Choose 1 countrythat the organizationyou've been working on in this course could consider expandinginto. Read the selected article from the UniversityLibrary. Analyzethat potentialinternationalmarket by consideringthe 4 aspects of the Diamond of NationalAdvantage industryrivalry, demand conditions related and supportingindustries and factor endowments Analyzethe forces (in the home market and internationalmarket) that will help the organization succeed with its expansion and the forces that may act as barriersto that expansion Referto your analysis of strengthsand weaknessescompletedin Week 1, the Porter's Five Forces worksheetfrom Week 3, and your analysis of the Diamond of NationalAdvantage Evaluatethe 4 adjustmentsleaders must make when expandinginternationally(Burkus 2012). Recommend1 specificleadershipaction for each adjustment such as developinga global mindset, developingsensitivityto cultural differences decentralizing deciding on the level of involvement etc. Recommendwhether the organization should expand into the chosen country and explain your rationale Create a PowerPointpresentationto presentyour analysis and recommendation Include the followingsections in your presentation A cover slide An agenda . . . Identificationof the countryyou have chosen (1 slide, with brief speaker'snotes) 1 slide for analysis ofeach of the elements of the Diamond of National Advantage (4 slides, with speaker'snotes) A summaryof analysisof the forces that will help the organization succeed in the new country (1 slide, with speaker'snotes) . A summaryof analysisof the forces that will hinder the organization's success in the new country (1 slide, with speaker'snotes) Leadershipactions requiredto make the 4 adjustmentsidentifiedby Burkus (2012) . . . A recommendationand rationale(1 slide, with speaker's notes) A conclusion References Cite referencesto supportyour assignment Formatyour ci dingto APA guidelines