Completing ths act ing will Bet pow larn to 1 budd calculationt te find cumidative conta and int cests tor a manulacturing ok completed. Your rimpecr acoumulible cout oer job os a fob-order sheet. nequiredi Lalor Howeh. babor Herris? accemmedate varietions in total hour. hours Is the manbachuting eveifesd amount you found for the 3OA or por EACH UNITI The manufachuring erertiead areount is found dat 3. Cont Sumuthary C. Culculate manufacturng enertiead for sob +26 in er 1620 . 00 not hatd-code a. Cakilate the total costs for 30b=26 in ce li gat 4. Cairylute the Momai conts for lob 126 in celi 621 e. Cakculate the unt product cont for 30 o26 in cel 022 4. Gaffect on your calailaton procks te further undertand cost eencepts. 4. How does manuthesinipg evethead arter from drect muderass and eredt labor? Mandactunng overtebe is cost, not Conts, asoocated with manutactiring. It requint analgatich st wota alocating toe coos, bnd a nete. Tha offen from direct muteral and labor becaine those cons tracedile eutright te produding a ont. b. What variabiess) deei drect laber desend en? What variable(t) do drect matengls desend en? What varabie(s) dons manutacturise everiesd depend on? c. Ahat infarmation can rou ginem from the fob-cost sprestrheed Whet is the moet expensve part of the gop leat erpensive? the ieast expenove part of tha matufacturiog pob os A If is aboont Wo of the totis coes allocating the cost, and a rate. This differs from direct material and labor because those costs traceable outright to producing a unit- b. What variable(s) does direct labor depend on? What variable(s) do direct materials depend on? What variable(s) does manufacturing overhead depend on? c. What information can you gleam from the job-cost spreadsheet? What is the most expensive part of the job? least expensive? is the most expensive part of manifacturing this job. It accounts for about % of the job's cost. The least expensive part of this manufacturing job is . It is about O of the fob's cost. 5. Explain how job cost: sheets are used to evaluate and control costs. The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor. Lastion bickis) actrmumodate variation is total boun Is the mafiutacturing brerhedd ansome vou fogind for the 30 a or for t MCM unIT? the marifacturing owerhead amount is found for 3. Cou summbry 6. Caleulate direct labor for fog o 26 in cell 619 . Mint is the drect libse informaben oxph the todal Nor the job or for tath sut? c. Cakulate manufactunny oreinead far 10ob:26 in reit ca0. bo hiet havd-code. e. Calcuiate the unit product cont for leb 226 in cell dxz 4. Aunect on yiur calculaion proctus ts further whelsiand cont cencepta. 3. Mow does manulbcturing ovehtad difer from direct muterais and diect laser? Hanutactunng eventeat is test, nat anecating the coot, and a rate. This adees fiom dect muleria and labor becaute thate shis tackabie avenght we miducen a viet. E. What yarabe(v) dees direct iapor desend on? What vanable(s) do eirect materiax depend on? What variabie(s) does mandecturing overhead depend on? c. What information can you gleam from the job-cost spreadoheet? What is the most expensive part of the yob? least espensive? is the most expensive part of manutacturing this job. It accounts for about The least expensive part of this manufacturing job is it is about W of the job's cost 5. Explain how job cost sheets are used to evaluate and control costs. The input in the box below wili not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by vour instructor: Compieting tors bciviny wil heip woulearnto 2. undersand and ubioe h mahudacturing overtacad taid Reesuiredt X HIWT stTP BY-5TE WALkTtaOlagi moge Hous|? Hibkerisist) Mocinnodate variationi in total hour. Is the imurufacturing overivead amoubl vou found for the 308 or far EACH UNIt? The manulachuring overheas antount is found for 1. cinet 5umpary b. Caleulage direct laboc for Job $26 in sell G19. Himt Is the drect labor marmabon givm the total for the job or far eads iont? c. Calculate mantaficturing onerticad for tob e 26 in ceft G20. Do hot hard-code. it. Caicuate the rotal costs for joh 026 in ceil Gul. e. Caloutate the uhht preduet cent for Jot a 26 in coll 922 4. Feflect on yourealiuingion proceis lo further understand cost concepts. 1. Waw foks mantufaturing ovemiead differ from direct materiak and dinect labor? Mandecturing ovirhead is cost, net Consts, assocates with manifacturing. 1e requires analyation of total seits, 3 rational inithod s aliocating the cost, and a rate. This Giffees from direct material and laber becauge those costs traceatle bueright to prediyging a unt b. What vanabie(t) does drect labor depend on? What varmabu(s) de ditect materiais sepend an? What varable(t) does manufactungh overticad depend on? ic. What mormabon can you gleam from the job-tost tpreadsheet? what is the most experisive part of the jobl least empenilye? The least experake fart of this manadactaritig job is W of the job s cost b. What variable\{s) does direct labor depend on? What yariable(s) do direct materials depend on? What variabie(s) does manufacturing overhead depend on? c. What information can you gleam from the job-cost spreadsheet? What is the most expensive part of the job? least expensive? is the most expensive part of manufacturing this job. It accounts for about We of the job's cost. The least expensive part of this manufacturing job is It is about \% of the job's cost 5. Explain how job cost sheets are used to evaluate and control costs. The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor. Completing ths act ing will Bet pow larn to 1 budd calculationt te find cumidative conta and int cests tor a manulacturing ok completed. Your rimpecr acoumulible cout oer job os a fob-order sheet. nequiredi Lalor Howeh. babor Herris? accemmedate varietions in total hour. hours Is the manbachuting eveifesd amount you found for the 3OA or por EACH UNITI The manufachuring erertiead areount is found dat 3. Cont Sumuthary C. Culculate manufacturng enertiead for sob +26 in er 1620 . 00 not hatd-code a. Cakilate the total costs for 30b=26 in ce li gat 4. Cairylute the Momai conts for lob 126 in celi 621 e. Cakculate the unt product cont for 30 o26 in cel 022 4. Gaffect on your calailaton procks te further undertand cost eencepts. 4. How does manuthesinipg evethead arter from drect muderass and eredt labor? Mandactunng overtebe is cost, not Conts, asoocated with manutactiring. It requint analgatich st wota alocating toe coos, bnd a nete. Tha offen from direct muteral and labor becaine those cons tracedile eutright te produding a ont. b. What variabiess) deei drect laber desend en? What variable(t) do drect matengls desend en? What varabie(s) dons manutacturise everiesd depend on? c. Ahat infarmation can rou ginem from the fob-cost sprestrheed Whet is the moet expensve part of the gop leat erpensive? the ieast expenove part of tha matufacturiog pob os A If is aboont Wo of the totis coes allocating the cost, and a rate. This differs from direct material and labor because those costs traceable outright to producing a unit- b. What variable(s) does direct labor depend on? What variable(s) do direct materials depend on? What variable(s) does manufacturing overhead depend on? c. What information can you gleam from the job-cost spreadsheet? What is the most expensive part of the job? least expensive? is the most expensive part of manifacturing this job. It accounts for about % of the job's cost. The least expensive part of this manufacturing job is . It is about O of the fob's cost. 5. Explain how job cost: sheets are used to evaluate and control costs. The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor. Lastion bickis) actrmumodate variation is total boun Is the mafiutacturing brerhedd ansome vou fogind for the 30 a or for t MCM unIT? the marifacturing owerhead amount is found for 3. Cou summbry 6. Caleulate direct labor for fog o 26 in cell 619 . Mint is the drect libse informaben oxph the todal Nor the job or for tath sut? c. Cakulate manufactunny oreinead far 10ob:26 in reit ca0. bo hiet havd-code. e. Calcuiate the unit product cont for leb 226 in cell dxz 4. Aunect on yiur calculaion proctus ts further whelsiand cont cencepta. 3. Mow does manulbcturing ovehtad difer from direct muterais and diect laser? Hanutactunng eventeat is test, nat anecating the coot, and a rate. This adees fiom dect muleria and labor becaute thate shis tackabie avenght we miducen a viet. E. What yarabe(v) dees direct iapor desend on? What vanable(s) do eirect materiax depend on? What variabie(s) does mandecturing overhead depend on? c. What information can you gleam from the job-cost spreadoheet? What is the most expensive part of the yob? least espensive? is the most expensive part of manutacturing this job. It accounts for about The least expensive part of this manufacturing job is it is about W of the job's cost 5. Explain how job cost sheets are used to evaluate and control costs. The input in the box below wili not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by vour instructor: Compieting tors bciviny wil heip woulearnto 2. undersand and ubioe h mahudacturing overtacad taid Reesuiredt X HIWT stTP BY-5TE WALkTtaOlagi moge Hous|? Hibkerisist) Mocinnodate variationi in total hour. Is the imurufacturing overivead amoubl vou found for the 308 or far EACH UNIt? The manulachuring overheas antount is found for 1. cinet 5umpary b. Caleulage direct laboc for Job $26 in sell G19. Himt Is the drect labor marmabon givm the total for the job or far eads iont? c. Calculate mantaficturing onerticad for tob e 26 in ceft G20. Do hot hard-code. it. Caicuate the rotal costs for joh 026 in ceil Gul. e. Caloutate the uhht preduet cent for Jot a 26 in coll 922 4. Feflect on yourealiuingion proceis lo further understand cost concepts. 1. Waw foks mantufaturing ovemiead differ from direct materiak and dinect labor? Mandecturing ovirhead is cost, net Consts, assocates with manifacturing. 1e requires analyation of total seits, 3 rational inithod s aliocating the cost, and a rate. This Giffees from direct material and laber becauge those costs traceatle bueright to prediyging a unt b. What vanabie(t) does drect labor depend on? What varmabu(s) de ditect materiais sepend an? What varable(t) does manufactungh overticad depend on? ic. What mormabon can you gleam from the job-tost tpreadsheet? what is the most experisive part of the jobl least empenilye? The least experake fart of this manadactaritig job is W of the job s cost b. What variable\{s) does direct labor depend on? What yariable(s) do direct materials depend on? What variabie(s) does manufacturing overhead depend on? c. What information can you gleam from the job-cost spreadsheet? What is the most expensive part of the job? least expensive? is the most expensive part of manufacturing this job. It accounts for about We of the job's cost. The least expensive part of this manufacturing job is It is about \% of the job's cost 5. Explain how job cost sheets are used to evaluate and control costs. The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor