Consijer the unbdjusted trial balance of Londen, Inc. at December 31, 2023, and the related month-end adjustment data. (1) (Cick the icon to view the month-end adiustment data.) Requirements 1. Prepare the adjusted trial balance of London, Inc, at December 31, 2023. The unadjusted balances havo beon entored for you. Keyy each adjusting antry by lettar. 2. Prepare the single-step monthly income statement, the statemont of retained earnings, and the classifled balance shoet. Requirement 1. Using the wotksheot, prepare the adjusted trial balance of London, Inc., at December 31, 2023. The unad/usted balances have been antered for you. Key each adjusting entry by letter. Caloulate the total debits and credis. Then calculate the adjusted balance of each account and fotal the debet and credit columns in the adjustect irial balance. Consider the unadjusted trial belance of London, lnc. at December 31, 2023, and the related month endid adjustment datas. (1) (Cick the icon to view the fionth-end adjustmant data.) Requirements 1. Prepare the adfustod tral balance of London, Inci at December 31, 2023. The unacjusted balances have boen antered for you. Key aach atusting antry by iefec. 2. Prepare the single-step monthly income statement, the statement of retained earrings, and the olassified balance sheet. Considet the unadjusted trial balance of London, Inc, at December 31,2023 , and the related month-end adjustment data. (i) (Cick the icon to view the monthend adjustment data.) Requirements 1. Prepare the adjusted trial balance of London, Ine. at December 31, 2023. The unadjustod balanoes have been entored for you. Key each adfusting antry by lefter, 2. Prepare the single-step monthly income statement, the statement of retained earnings, and the classifed balance sheet. Consider the unadjusted tial balance of London, Inc. at December 31,2023 , and the related month-end adjustment data (i) (Click the icon to view the month-end adjustment data.) Requirements 1. Prepare the adjusted trial balance of London, Inc. at December 31, 2023. The unadjusted balances have been ontered for you. Key aach adjusting intry by intiter. 2. Prepare the single-step monthly income statement, the statement of retained eamings, and the classified balance sheet. Consider the unadjusted trial balance of London, Inc, at December 31,2023 , and the relatod month-end adjustment data. (Click the icon to viow the month-end adjustment data.) Requinements 1. Prepare the adjusted trial balance of London, Inc, at December 31, 2023. The unadjusted balances have been entered for you. Key each acfusting artry by lattar 2. Prepare the singie-step monthly income statement, the statement of retained eamings, and the classifed balance sheet. Requirement 2. Prepare the single-step monthly income statement the statement of retained eamings, and the classified balance sheet. Begin by preparing the income statement. (IS an input field is not used in the statement leave the fleld empty, do not seloct a label or entor a zero) Feview the adjusled trial balance completed in Reppuirement 1. Consider the unadjusted trial balance of London, Inc, at Decomber 31,2023 , and the relatod month-end adjustment data (i. (Cick the iosn to view the month-end adjustment data.) Requirements 1. Prepare the adjusted trial balance of London, Inc. at December 31, 2023. The unadjusted balances have been entered for you. Key each arfisting entry by letter. 2. Prepare the single-step monthly income statement, the statement of retained eamings, and the classified balance sheet. Consider the unadjusted trial balance of London, Inc, at December 31, 20e3, and the related month-end adjustment data (Click the icon to view the month-ond adjustment data.) Requirements 1. Prepare the adjusted trial balance of London, Inc. at December 31,2023 . The unadjusted balances have been entered for you. Key each adjusfing ertry by letter. 2. Prepare the single-step menthly income statement, the statement of retained earnings, and the classified balance sheet. Now prepare the statement of rotained earnings. (Include a subtotal afser the "Add" line of the statement) Review the adlueted triat halanra mminletant in Raniliremant it Consider the unadjusted trial balance of London, Inc, at December 31, 2023, and the related month-end adjustment data. 1. (Click the icon to view the month-end adjustment data.) Requirements 1. Prepare the adjusted trial balance of London, Inc. at December 31, 2023. The unadjusted balances have been entered for you. Key aoch adjusting antry by letter. 2. Prepare the single-step monthly income statement, the statement of retained earnings, and the classified baiance sheot. Now prepare the statement of retained earnings. (Include a subtotal after the "Add" line of the statement.) Reviow the adjusted trial balance completed in Requirement 1. Consider the unadysted trial bakance of London, Inc. at December 31,2023 , and the related month-end adjustment datak. 1. (Click the loon to view the month-end acjustment data.) Requiroments: 1. Prepare the adjusted trial balance of London. Inc. at December 31,2023 . The unadjusted balances have been entered for you. Key each adjusting entry by letter. 2. Prepare the singlo-stop monthly income statement, the statement of retained earnings, and the classified balance sheet. Finaly, prepare the balance sheot. (it an input field is not used in the statement leave the field empty; do not seloct a label or enter a zero.) Peview the adjusted trial balance completed in Requirement 1 : Consider the unadjusted trial balance of London, Inc. at December 31,2023 , and the related month-end adjustmont data. 1. (Click the icon to view the month-end adjustment dnta.) Requirements 1. Prepare the adjusted trial balance of London, Inc. at December 31, 2023. The unadjusted balances have been entered for you. Kiyy each adiutting antry by iettet. 2. Prepare the single-step monthly income statemont, the staternent of retained earnings, and the classifed balance sheet. Finally, prepare the balance sheot. (ff an input field is not used in the statement loave the field empty, do not seiect a labet or erter a zera.) Review the adjusted trial balance completed in Requirement 1. Consider the unadjusted trial balance of London, Inc. at December 31, 2023, and the related month-end adjustment data. (1) (Click the icon fo view the month-end adpustment data.) Requirements 1. Prepare the adjusted trial balance of London, Inc, at December 31,2023 . The unadjusted balances have beon entered for you. Kiey each adjusting entry by lette 2. Prepare the single-step monthly income statement, the statement of rotained earnings, and the classified balance sheet. Consider the unadjusted trial balance of London, Inc. at December 31, 2023, and the related month-end adjustment data. (1. (Click the icon to view the month-end adjustment data.) Requirements 1. Prepare the adjusled trial balance of London. Inc. at December 31, 2023. The unadjusted balances havo been entered for you, Key sach adfusting antry by leetar. 2. Prepare the single-step monthly income statement, the statement of retained earnings, and the classified balance sheet. Adjustment data at December 31, 2023: a. Accrued sorvice revenue at December 31,$3,800. b. Prepaid rent expired during the month. The unadjusted prepaid balance of $3,000 relates to the period December 1, 2023 through February 28, 2024. c. Supplies used during December, $2,340. d. Depreciation on furniture for the month. The estimated useful life of the furniture is five years. e. Acerued salary expense at December 31 for Monday. Tuesday and Wodnesday. The five-day weekly payroll of $14,000 will be paid on Friday. For the purpose of this calculation, assume December 31 falls on a Wednesday