Choose 2 out of 4 cases below. The write-up of the case should be written in management summary form and should not exceed 2 pages single- spaced for each case. 1. First, define clearly the problem faced by the chosen business. E.g. declining sales, increased competition, etc. 2. Define clearly and concisely, the basic decision problem. This should focus on the action to be taken, e.g. how to enter international markets, developing a long-run strategy for international growth, 3. Next, identify a number of alternative courses of action to deal with the problem identified in #1, i.e. alternative entry modes might include direct exporting, joint ventures, franchising, etc. For each alternative, list the pros and cons using bullet heads. This should be the major part of your write-up. Materials such as tables, quantitative analysis, may be placed in appendices, not in the text. Do not repeat tables and material contained in the case. 4. Write a brief summary, recommending a course of action, selecting one of your suggested alternatives. Give a brief rationale for your choice. GROUP DANONE DANNON Groupe Danone is the world's largest producer of fresh yogurt and dairy products. In Europe, Danone is the one one maker of biscuits (with Lu and Jacob brands) and the second largest pasta maker (Panzani, Agneri). Over 85% of sales come from Western Europe. Antoine Ribaud is drawing up plans for Danone's expansion in international markets. Issues to be considered are: a. which areas of the world should they target? b. on which product lines should they focus their efforts? c. should they enter into alliances with other food manufacturers? d. how should they leverage the strength of the Danone brand in international markets