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could you show the proper steps needed to complet the question Q8 According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics release a few years ago, 79%
could you show the proper steps needed to complet the question
Q8 According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics release a few years ago, 79% of American children under age 18 lived with at least one other sibling at that time. Suppose that in a recent sample of 2000 American children under age 18,1620 were living with at least one other sibling. Q8(a) Using the critical value approach and =.05, test if the current percentage of all American children under age 18 who live with at least one other sibling is different from 79%. Q8(b) Describe the Type I error in the context of this test. Q8(c) Calculate the p-value for the test of part a. What is your conclusion if =.05 ![image text in transcribed](
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