Chapter 3 TRP 31 Assume the taxpoyer does NOT Wish to contribute to the Presidential Election Fund, unless otherwise stered in the problem. In Addizion, the tnxpoyeril did NOT recelve, sell. send, exchange, or otherwise acquire ory finonclal interest in any virtual currency dufing the yent. Alianeo, CA 30294. Additional infoimation aboeit M. and Mrs. Helloway is as follows: b. La1 nechrity mather Jahn 412 - 42350 Date uf bLrths 3/4/1981 Soclal security numberi Narthar 412+3.15671 Datecof birthi 8/20/290 M-2. for Marthe shows thene iesunt a. -orm ND99-Div for Martha shows this ameunt: sorial whurify muterit Narthati a1?:3 4673 nateief tefrthe or aaja080 Wry fien Kerthe ahois thote waits? Form 30+991) for Mirtha shews this amourt: Box 1 and boo ib 3345.00 fiom MAR Broserore Form NGSOHT for Martha shows these omounts: Boc 1=54500D from ABC Batlic. Box+3a.3500 Required: Prefiare Foem N040 for Mi, and Mis. Hofoway fot 2021 . They want to contribute to the presicfentiaf election cansaigit. Use the appropritite Iyx Iiblise Note: List the names of the toxpoyers in the order in which they appenr in the problem, Input all the values as positive numbers. Chapter 3 TRP 31 Assume the taxpoyer does NOT Wish to contribute to the Presidential Election Fund, unless otherwise stered in the problem. In Addizion, the tnxpoyeril did NOT recelve, sell. send, exchange, or otherwise acquire ory finonclal interest in any virtual currency dufing the yent. Alianeo, CA 30294. Additional infoimation aboeit M. and Mrs. Helloway is as follows: b. La1 nechrity mather Jahn 412 - 42350 Date uf bLrths 3/4/1981 Soclal security numberi Narthar 412+3.15671 Datecof birthi 8/20/290 M-2. for Marthe shows thene iesunt a. -orm ND99-Div for Martha shows this ameunt: sorial whurify muterit Narthati a1?:3 4673 nateief tefrthe or aaja080 Wry fien Kerthe ahois thote waits? Form 30+991) for Mirtha shews this amourt: Box 1 and boo ib 3345.00 fiom MAR Broserore Form NGSOHT for Martha shows these omounts: Boc 1=54500D from ABC Batlic. Box+3a.3500 Required: Prefiare Foem N040 for Mi, and Mis. Hofoway fot 2021 . They want to contribute to the presicfentiaf election cansaigit. Use the appropritite Iyx Iiblise Note: List the names of the toxpoyers in the order in which they appenr in the problem, Input all the values as positive numbers