create a table of inflows and outflows to comore dollars provided used by operating, investing & financing activities as well as overall increase or decrease in cash
The Boeing Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Dollars in millions) Years ended December 31, Cash flows-operating activities 2016 2017 2018 $8,458 $5,034 $10,460 Net earnings Adjustments to reconcile net eamings to net cash provided by operating activities: Non-cash items- 190 202 202 Share-based plans expense 2,047 1,889 90 2,114 Depreciation and amortization Investment/asset impairment charges, net Customer financing valuation (benefit expense (GainVloss on dispositions, net Other charges and credits, net Changes in assets and iabilities- Accounts receivable 113 93 (7) 7 (3) (21) 293 (75) 247 371 326 (840) (1,600) 4,700 (1,403) (19) (795) (1,826) 792 Unbilled receivables Advances and progress billings Inventories (1,362) 4,004 2,636 568 (200) 622 312 (734) (68) 98 Other current assets 130 2 Accounts payable 335 1,117 Accrued iabilities 656 (180) Income taxes receivable, payable and deferred Other long-term liabities 94 87 153 (582) (153) Pension and other postretirement plans Customer financing, net Other Net cash provided by operating activities (662) (261) 10.496 120 1,041 (260) 13,346 610 15,322 Cash flows-investing activities: Property, plant and equipment additions Property, plant and equipment reductions Acquisitions, net of cash acquired Contributions to investments Proceeds from investments Purchase of distribution rights (2.613) (1,739) 92 (324) (3.569) 3,607 (131) 6 (1,722) 38 120 (297) (1.719) 1,206 (3,230) (2,607) 2,898 (69) (11) (4.621) Other 2.058) 3.378) Net cash used by investing activities Cash flows-financing activities: New borrowings Debt repayments Repayments of distribution rights and other asset financing Contributions from noncontrolling interests 1,325 (1.359) 2.077 (953) 8.548 (7,183) (24) 35 321 81 311 Stock options exercised Employee taxes on certain share-based payment arrangements Common shares repurchased (132) (9,236) (3.417) (11,350) 80 (93) (257) (9,000) (3,946) (7,001) (2.756) (8.587) Dividends paid Net cash used by financing activities Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents Net (decrease) / increase in cash & cash equivalents, including restricted Cash & cash equivalents, including restricted, at beginning of year (11,722) (53) (1,074) 8.887 (33) (2.502) 18 8.869 11,371 8.869 7,813 176 8.887 Cash & cash equivalents, including restricted, at end of year Less restricted cash & cash equivalents, included in Investments Cash and cash.equlvalents at end of year 68 74 $8.801 $7.637 $8.813 See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements on pages 54-113. SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 2016 2017 2018 (mons of dolars Cash flows from operating activities Net income induding noncontrolling interests Adustments for noncash transactions Deprecation and depletion Deferred income tax charges/credits) Postretirement benefes expense in ecess of/0ess than) net payments Other long-term obligation provisions in excess of/less than) payments Dvidends receved greater than/lless than) equty in cumrent earnings of equty companies Changes in operational working capital exduding cash and debt Reductioncreese) -Notes and accounts receivable 8,375 19,848 21,421 22,308 19893 (8577) 1.135 18,745 (4.386) (60) (329 (19) (579 1,070 (68) (1,684) (610) 131 (2,090) (388 171 915 (1,682) (214) 22.082 (3.954) (1,682) (117) 5,104 334) (771 30966 (545) (3,107) (25) 2,321 (1,993) (61) Inventories Other current assets Increase/reduction)-Accounts and other paysbles Net (gan) on asset sales All other items-net Net cash provided by operating activities 36.014 Cash flows from investing activities Addtions to property, plant and equipment Proceeds associated with sales of subsidanies, property, plant and equipment, and sales and retums of investments Addtional investments and advances Other investing activtes including collection of advances Net cash used in investing activities (15402) 3,103 (5.507 2076 (15730) (16,163) 4275 (0417) 902 (12,403 (19,574) 4,123 (1,981) 986 (16,446) 12,066 Cash flows from financing activities Addtions to long-term debt Addtions to short-term debt Reductions in short-term debt Addtions/reductions) in commercial paper, and debt with three moeths or less maturity Cash dvidends to ExoonMobl shareholders Cash diidends to noncontrolling interests Changes in noncontrolling interests Common stock acquired Common stock soid Net cash used in financing activities Hects of exchange rate changes on cash Incease/ldecrease) in cash and cash equvalents Cash and cash equvelents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 60 1735 (5024) 2.181 (180011 (184) (150 (747 46 (314) 0.459) (12453) (162) (4,752) (219) (13,798) (243) 146 (626) (9777 2.2931 (454) (48) 3,705 3,65 (15130) 314 (480) 3657 (19,446) 252) (135) 3.177 3.042 The inomunnethe Summary stunement ofnme or 20 201 te Summery balence sheer for 201 and 2018L and te Summey st et of cae fowsy 2016 to 2018 thown on pages 37theough conesponds to the mion n he Consoded statement of come the Consldated belence sheet, and the Comded statemet of cash fows nEoMbs 2018 Financial Statemerts and Supplemental ndomabon bookiet See ho Managements mn and eyof cel condnon and rmts of opernos end oeotonin EoMobh 2018reod Soeer and Supiemes nbok SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 2018 2017 2016 (mios of dolars) Cash flows from operating activities Net income includng noncontrolling interests Adustments for noncash transactions Depreciation and depletion Deferred income tax charges/icredies) Postretirement benefts expense in excess of/0ess than) net payments Other long-term obligation provisions in excess of/ess than) payments Dividends receved greater than/less than) equity in curent earnings of equity companies Changes in operational working capital, excluding ash and debt Reduction/increase)-Notes and accounts recevable 21,421 19,848 8,375 18,745 (60) 1,070 (68) (1,684) 19.893 (8,577) 1,135 (610) 131 22,308 (4,386) (329) (19) (579) (545) (3,107) (25) 2,321 (3,954) (1,682) (117) 5,104 (334) (7713 30,866 (2,090) (388) 171 915 (1,682) (214) 22,082 Inventories -Other current assets Increase/reduction) -Accounts and other payables Net (gain) on asset sales All other items-net Net cash provided by operating activities (1,993) (61) 36,014 Cash flows from investing activities Additions to property, plant and equipment Proceeds associated with sales of subsidaries, property, plant and equpment, and sales and returns of investments Addional investments and advances Other investing activties inclading .collection of advances Net cash used in investing activities (19,574) 4,123 (1,981) 986 (15402) 3,103 (5,507) 2,076 (15,730) (16,163) 4,275 (1,417) 902 (16,446) (12,403) Cash flows from financing activities Addtions to long-term debts Additions to short-term debt Reductions in short-tem debt Additions/reductions) in commercial paper and debt with three months or less maturty Cash dvidends to EoonMobil shareholders Cash dvidends to noncontroling interests Changes in noncontrolling interests Common stock acquired Common stock sold Net cash used in financing activities Effects of exchange rate changes on cash Increase/idecrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equvalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 46 12,066 (4,752) (219) (13,798) (243) 146 60 1,735 (5,024) 2,181 (13,001) (184) (150) (747) (314) (7,459) (12.453) (162) (626) (977) (19,446) (257) (135) 3,177 3,042 (15,130) 14 (480 3.657 3,177 (9,293) (44 (48) 3205 657 The fomanion n the Summary stement of income or 2016 to 2018 the Summary balance sheet or 2017 and 2018 and the Summary statement of cash fows (for 2016 to 2018, shown on pages 37 through 39 comespands to the nfomation the Consoldated statement. of income the Consolidated balance sheet, and the Consolidated statement of cash fows in EoonMabs 2018 Fnancial Statements and Supplemental infomaton booklet See ao Managemet dcmion and andns of financal condition and resuts of operations and other formation in ExoonMobs 2018 Finencal State