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completing worksheet //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Laboratory C, In-lab Exercise 1 search.cpp // // Implementation of a set of searching routines // // from A Laboratory

completing worksheet
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// Laboratory C, In-lab Exercise 1 search.cpp
// Implementation of a set of searching routines
// from "A Laboratory Course in C++ Data Structures" (Roberge,Brandle,Whittington)
int linearSearch ( DT keyList [], int numKeys,
DT searchKey, int &index )
// Linear search routine. Searches the first numKeys keys in keyList
// for searchKey. If searchKey is found, then returns 1 with index
// returning the array index of the entry containing searchKey.
// Otherwise, returns 0 with index returning the array index of the
// entry containing the largest key that is smaller than searchKey
// (or -1 if there is no such key).
int result; // Result returned
index = 0;
while ( index keyList[index] )
if ( index
result = 1; // searchKey found
index--; // searchKey not found
result = 0;
return result;
int binarySearch ( DT keyList [], int numKeys,
DT searchKey, int &index )
// Binary search routine. Searches the first numKeys keys in keyList
// for searchKey. If searchKey is found, then returns 1 with index
// returning the array index of the entry containing searchKey.
// Otherwise, returns 0 with index returning the array index of the
// entry containing the largest key that is smaller than searchKey
// (or -1 if there is no such key).
int low = 0, // Low index of current search range
high = numKeys - 1, // High index of current search range
result; // Result returned
while ( low
index = ( low + high ) / 2; // Compute midpoint
if ( searchKey
high = index - 1; // Search lower half
else if ( searchKey > keyList[index] )
low = index + 1; // Search upper half
break; // searchKey found
if ( low
result = 1; // searchKey found
index = high; // searchKey not found, adjust index
result = 0;
return result;
int unknownSearch ( DT keyList [], int numKeys,
DT searchKey, int &index )
// Unknown search routine. Searches the first numKeys keys in keyList
// for searchKey. If searchKey is found, then returns 1 with index
// returning the array index of the entry containing searchKey.
// Otherwise, returns 0 with index returning the array index of the
// entry containing the largest key that is smaller than searchKey
// (or -1 if there is no such key).
int result; // Result returned
index = 0;
while ( index
if ( index
result = 1; // searchKey found
index--; // searchKey not found
result = 0;
return result;
// Laboratory C, In-lab Exercise 2 sort.cpp
// Implementation of a set of sorting routines
// from "A Laboratory Course in C++ Data Structures" (Roberge,Brandle,Whittington)
void selectionSort ( DT keyList [], int numKeys )
// Selection sort routine. Sorts the first numKeys keys in keyList
// into ascending order.
DT temp; // Temporary storage used in swapping
int minPt, // Index of the smallest key in the remaining entries
j, k; // Loop counters
for ( j = 0 ; j
minPt = j;
for ( k = j+1 ; k
if ( keyList[k]
minPt = k;
temp = keyList[j];
keyList[j] = keyList[minPt];
keyList[minPt] = temp;
void quickSort ( DT keyList [], int numKeys )
// Quicksort routine. Sorts the first numKeys keys in keyList into
// ascending order.
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void quickPartition ( DT keyList [], int numKeys,
int left, int right )
// Recursive partner of the quickSort routine. Partitions the array
// entries between left and right into two subarrays. One subarray
// contains the keys that are less than or equal to splitValue, and
// the other contains the keys that are greater than splitValue.
// Recursively sorts each of these subarrays.
DT splitValue, // "Mid" value to use in splitting
temp; // Temporary storage used in swapping
int splitL, // Keys in [left..splitL-1] are
splitR; // Keys in [splitR+1..right] are > splitValue
splitValue = keyList[ ( left + right ) / 2 ];
splitL = left; // Start at left and move toward right
splitR = right; // Start at right and move toward left
// Go right until key >= splitValue found.
while ( keyList[splitL]
// Go left until key
while ( splitValue
if ( splitL
temp = keyList[splitL]; // Swap keys
keyList[splitL] = keyList[splitR]; // at limits
keyList[splitR] = temp;
splitL++; // Continue
splitR--; // partitioning
while ( splitL
// Sort each subarray.
if ( left
if ( splitL
void unknownSort ( DT keyList [], int numKeys )
// Unknown sort routine. Sorts the first numKeys keys in keyList into
// ascending order.
DT temp; // Temporary storage used in swapping
int j, k; // Loop counters
for ( j = 0 ; j
for ( k = numKeys-1 ; k > j ; k-- )
if ( keyList[k-1] > keyList[k] )
temp = keyList[k];
keyList[k] = keyList[k-1];
keyList[k-1] = temp;
// Laboratory C, In-lab Exercise 1 timesrch.cpp
// Timing program for a set of searching routines
// from "A Laboratory Course in C++ Data Structures" (Roberge,Brandle,Whittington)
// Computes the length of time that it takes to execute a given
// searching routine. Searches for numSearches keys in an ordered
// array of numKeys integers.
#include // For exit()
#include "timer.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "search.h"
using namespace std;
// By default Windows XP has a time resolution of 15.625 milliseconds
// This is called a quantum. To get 3 significant figures in a measured
// result you will need to ensure that you measure times at least
// 100 times longer than the minimum resolution. Tweak numRepetitions
// until you get a minimum time > 1.5s for 1000 keys. On my system
// (numRepetitions == 700) gets me ~ 3.1s at 1000 keys.
//Default timing multiplier
const int numRepetitions = 700; // Number of times to repeat each
// search -- several repetitions
// may be needed in order to
// produce a meaningful timing
//Extra timing multipliers
const int LIN_MULT = 2; // Some algorithms are much faster
const int BIN_MULT = 18; // than the others and need an
const int UNK_MULT = 1; // extra boost to produce a reliable
// timing number. These have been tuned
// to produce similar times at 1000 keys.
const int numSearches = 1000; // Number of searches to perform
// This provides a variety of
// search sets to help remove bias
// from results
int main ()
Timer searchTimer; // Timer for searching routine
int *keyList, // Array of integer keys
numKeys, // Number of array entries
searchSet[numSearches], // Array of keys to search for
dummy, // Status returned by search
index, // Index returned by search
j, k; // Loop counters
double timePerSearch; // Time per search (in seconds)
// Get the number of keys.
cin >> numKeys;
if ( numKeys
// Allocate the array of keys.
keyList = new int [numKeys];
if ( keyList == 0 )
// Initialize the array of keys and the search set.
for ( j = 0 ; j
keyList[j] = rand();
for ( j = 0 ; j
searchSet[j] = rand();
// Output header
// We're doing science here. Let's set the scientific flag for numerical
// output, and set output precision slightly higher than measurement
// precision
// Linear search --
// Determine how long it takes to search for the keys in
// searchSet. Repeat the searches numRepetitions times.
for ( j = 0 ; j
for ( k = 0 ; k
dummy = linearSearch(keyList,numKeys,searchSet[k],index);
timePerSearch = searchTimer.getElapsedTime() /
( double(numSearches) * double(numRepetitions*LIN_MULT) );
//Output sample info for Linear Search
// Binary search --
// Determine how long it takes to search for the keys in
// searchSet. Repeat the searches numRepetitions times.
for ( j = 0 ; j
for ( k = 0 ; k
dummy = binarySearch(keyList,numKeys,searchSet[k],index);
timePerSearch = searchTimer.getElapsedTime() /
( double(numSearches) * double(numRepetitions*BIN_MULT) );
// Unknown search --
// Determine how long it takes to search for the keys in
// searchSet. Repeat the searches numRepetitions times.
for ( j = 0 ; j
for ( k = 0 ; k
dummy = unknownSearch(keyList,numKeys,searchSet[k],index);
timePerSearch = searchTimer.getElapsedTime() /
( double(numSearches) * double(numRepetitions*UNK_MULT) );
// Deallocate the array of keys.
delete [] keyList;
return 0;
Enter the number of keys (must be at le (s) S Search Number of Total Time Type Searches linear Search 1400000 3.898e+00 binarySearch 12600000 1.813e+00 unknownSearch 700000 3.866e+00 Press any key to continue The 2.087e-004 is equivalent to 2.087*10* or 0.0002087. Plot the graph and answer the questions (Step 2 - Step 5). Worksheet for F Complete the table by recording the Time per Search column. This involves plotting the time that it takes to run the three algorithms with different numbers of keys. In the end, you will have three lines for the three searches: linear, binary, and unknown. You can use the following four sets of (Time per Search) data to plot the graph. Enter the number of keys (must be at least 1999) : 1998 enter the number of keys (must be at least 1080) : 2000 Time per Search Type Number of Total Time Searches Search(s) Search Number of Total Time ! Time per Type Searches (5) Search(s) linear Search 1400000 1.284e-20 8.600-07 pinarySearch | 12600000 1.184e-00 8.762e-88 unknown Search 7000001 1.182e-00 1.689e-86 Press any key to continue Enter the number of keys (must be at least 1000): 3980 linearSearch 1400000 binarySearch 12600000 anknown Search 700000 Press any key to continue 2.496e-80 1.224e-00 2.330e-80 1.729e-06 9.214-08 3.329e-86 Enter the number of keys (must be at least 1888): 486 Time per Tint per Search Type Number of Total Time Searches (s) Search Type Number of Total Time Searches Search(s) Search(s) linear Search 1400000 binary Search 12600000 unknown Search 700000 Press any key to continue 3.616e+00 1.275e+00 3.414e- 2.583e-06 LinearSearch 1488000 1.012-07 binarySearch 12682080 4.877e-06 unknown Search 708880 Press any key to continue 6.880-00 1.981e+82 6.299e+80 4.857e-86 1.589e-e7 8.999-06 rt 2 Part 1 - Performance or Searching Routines The following questions are taken from A laboratory Course in C++ Data Structures, by Roberge, Brandle and Whittington: Step 2: Complete the following table by recording the Time per Search of the linear Search), binarySearch(), and unknownSearch) routines for each of the values of numKeys listed in the table. Execution Times of a Set of Searching Routines Routine Number of Keys 1000 2000 3000 4000 linear Search() ON ) binaryScarch) Orlog U unknownSearch Step 3: Plot the results below Search Time (10 seconds) 1 Number of Keys in List (NumKeys) Step 4: Consider the two routines in the table above with known big O execution times. Which one should run faster? Describe the expected shape of the curve straight or curved) for both algorithms. Step 5: Using the code in the file search.h and your measured execution times as a basis, what is the execution time (Big O) of the unknownSearch() routine. Briefly explain your reasoning behind this estimate. Enter the number of keys (must be at le (s) S Search Number of Total Time Type Searches linear Search 1400000 3.898e+00 binarySearch 12600000 1.813e+00 unknownSearch 700000 3.866e+00 Press any key to continue The 2.087e-004 is equivalent to 2.087*10* or 0.0002087. Plot the graph and answer the questions (Step 2 - Step 5). Worksheet for F Complete the table by recording the Time per Search column. This involves plotting the time that it takes to run the three algorithms with different numbers of keys. In the end, you will have three lines for the three searches: linear, binary, and unknown. You can use the following four sets of (Time per Search) data to plot the graph. Enter the number of keys (must be at least 1999) : 1998 enter the number of keys (must be at least 1080) : 2000 Time per Search Type Number of Total Time Searches Search(s) Search Number of Total Time ! Time per Type Searches (5) Search(s) linear Search 1400000 1.284e-20 8.600-07 pinarySearch | 12600000 1.184e-00 8.762e-88 unknown Search 7000001 1.182e-00 1.689e-86 Press any key to continue Enter the number of keys (must be at least 1000): 3980 linearSearch 1400000 binarySearch 12600000 anknown Search 700000 Press any key to continue 2.496e-80 1.224e-00 2.330e-80 1.729e-06 9.214-08 3.329e-86 Enter the number of keys (must be at least 1888): 486 Time per Tint per Search Type Number of Total Time Searches (s) Search Type Number of Total Time Searches Search(s) Search(s) linear Search 1400000 binary Search 12600000 unknown Search 700000 Press any key to continue 3.616e+00 1.275e+00 3.414e- 2.583e-06 LinearSearch 1488000 1.012-07 binarySearch 12682080 4.877e-06 unknown Search 708880 Press any key to continue 6.880-00 1.981e+82 6.299e+80 4.857e-86 1.589e-e7 8.999-06 rt 2 Part 1 - Performance or Searching Routines The following questions are taken from A laboratory Course in C++ Data Structures, by Roberge, Brandle and Whittington: Step 2: Complete the following table by recording the Time per Search of the linear Search), binarySearch(), and unknownSearch) routines for each of the values of numKeys listed in the table. Execution Times of a Set of Searching Routines Routine Number of Keys 1000 2000 3000 4000 linear Search() ON ) binaryScarch) Orlog U unknownSearch Step 3: Plot the results below Search Time (10 seconds) 1 Number of Keys in List (NumKeys) Step 4: Consider the two routines in the table above with known big O execution times. Which one should run faster? Describe the expected shape of the curve straight or curved) for both algorithms. Step 5: Using the code in the file search.h and your measured execution times as a basis, what is the execution time (Big O) of the unknownSearch() routine. Briefly explain your reasoning behind this estimate

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