Compiled by: Mesfin Fikre (PhD) ( B. Comparing System development methodologies Assume that management of an organization has placed a high priority on developing a Web-based application to connect clients with its branch offices. Before the Web component can be implemented, though, the organization must automate more of the basic information it handles about patients, health-care facilities, and prescriptions. Next, the organization must develop an initial informational Web site, which will ultimately evolve into an extranet through which it will share information and link its processes closely with its clients and suppliers. One significant requirement of the extranet is compliance with the regulatory frameworks, for security and privacy of patient data/ information. After basic processes are automated and the extranet Web site is in place, the system will enable clients to add patient information and place orders through the Web. The system should streamline processes and should also provide useful query and patient management capabilities to distinguish the company from its competitors. . One approach to system development that the organization might take is to start one large project that uses a waterfall model to the SDLC to thoroughly plan the project, analyze all requirements in detail, design every component, and then implement the entire system, with all phases completed sequentially. What are some of the risks of taking this approach? What planning and management difficulties would this approach entail? 2. Another approach to system development might be to start with the first required component and get it working. Later, other projects could be undertaken to work on the other identified capabilities. What are some of the risks of taking this approach? What planning and management difficulties would this approach entail? 3. A third approach to system development might be to define one large project that will use an iterative approach to the SDLC. Briefly describe what you would include in each iteration 4. Describe how incremental development might apply to this project. How would an iterative approach decrease project risks compared with the first approach? How might it decrease risks compared with the second approach? What are some risks the iterative approach might add to the project