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(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 10.2' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[

(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 10.2' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 158, NotebookDataLength[ 35433, NotebookOptionsPosition[ 34766, NotebookOutlinePosition[ 35157, CellTagsIndexPosition[ 35114, WindowFrame->Normal*) 7] 797] 771] 788] 785] (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell["\\<\\ CPI 200: Math Foundations of Informatics \\[LineSeparator]Instructor: \\ Dianne Hansford Homework #2: -- Barycentric coordinates -- Spherical Coordinates and Curves on a Surfaces Due: Feb 16 by midnight\\ \\>", "Subsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.663529628430106*^9, 3.6635296566057177`*^9}, { 3.6635296881895237`*^9, 3.6635297465918646`*^9}, {3.6635306019147863`*^9, 3.6635306296933746`*^9}, {3.663534326583825*^9, 3.66353436356194*^9}, { 3.6952123690617123`*^9, 3.695212458941843*^9}, {3.695215585574958*^9, 3.695215594554971*^9}, {3.6952173785319996`*^9, 3.6952173958170524`*^9}, { 3.695298254729683*^9, 3.6952982552096834`*^9}}], Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["Guidelines:", FontWeight->"Bold"], "\ Turn in via Blackboard\ Name your file lastnameFirstInitial_HW2.nb\ Below \\ each problem description, add your MM code\ Comment your notebook\ Work \\ independently" }], "Subsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.663529628430106*^9, 3.6635296566057177`*^9}, { 3.6635296881895237`*^9, 3.6635297465918646`*^9}, {3.6635306967522106`*^9, 3.663530707218809*^9}, {3.663530753724469*^9, 3.663530800041118*^9}, { 3.663530856703359*^9, 3.6635308683380246`*^9}, {3.6952124699238586`*^9, 3.6952124808118753`*^9}}], Cell["\\<\\ Grading Part 1: 40 Part 2: 40 Part 3: 20\\ \\>", "Subsection", CellChangeTimes->{{3.695302752963437*^9, 3.6953028035035086`*^9}}, Background->RGBColor[1, 0.925, 0.925]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[{ "\ PART 1. ", StyleBox["Barycentric coordinates of a point with respect to a triangle\ In \\ this section, we plot a colored 2d triangle and its vertices, colored with \\ distinct colors.\ A 2d slider allows the user to move a point in the \\ xy-plane.\ The barycentric coordinates of this (x,y) point are computed and \\ displayed.\ The moving point changes color; its color is computed as linear \\ interpolation of the vertex colors.\ \ I have supplied code snippets. You \\ must complete the code to satisfy the functionality described above.\ I have \\ indicated what you have to do with \\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]To Do\\ \\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] comments.\ ", FontFamily->"Gill Sans MT"] }], "Subtitle", CellChangeTimes->{{3.6635267194027195`*^9, 3.663526728399234*^9}, { 3.663526775619934*^9, 3.6635267759329524`*^9}, {3.6635268320791636`*^9, 3.663526834549305*^9}, {3.6635270906159515`*^9, 3.663527098583407*^9}, { 3.6635309036730456`*^9, 3.663530905091127*^9}, {3.6635309821945367`*^9, 3.663531049960413*^9}, {3.663531102945443*^9, 3.663531155735463*^9}, { 3.6635311901764326`*^9, 3.6635311958357563`*^9}, {3.6635312385281982`*^9, 3.6635312832217546`*^9}, {3.6635313165806627`*^9, 3.6635313395879784`*^9}, {3.6635315809457836`*^9, 3.6635315868571215`*^9}, {3.6635317217898393`*^9, 3.6635317245769987`*^9}, {3.663532559838773*^9, 3.663532657432355*^9}, { 3.6635328235048532`*^9, 3.6635328273970766`*^9}, {3.6635329634348574`*^9, 3.663532988144271*^9}, 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"\\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"(*", " ", RowBox[{"TO", " ", RowBox[{"DO", ":", " ", RowBox[{"Complete", " ", "this", " ", RowBox[{"route", ".", " ", "Hint"}]}], ":", " ", RowBox[{"Use", " ", "LinearSolve"}]}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\\[IndentingNewLine]", "\\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"computeBaryCoords", "[", "xy_", "]"}], ":=", " ", RowBox[{"(", "\\[IndentingNewLine]", " ", "\\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"Return", "[", "uvw", "]"}], "\\[IndentingNewLine]", ")"}]}], ";"}], "\\[IndentingNewLine]", "\\[IndentingNewLine]", "\\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"(*", " ", RowBox[{ "Compute", " ", "the", " ", "color", " ", "of", " ", "a", " ", "point", " ", "in", " ", "a", " ", "triangle", " ", "as", " ", "linear", " ", "interpolation", " ", "to", " ", "the", " ", "colors", " ", "at", " ", "the", " ", "vertices"}], " ", "*)"}], "\\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"(*", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Input", ":", " ", "uvw"}], " ", "=", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"u", ",", 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Spherical Coordinates and Curves on Surfaces\ Here we use the \\ (r, theta, phi) parametrization of the sphere in Chapter 3, slide 11. The \\ domain is defined on slide 9.\ \ Plot a radius=1 sphere, making it \\ transparent.\ Add the north pole as a blue point and the south pole as a \\ green point.\ Add the equator as a red curve.\ \ Map the parametric spiral \ \\ {t*Cos[4*t], t*Sin[4*t]} for t in [0, 2Pi]\ to live in the (theta, phi) \\ domain of the sphere. The curve must fill the entire domain.\ Plot this 2d \\ parametric curve. \ Plot the spiral on the sphere.\ \ ", StyleBox["I have supplied code snippets. You must complete the code to \\ satisfy the functionality described above.\ I have indicated what you have to \\ do with \\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote]To Do\\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote] comments.", FontFamily->"Gill Sans MT"] }], "Subtitle", CellChangeTimes->{{3.6821992311118774`*^9, 3.6821992545912204`*^9}, { 3.6821993401411133`*^9, 3.682199461502055*^9}, {3.6821995804678593`*^9, 3.6821996069933767`*^9}, {3.6821997309014635`*^9, 3.6821997421181054`*^9}, { 3.6822004706067724`*^9, 3.682200523149778*^9}, {3.682201534780348*^9, 3.682201594555767*^9}, {3.6822016286787186`*^9, 3.682201639821356*^9}, { 3.6822016883661327`*^9, 3.682201702885963*^9}, {3.6822017835815783`*^9, 3.6822018161364403`*^9}, {3.6822021535487394`*^9, 3.682202168893617*^9}, { 3.695217357881971*^9, 3.695217368181985*^9}, {3.695217403097063*^9, 3.695217403177063*^9}, {3.695217560942874*^9, 3.6952175660328813`*^9}, { 3.695249424712229*^9, 3.695249425272229*^9}, {3.695299195412874*^9, 3.695299236304741*^9}, {3.6952992691988163`*^9, 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", StyleBox[" Discussion\ For Part 1 and Part 2, summarize the functionality \\ and math principles learned. Also describe how you tested the functionality \\ and determined correctness.\ This text must be formatted and for each Part, \\ the text should be at least 50 words.\ ", FontFamily->"Gill Sans MT"] }], "Subtitle", CellChangeTimes->{{3.6635267194027195`*^9, 3.663526728399234*^9}, { 3.663526775619934*^9, 3.6635267759329524`*^9}, {3.6635268320791636`*^9, 3.663526834549305*^9}, {3.6635270906159515`*^9, 3.663527098583407*^9}, { 3.6635309036730456`*^9, 3.663530905091127*^9}, {3.6635309821945367`*^9, 3.663531049960413*^9}, {3.663531102945443*^9, 3.663531155735463*^9}, { 3.6635311901764326`*^9, 3.6635311958357563`*^9}, {3.6635312385281982`*^9, 3.6635312832217546`*^9}, {3.6635313165806627`*^9, 3.6635313395879784`*^9}, {3.6635315809457836`*^9, 3.6635315868571215`*^9}, {3.6635317217898393`*^9, 3.6635317245769987`*^9}, {3.663532559838773*^9, 3.663532657432355*^9}, { 3.6635328235048532`*^9, 3.6635328273970766`*^9}, {3.6635329634348574`*^9, 3.663532988144271*^9}, {3.6635330187940235`*^9, 3.663533033747879*^9}, { 3.6635330694969234`*^9, 3.663533097340516*^9}, {3.663533131006442*^9, 3.663533382792843*^9}, {3.66353420621494*^9, 3.6635342480703344`*^9}, { 3.6952125135719233`*^9, 3.695212517071928*^9}, 3.695215568979404*^9, { 3.6952156050069857`*^9, 3.695215659574063*^9}, 3.6952157519205327`*^9, { 3.695216440603059*^9, 3.6952166026222982`*^9}, {3.695216633314842*^9, 3.6952167131924553`*^9}, {3.6952167656700296`*^9, 3.6952167905461774`*^9}, {3.6952983281020145`*^9, 3.6952983621674557`*^9}, {3.6952984157226467`*^9, 3.6952984414259615`*^9}, {3.695300686400548*^9, 3.6953007090115795`*^9}, { 3.6953007504811687`*^9, 3.695300864751399*^9}, {3.6953008976666317`*^9, 3.6953009711358333`*^9}}] }, WindowSize->{2266, 1293}, WindowMargins->{{24, Automatic}, {Automatic, 10}}, Magnification:>1.5 Inherited, FrontEndVersion->"11.0 for Mac OS X x86 (32-bit, 64-bit Kernel) (September \\ 21, 2016)", StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[558, 20, 665, 14, 284, "Subsection"], Cell[1226, 36, 572, 11, 235, "Subsection"], Cell[1801, 49, 178, 7, 185, "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2004, 60, 2119, 32, 477, "Subtitle"], Cell[4126, 94, 12703, 289, 1599, "Input"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[16866, 388, 1787, 26, 744, "Subtitle"], Cell[18656, 416, 14181, 320, 2002, "Input"] }, Open ]], Cell[32852, 739, 1910, 30, 678, "Subtitle"] } *) \f

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