Confused on how to do this.
NOTE: I have completed Problem \#7 for you below (and provided some information on the "A\#12_Problems" document for this problem) as an example. I would suggest doing what I have done in that example for all the other problems on your "A\#12_Problems" document, which is as follows: 1. Calculate the marginal means (in red on page 1 for Problem \#7 on the "A\#12_Problems" document) a. You calculate the marginal means by adding the appropriate condition means and dividing by 2 b. If the marginal means for an IV are the same there is no Main Effect (i.e., you will indicate "NO" for the Main Effect), if they are different there appears to be a main effect (i.e., you will indicate "YES" for the Main Effect) 2. Draw the appropriate symbols around the condition means (i.e., a circle around the condition means for IV-B Level 1; a square around the condition means for IV-B Level 2) Arumze View Sthare Window Help 125%2+ working on Problem 1: Main Elfect of IV-A: Main Effect of IV-B: Correct Graph: Interaction: Problem 2: Main Effect of IV-A: Main Effect of IV-B: Correct Graph: Interaction: Problem 3: Main Effect of IV-A: Main Effect of IV-B: Correct Graph: Interaction: Problem 4: Main Efficet of IV-A: Main Effect of IV-B: Correct Graph: Interaction: Problem 5: Main Effect of IV-A. Main Effect of IV-B: Correct Graph: Interaction: Problem 6: Main Effect of IV-A : Main Effect of IV-B: Correct Graph: Interaction: Problem7: Main Effect of IV-A: YES Main Effect of IV-B: NO Correct Graph: E Tntapetion Vule AN12 Problerts Problem 3. IV Problem 5. Problemi IV- B IV-B Probl 1. Determine whether there appears to be a Main Effect for IV-A by writing "YES" or "NO" in the appropriate provided space 2. Determine whether there appears to be a Main Effect for IV-B by writing "YES" or "NO" in the appropriate provided space 3. Determine which graph from page 2 (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H) accurately depicts the data for the given problem by writing the appropriate letter in the provided space 4. Determine whether there appears to be an Interaction by writing "YES" or "NO" in the appropriate provided space NOTE: I have completed Problem \#7 for you below (and provided some information on the "A\#12_Problems" document for this problem) as an example. I would suggest doing what I have done in that example for all the other problems on your "A\#12_Problems" document, which is as follows: 1. Calculate the marginal means (in red on page 1 for Problem \#7 on the "A\#12_Problems" document) a. You calculate the marginal means by adding the appropriate condition means and dividing by 2 b. If the marginal means for an IV are the same there is no Main Effect (i.e., you will indicate "NO" for the Main Effect), if they are different there appears to be a main effect (i.e., you will indicate "YES" for the Main Effect) 2. Draw the appropriate symbols around the condition means (i.e., a circle around the condition means for IV-B Level 1; a square around the condition means for IV-B Level 2) Arumze View Sthare Window Help 125%2+ working on Problem 1: Main Elfect of IV-A: Main Effect of IV-B: Correct Graph: Interaction: Problem 2: Main Effect of IV-A: Main Effect of IV-B: Correct Graph: Interaction: Problem 3: Main Effect of IV-A: Main Effect of IV-B: Correct Graph: Interaction: Problem 4: Main Efficet of IV-A: Main Effect of IV-B: Correct Graph: Interaction: Problem 5: Main Effect of IV-A. Main Effect of IV-B: Correct Graph: Interaction: Problem 6: Main Effect of IV-A : Main Effect of IV-B: Correct Graph: Interaction: Problem7: Main Effect of IV-A: YES Main Effect of IV-B: NO Correct Graph: E Tntapetion Vule AN12 Problerts Problem 3. IV Problem 5. Problemi IV- B IV-B Probl 1. Determine whether there appears to be a Main Effect for IV-A by writing "YES" or "NO" in the appropriate provided space 2. Determine whether there appears to be a Main Effect for IV-B by writing "YES" or "NO" in the appropriate provided space 3. Determine which graph from page 2 (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H) accurately depicts the data for the given problem by writing the appropriate letter in the provided space 4. Determine whether there appears to be an Interaction by writing "YES" or "NO" in the appropriate provided space