CIS4600 Business Database Applications Assignment #2- Refine a Microsoft Access Database for SQL Inquiries Due Time and Date: (See Section III in this Document) L, Obeive In this assignment you will apply all knowledge and skills that you have learned from Hands-on #3 to refine a statements, 2) using INSERT and SELECT statements to move data from current tables into the newly created tables. Once data are moved to the new tables, then the database shall be refined (i.e., modified) by eliminating unwanted data fields from the existing tables if those fields can be found on the newly- created tables. Then, new referential integrity rules must be imposed as you have done in Hands-on Finally, you are asked to develop a number of SQL, statements to retrieve data from the refined Access database to demonstrate your competency in using SOL statements to retrieve data from the database. Access database by 1) creating three new tables using the CREATE IL. Procedure to complete this Assigament: There are two parts in this assignment. Part A is to use DDL in SQL to create new tables and use DML in SQL to move data from the given database to the neW tables, whereas Part B is to develop SOL statements to retrieve data/information from the database. You shall follow the procedure below to complete this assignment. To ensure that you have done all the you need to use a Word dacument to record all sOL statements and their corresponding results and then turn it in before the specified deadline 1) An Overview: Once you download the given Access database (ASSN2DB.acedb, you shall first rename it under the name ASSN2DB yourlastname.accdb. It has the following ER diagram: Potential Data Redundancy Potential Data Oty As shown above, there are several "potential" data redundancies in three places- the CitwState in Vendor and Customer tables, Cate Type in Product table, and the TypeDesc (type Therefore, the first job that you ought to do is to create three new tables- ZIPTABLE Catalog table, and CustType table. Their contents shall be as follows: ZIPTABLE (ZIP, City, State) Catalog CatD, CateType) CustType (TID, TypeDesc) ZIP is the primary key CatID is the primary key TID is the primary key You shall use CREATE Table statement to create three new tables in your database. Once they are proper , the n you shall clean up the ex istin thai can be found in the new tables) and redefine the ER diagram. The final vrsion of your ER Diagram should look like the diagram on the next page. Over)