Choose a company or an organisation that you are currently working for or you are familiar with. As it has been discussed in class, however, there is a fundamental difference between the compliance requirements in the public sector procurement and those in the private sector procurement. The main purpose of this TMA is to understand the practices of private sector procurement. As such, your choice of the company or an organisation must satisfy the following conditions: The companyz'organisation is located and operated in Singapore. One of the main objectives of the organisation should be 'making prot'. For example, 'Parkway Hospitals Group' may be a suitable example for this TMA. However, 'The Hospitals of National University of Singapore\" would not be a suitable example. 0 The size of business or operations of the organisation should be large enough to apply 'the Day One analysis' techniques discussed in class. For example, a minimart located in a condo complex would not be suitable example. Question 1 The focus of this question is to understand the relationship between the development of specications and the quality control of supplier performance at the companyforganisation. (a) Illustrate how 'specications for procurement' are developed at the companyforganisation. in your answer, you must elaborate how the procurement function (or procurement managers) contribute to the development of the specication for procurement. Based on the objectives of procurement, you may suggest improvement from the current practices. (30 marks) (b) Demonstrate how the quality control methods are applied to the supplier performance at the companyforganisation. In your answer, you must provide your assessment whether the current practice of quality control is adequate to assure the compliance to the specications. (20 marks) Question 2 'Supplier Preferencing' is relatively a new technique in Singapore's procurement practice. it is quite unlikely, the companyl'organisation of your choice has performed 'supplier preferencing' analysis on their supply base. Outline how the supplier preferencing analysis should be carried out on the companys'organisation's supply base. Share your ndings with the management of the companyforganisation, if possible. (50 marks) ... END OF ASSIGNMENT -