coth 510.000 your loan apyient in 5375 oet moreh lase 5 yeari truck, 7be put te pemaling B10,000 inta the bank ievtine sw heereit fas a hacery nutwest. Yove frat moreh in burinese, rou set 4.000 tol does for 51.00 each Four mweral colst are con for the het dot and the ton Inveres soscoo in kis mines. 14000 Dite 1 of the boskindenty Notmi Recitaties 331 becition is an atart interest intomefte lectowit is net werth Cash 5175 increws - wiseivet paur partent You decide to bored= $20,005 to buy a hot dog vending truck; that costs 510.000. Your kan payment is 5375 per mont for 5 years (\$333.33 it printiple, 41.67 it intereat expente). After busing the truck, you pet the cemaining 510,090 inko the bank IEetting 5 interest ) as a 'safety cushies". Your firat month in butinem, you sell 2,000 hot doge for $1.00 each. Yoat marginal costs ace 60% for the hot dog and the bun. BAV Z Revenve \& Expentei from Dry 1 trrough Dor 30 fiton the dar vou lake out the loar to the esd of vouc fint menth is butient coth 510.000 your loan apyient in 5375 oet moreh lase 5 yeari truck, 7be put te pemaling B10,000 inta the bank ievtine sw heereit fas a hacery nutwest. Yove frat moreh in burinese, rou set 4.000 tol does for 51.00 each Four mweral colst are con for the het dot and the ton Inveres soscoo in kis mines. 14000 Dite 1 of the boskindenty Notmi Recitaties 331 becition is an atart interest intomefte lectowit is net werth Cash 5175 increws - wiseivet paur partent You decide to bored= $20,005 to buy a hot dog vending truck; that costs 510.000. Your kan payment is 5375 per mont for 5 years (\$333.33 it printiple, 41.67 it intereat expente). After busing the truck, you pet the cemaining 510,090 inko the bank IEetting 5 interest ) as a 'safety cushies". Your firat month in butinem, you sell 2,000 hot doge for $1.00 each. Yoat marginal costs ace 60% for the hot dog and the bun. BAV Z Revenve \& Expentei from Dry 1 trrough Dor 30 fiton the dar vou lake out the loar to the esd of vouc fint menth is butient