Chenongo Industies uses 15 units of part R63 each month in the peoduction of tadar equ pment. The cost of manufacturing one unit of 1263 is the following: Materlat handing cepresents the drect variable costs of the Receiving Deptriment that are applied to direct matertals and purchased components on the botis of their cott. This is a separate charge in addition to manufacturing overtheod. Chenango hadrstries' annual mandacturing overheod budget is one-third variable and nerthinds fired. Scott Supply, ane of Chenango industries' reliable vendors, has offered to supply part number Ji.63 at a unit poce of 561.000 Required: 1. If Chenango thdustiles purchoses the JR69 units from Scott, the cepocity Chenango industries used to raaculacture these parts would be idle. Should Chenongo industries decide to purchese the ports from 5 cott the unt cost of jp63 would herease (or decreose) by whot amosint? 2. Ascuene Chenango Industries w able to rent out all its idle copacity for 591000 per month if Chenango thdustries decides to purchose the 15 units from 5 cott 5 upply. Chenango : manthly cost for JA63 would increase for decrease) by what amount? 3. Assurse that Chenange Lndustries does not wish to commit to o rental agreement but could wse its idle capecity to manufocture another product that woild contribute 5175.000 per month. If Chenango's mansgement elects to manufacture jer63 in order to mointain qualty control what is the net aniount of Chenango's cott from using the space to manulactute part jp63? Coeneptete this question by entering your antwens in the tabs below. If Chenango indisties purchases the 1naz units from scott, the capacity chenange industries used to manchacture thene (or decrease) by what amount? at is 293 is the followeret Becuited 6y what aribour? 2. Astume Chpenege industers a sble to rent out al ta ise copecty for 591000 per noeth. 1 Crenango industres decides 10 of Jeves is the following hat offered 10 supply pet number jati3 et a unt price ed 561000 Required: by What amesuit? 3. Assume ther Chenango hovetries does not with to commit to a iental apteement but could vae ts ide capscty to manutacture Coenpicte this eusstion try entering vour antwers in the tabs bestow. owit 3yy