combiete six of the forms in order to gain some euperience is recorsing the difterent hinds of informecion required. Company informations: Income Tax tnturmation: The wage-bracket inethod is wsed be determine federar income tax withhodaleg. Calculate the anneal federat income tar withield tr viing the weebly wage-tracket table and muitiper the ashwer br 52 . The octher taxes witheld ars shem Ralph I. Volpe Martied filing jointly Soclal security tax withheld 56 Andrews Court, Apt. 7$785 per week Medicare tax withheld Philadelphia, PA 19103-3356 SS*: 000-00-8804 State income tax withheld Dependent care payment: $950 Local income tax withheld $70/ week 401(k) State unemployment tax withheld ** Randt A. Myer Single Social security tax withheld 2,853.24 770 Camac Street $885 per week Medicare tax withheld SS=:000=003316 State income tax withheld Union dues withheld: $102 Local income tax withheid 1,766.96 State unemployment tax withheld ** 27.56 Kenneth T. Ford Married filing jointly Social security tax withheid 338 North Side Avenue $1,350 per week Medicare tax withheld Philfadeiphia, PA 19130-6638 5S : 000006839 State income tax withheld Cost of group-term life-insurance 2,695.68 exceeding $50,000:$262.75 State unemployment tax withheld * 42.12 $100/ week 401(k) Chrissy C. Carman Married filing jointly Social security tax withheld 4900 Gladwynne Terrace $820 per week Medicare tax withheld 618.28 Philadeiphia, PA 19127-0049 S5: :000-00-5771 State income tax withheld 1,308.84 Union dues withheld: $102 Local income tax withheld 1,637,48 State unemployment tax withheld* 25.48 Hat B. Zuber Single Social security tax withheid 2,546.96 480A Hopkinson Tower $790 per week Medicare tax withheld 595.92 It en ambunt box soes not require an entry, leave it blenk. Notei an entry must be made in nox a3. As we go to press, the federal income tax rates for 2023 are being determined by budgat talks ia washingten, and are not wailabie for pubtication. For this eilition, the 2022 federal income tax tables fer Manwar Syvtems with Forms W-4 from 2020 or Later with standard withholding and 2022 Fica rates hwe been used. Clia tere to acents the Wase-frsciet Method Tyirn. Souriced Intemal Revettue Service E Employer's name, addreis, and 2tP code combiete six of the forms in order to gain some euperience is recorsing the difterent hinds of informecion required. Company informations: Income Tax tnturmation: The wage-bracket inethod is wsed be determine federar income tax withhodaleg. Calculate the anneal federat income tar withield tr viing the weebly wage-tracket table and muitiper the ashwer br 52 . The octher taxes witheld ars shem Ralph I. Volpe Martied filing jointly Soclal security tax withheld 56 Andrews Court, Apt. 7$785 per week Medicare tax withheld Philadelphia, PA 19103-3356 SS*: 000-00-8804 State income tax withheld Dependent care payment: $950 Local income tax withheld $70/ week 401(k) State unemployment tax withheld ** Randt A. Myer Single Social security tax withheld 2,853.24 770 Camac Street $885 per week Medicare tax withheld SS=:000=003316 State income tax withheld Union dues withheld: $102 Local income tax withheid 1,766.96 State unemployment tax withheld ** 27.56 Kenneth T. Ford Married filing jointly Social security tax withheid 338 North Side Avenue $1,350 per week Medicare tax withheld Philfadeiphia, PA 19130-6638 5S : 000006839 State income tax withheld Cost of group-term life-insurance 2,695.68 exceeding $50,000:$262.75 State unemployment tax withheld * 42.12 $100/ week 401(k) Chrissy C. Carman Married filing jointly Social security tax withheld 4900 Gladwynne Terrace $820 per week Medicare tax withheld 618.28 Philadeiphia, PA 19127-0049 S5: :000-00-5771 State income tax withheld 1,308.84 Union dues withheld: $102 Local income tax withheld 1,637,48 State unemployment tax withheld* 25.48 Hat B. Zuber Single Social security tax withheid 2,546.96 480A Hopkinson Tower $790 per week Medicare tax withheld 595.92 It en ambunt box soes not require an entry, leave it blenk. Notei an entry must be made in nox a3. As we go to press, the federal income tax rates for 2023 are being determined by budgat talks ia washingten, and are not wailabie for pubtication. For this eilition, the 2022 federal income tax tables fer Manwar Syvtems with Forms W-4 from 2020 or Later with standard withholding and 2022 Fica rates hwe been used. Clia tere to acents the Wase-frsciet Method Tyirn. Souriced Intemal Revettue Service E Employer's name, addreis, and 2tP code