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Company Description Rage Syrup's, Gain Up is an energy drink!Although the rage team is based in Paris, Ontario, we have a range of other locations

Company Description

Rage Syrup's, Gain Up is an energy drink!Although the rage team is based in Paris, Ontario, we have a range of other locations where you can buy our product.The first batch of this energy drink was released in December of 2020.The company Rage Syrup is asomewhat newbusiness, a graduate in 2002came up withthe idea but the companydid notcome together till 2010.The graduate from UBC moved toParis,Ontario after getting a degree inkinesiology.He started the company with his dad and then it grew from there.We wanted to create an energy drink that tasted fantastic and encouraged people to get back in shape despite everything going on now aday.Gain Up is one of the most nutritious energy drinks available. Mango & Ginger, Raspberry & Lime, and Grapefruit twist arethefourflavors produced by Rage syrup. B vitamins, sugar, taurine, green tea extract, guarana, green coffee extract, Ginkgo Biloba, caffeine,Carnitine this amino acidpurportedly pumpsup endurance and promotes fat burning, thoseare the most popular ingredients in energy drinks.Our team at Rage Syrup set out to create the best energy drink possible for you, so you could achieve your goals.When creating this energy drink, we wanted people to enjoy what they were drinking while still beingunconcernedabout the ingredients' effects on them.As a result, we produced a benefit that was free of artificialcolorsand chemicals. Many energy drinks are filled with sugar, artificialcolors, and other dangerous chemicals due to the abundance of options on the market. Gain up is also free of added sugar. Many energy drinkscontaina lot of sugar, whichis notthe best way to increase your energy. Gain Up is here to remind you that a sugar-free energy drinkdoes nothave to be tasteless. Gain up'sflavorsare derived entirely from natural sources and are naturally sweetened with stevia, which is a plant that is cultivated rather than a chemical that has been engineered. Similarly, unlike conventional energy drinks, Gain Up's caffeine is normal.As a result, you will enjoy a sugar-free energy drink without sacrificing taste ora sugar crash that other energy drinks may result in.Gain up is the complete package; it gives you energy while keeping your body clean and healthy, and it tastes great despite the lack of sugar and artificialflavors. Gain Up is directed at people between the ages of15and 20.Overall Rage Syrup encourages people to live a healthy lifestyle.The company is also socially conscious and for every case bought a case is donated tohigh school sporting events across Canada.


The global energy drinks market is projected towitnessa CAGR of 9.12 % during the forecast period (2021 - 2026).After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the fitness clubs and other sporting arenas were shut down inamajor part of the world, this move was introduced by the governmentstolimit the spread of the coronavirus, whichsubsequentlyaffected the sales of energy drinks in the global market in the year 2020. However, the consumers are still clinging on to work-out and engaging in various exercise regimes at the comfort of their homes and hence leading to a continued need for energy drinks. Moreover, at the end of the year 2020, many economies removed the strict lockdown measures which resulted in the opening of fitness clubs and sports clubs, thus resulting in the recovery of energy drinks sales.Increasedurbanization, rising disposable income, and growing health consciousness among consumers increased the demand for non-carbonated drinks. Energy drinks are widely consumed by adolescents, due to their claims of improving performance, endurance, and alertness. At the same time, long and erratic working hours and the increasing occurrence of social gatherings are driving Indianconsumers toward the consumption of energy drinks.Moreover, growth in the number of health-conscious consumers and increasing consumer awarenessregardingactive lifestyle, along with growing rates of lifestyle diseases, inspired health-oriented consumers to opt for healthy and sugar-free drinks. The energy drinks market is also projected to grow, due to an increase in promotional and advertisement strategies.

Red Bull, like every other energy drink manufacturer, is one of Rage Syrup's biggest competitors. Red Bull is one of the world's most popular energy drinks.It issupposed to give you more energy and help you do better mentally and physically. There are, however, questions about its efficacy andpossible sideeffects.Red Bull has a consistent international marketing strategy that includes sponsoring a wide range of great sportstocreate a "cool" public image and increase brand strength. Because of its successful marketing campaign, the beverage has remained the top energy drink throughout its growth.Many other energy drinks are directly competing against my company such as... Gatorade, monster,Powerade,duke energy, etc... These are allbrandsthat compete againstmy company. Some examples of indirect competition would be energy bars.Clif bars area very popularenergy bar, so are kind bars. Kind isrecognizedin the marketplace asanaturally-sourced ingredient bar.The again-up energy drink is a much healthier choice thanalmost allthe other energy drinks out there.Containingno added sugar, no harmful chemicals, andnormal caffeine. Energy drinks like red bull or monstercontainan outstanding amount of sugar, caffeine, and otherartificialflavorings, these are all things you will not worry about drinking if you chose to drink gain up!




Packaging isvibrant.

Adecentlyyoung target audience

It isaCanadian-made product.

The production capability to scale as needed.

Selling B to Band distributedto high schools



Red bull (our biggestcompetitor) target audience issomewhat closeto ours. They havea much bigger marketing budget than we do.

New to the market

Unknown brand

Perceptionof energy drinks isunhealthy.

Small budget


Going upagainstthe well-known companies


Gettingacquiredby a bigcompany.

The firstCanadian-made energy drink tomarket.

GetCanadiangrants (RND)

The niche for my company is student-athletes.Specifically, high school athletes because we want them to recognize ourbrand in their early consumer lifecycle.

Gain up is a non-medical energy drink, which means there is no guarantee thatit will enhance your performance. All ingredients source ecologically, meaning everything was cultivated ina good way.Lastly,all packaging is eco-friendly.

Market Analysis

The Energy Drink Market is amultimillion-dollar industry.In 2015 the energy drink industryin Canada alonemade a total revenue of$726.0m.

According"Most (73.6%) Canadian youth and young adults (age 12-24) surveyed had consumed CEDs".Studies showthat the consumption of these drinks has increased among this population.

Over the years, the energy drink industry has grown rapidly, with many companiesemerging as competitors in the industry. This paper discusses the proposal for a new energydrink in the market. It contains information on the current market, competitors, and its targetmarket.The largest markets for energy drinks are China, the United States, and Brazil.The energy drinks market in North America isdriven by a rise in health concerns and awareness of the benefits of its consumptions. Some ofthemarket leaders includeRed Bull Company, Coca-Cola Company, and Monster Beverage.The Red Bull Company has dominated the U.S. marketin energy drinks production, taking control of the most significant global market shareas well. Red Bull's recipe is hard to protect since the company does not have a "secret"ingredient; any companycan develop a similar product.

The Coca-Cola Company produces soft drinks. It is the world'sleading beverage company that possesses, distributes, and sells various beverage brandsworldwide. The company's weakness is that carbonated drinks are significantly high in sugar, resulting in health issues such as diabetes and obesity.

Gain Up will be sugar-free comparedandnon-carbonated.The pricing of the product willbe marginally lowerto obtain a competitive advantage.The company faces a threat of new entrants into the industry and stiff competitionfrom the existing companies. It will satisfy the niche by developing anon-carbonated drink that hasno sugarwith health benefits. It is necessary to obtain a license for the company to align with the legal requirements. The target market isyoung high school/university student-athleteswho are more conscious of their healthand who are always on the go being active. The Primary market isCanada. However, the company aims to expand to other secondary marketssuch asthe United States. Graphical analysis of the revenue markets inCanadaindicates a risingtrend. This is an indication of the large customer base which the customerwill likelyexplorenew options.

Market Analysis (continued)

Conclusively, the high demand for energy drinks developed the idea of producing a sugar-free energy drink.Gain Upaims to satisfy the customers' needs while assuringquality andhealth-conscious consumers.

Marketing strategies and activities


CONSUMER - MSRP per unit$1.99

B2B - GAIN UP Cost per unit - .50:WHOLESALER purchase per unit $1.00

Giving GAIN UP a Margin of 200%

B2B - minimum order is by the case (24 bottles per case) / 12 cases per skid -$288.00

Cost Comparison - Average Energy Beverage MSRP per unit sells for $2.89

GAIN UP will have the Competitive Pricing Advantage in the marketplace saving the consumer $.90 per unit.


GAIN UP will target convenience stores, grocery stores, high school vending machines & cafeterias, fast food chains (subway, pizza, Tim Hortons, etc.).


Gain upZero Calorie Energy Drink Mango & Ginger

Gain upMango Ginger to help you achieve your balance with the smoothflavorof mango plus a ginger kick. Tough yoga poses, long days, and blah-nesswill notkeep you down withGain-upMango Ginger Energy by your side.

Ingredients: Water, Naturalflavors, Citric Acid, Stevia Leaf extract, and caffeine.

Gain upZero Calorie Energy Drink Raspberry & Lime

Gain upRaspberry Lime Energy Drink is full offlavorsand caffeine to get you through even your most blas days. Many energy and sports drinks are packed with sugar, lab-synthesized caffeine, and a list of ingredients that can barely be pronounced, let alone understood.

Ingredients: Water, Naturalflavors, Citric Acid, Stevia Leaf extract, and caffeine.

Gain upZero Calorie Energy Drink Grapefruittwist

Gain upGrapefruitTwistEnergy is full ofzing, zest,flavor,and caffeine to get you through even your most sluggish days. With zero calories, no sugar, and only good stuff, whether you need to boost your mornings or push you through a workout,Gain up's Grapefruit sugar-free energy drink is the jam!

Ingredients:Water, Naturalflavors, Citric Acid, Stevia Leaf extract, and caffeine.

The 4 Ps



Gain up is a non-carbonated, sugar-free energy drink. Our company here at rage made a healthy non-toxic energy drink for all the people out there who are looking for a better lifestyle, a healthier gut, and a safer community. We wanted to make our energy drink not only safe and healthy but also eco-friendly. With how downhill our world is going right now gain up wanted to make a product to keep our environments keep, happy, and safe. All the other big brands using harmful metals and plastics are not going to last long. There are now so many more people listening and learning about what is going on and what needs to be done. Gain up is here to help the problem and not be a part of it.


GAIN UP is new to the market, and in energy drinks, there are a lot of big names we need to compete with. This being said, we still need to make revenue to not only support our brand but to be able to make money to keep the brand alive. Gain up is a more inexpensive product, with being so new to the market we did not want to come in at a high price, but also not too low so we went $.90 less than what the average cost is for energy drinks. Moreover, the fact that the covid-19 virus has affected many people, and more and more people have lost their jobs, so a more affordable option was our best interest and the consumer's best interest.

(All pricing is above the chart!)


GAIN UP will target convenience stores, grocery stores, high school vending machines & cafeterias, fast food chains. In terms of placement, we will have Gain up where the energy drinks aisle is in grocery stores, as well as near the cash registers because that is where a lot of sales for products like gum, drinks, and chocolate come from because it is just right there an easy grab, and there are no second thoughts. High school students who are active all the time are always looking for more energy, before practice, after a workout if they are headed to school after, before work, etc... When you are a teenager you are not making a lot of money, and or you are getting your money from your parents, which typically means you will be getting the least expensive drink that still does the job and gain up is the way to go.


Rage Syrup will promote gain up through social media like Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Tik-Tok. This is the best way to reach our target market, every high-school student uses social media. We will be using CPC on Instagram, after researching I found that when using CPC an ad can cost between $0.20 to $2 per click forInstagram ads. This is worth it because our ads are very vibrant and eye-catching, this means we will et a lot out of these ads. When advertising on Snapchat it will cost $5.00 a day. Tik-Tok will not cost us anything because we will just make videos of our product.

Customer profile-

This product will typically attract youth males and females, who are environmentally conscious and they are conscious of what goes in their body. This product will probably lean more toward the females because men do not really care about what is good for their body, they just want gains, and more energy so that they can lift even heavier.

I chose to make this product because I know in this generation people are more aware and concerned about their surroundings more than ever. These humans want a trustable product that will give them information about the ingredients they are consuming. They want an energy drink that follows their criteria. This product is sugar-free, no calories, and has no harmful chemicals as some other energy drinks do. The packaging is environmentally friendly, and the drink is good for your body. What more could you want?

Target Audience-

Female / ages 15-20

We chose the target the high-school athletes because a lot more adolescents are getting into sports and playing at high levels, and the energy drink industry has sky-rocketed throughout the past few years. When covid first hit everyone went into lock-down. No gyms were open the school sports got canceled, and just all physical activity was postponed. A lot of people have suffered from this virus with mental health. We wanted to make a drink for the kid who could not go to the gym and just were not motivated to stay in shape over covid-19 to motivate them to get back in shape, go for runs, do at-home workouts, etc. Covid lockdowns either pushed people to get better or dragged them down. We wanted this drink to bring back people's confidence, motivation, and drive to get up and do something!


The woman wanting to buy this energy drink will probably be younger, they most likely have a minimum wage job. they are probably not married no kids, they will generally be living in a bigger city, and they have a little bit of money to spend on a product that fulfills their wants/needs.

This product is a less expensive energy drink that is priced a little bit lower on the side of the scale. Only because it is targeted toward the youth and it is brand new to the market. When being in the energy drink industry you have a lot of big competition like red bull, and monster 2 very well-known companies that produce an energy drink that guarantees a enhance in your performance. That is why they can make their products much more expensive because they have a well-known name, they are making a lot of money, so they have a bigger budget to advertise and distribute. With our product, we do not guarantee an enhance in performance, but we do have a much safer and healthier product than any of the big-name products. I chose to target this audience because I know that the younger generation is honestly more educated on what should be going on in their bodies and the problems around the world. The younger generation actually cares about their future which means they will want a product that is helping the problem not encouraging it.


These women generally speaking are look for a product that is environmentally friendly, not harmful to their body, and they are just looking for an inexpensive product they can depend on for the best results.

This product checks all the boxes off from what I said above. These women need a reliable product they can depend on to keep going back to. The product is inexpensive so even for my high-school athletes who do not have a job, their parents can typically afford this product. Not only can they afford it, but they can rely on it for the best results.


This product is an inexpensive energy drink, that can typically be found in big cities and small towns. Generally speaking, the consumers will live in an urban community.

This product is not luxurious nor expensive, so you will not see it as much in big cities like Toronto, LA, and New York, this being said you will see it in small towns like Paris and Brantford. This product is better suited in cities or towns like Paris, Cambridge, Brantford, and Hamilton because the product just hit the market and people who live in big cities and have a lot of money do not care if there is a new product, they will just stick to the same product they use and trust.


The customers are going to be looking for a product they can trust and can be loyal to, so they do not have to go find a new one, they want to be an informed consumer, so they know the pricing and product.

This product is trustworthy, that's why people can trust the company. They know exactly what they will get, and they will have all the information about the product. Not all customers will be happy with the product because everyone has different expectations and tastebuds, they will like how it is made, and it's environmentally friendly. The customers know exactly what they are looking for, so this product is perfect for the audience I have targeted.

advertising and Promotions:

In Advertising and Promotions, provide an overview of the branding,

packaging and labeling, advertising, and promotion of the soft drink. This includes:

Generate and present a news release for the product that will be distributed

to the mass media.

Name and describe at least 1 sales promotion that will be used during the life

of the product.

Describe the promotion(s) fully including all details of the campaign. For

example, decide where it will be placed (which media), length of the campaign,

start date of the campaign, the reason for doing the campaign, cost of the campaign,

rules or restrictions of the campaign, how to promote the campaign, how to

judge the effectiveness of the campaign, etc.

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