complete the code in Java and take pictures of the full code . Use netbeans and not on a note pad and take pictures of the output shown that is processed. do not write the out put on a notepad show the output and the input (The code) from the computer and the shown output after processing
Write a conplete progran to do the fellening: The main progran calls a nethod to read in (fron an Inpot flie) a set of people"s three-digit it numbers and their donations to a charity thinti uge parallel arraya) + Then the main progran calls a nethod to sort the 10 nuthern into descanding order, being aure to carry along the eorresponding donaticas. The main grogran then calls a nethod to print the norted lista in tabular form, giving both ID nunbers and donatienst. Mere are the detalla; (a) The main progran calls a method to read in the iata fron a tile. The nain progran declazs two arrayz fdNumbera and donationa and pass these 2 arcay to tbe nethod to 411L f. The tile consiste of seta of doto, eseh of which contains a pernon"s chree-digit Integer 10 number and a donation in dollars and cents. (e.g.e 456 200.00 of 123,302.34). The file 15 read until end-ot-file is reached, The nethod zeturnis how naty serz of data were read in. The nain prograf ealis the return value denorCount. (b) The main progzan calla a separate printing method pasaing the two original azrays lditubers and donationa at parametera. The method printa the original set of data in the form of a neat table and nendit the output to an oatpot tile. When the arraya print, there ahould be an overall heading. plus headings for the colunna of ID nunbers and donations. (e) Then the main progran sends the array of donation to a mathod which is going to find out the highest, and the lowest donation. Thit method opens the same file as in gart (b) and writes how many donations are above, below, and exactly equal to the average. (d) Then the main progran sendn the array of ID nuebera, the array of donations, and the size donorCount to a aerting metbod. This nethod softa the ID fumbera into namerical order uning a selectionsort. Be sure to maintaln the mateh-up of ID numbera and donations. For example, 45t nhoald alwayn be associated with 200.00, no natcer where 456 moves in aumerical orderf almilarly, 123 shoold stay with 302.34. Fhen the norting method printed two highent donations, and two lowest donat fona. When the sorting method finishes and returas cantrol to the main program, the nain progran calls the printing aethod to write the sorted table once again in the sase outpet file as in part (b). Your arraya ahoold bave room for sp to 50 entrlea. To teat the program, have a thet of data with at least 15 to 20 values in each artay. Make sure that your orighinal order in not close to numerical order for elther array or that the two numerieal orders are not clase to each other. Required Submission: 1. A PDF file containing scremchots of the java souroe code and output cuesole. 2. The data input flle of denon and denations icg, input nat 3. The program geacrated ontput file ( g. outper tat)