront will be to changes in volume Previous Nod Check My work more Check My Works