create an app on android studio to document life memories This app will allow you to: Take a picture, enter a caption & location information and save it. View saved memories in a list - display thumbnails and caption Select a memory from the list and view details - a bigger sized image, caption and information; allow users to edit the location & caption or delete the memory When the application starts, it should display list of memories saved with a floating "Add" button on the lower right side. Make sure to include a custom icon for your app Screenshots of the following: App icon displayed in the "Applications" list First time the application is executed - blank list with "add" button Add screen that displays a picture and fields for caption and location List with few saved memories A memory selected from the list - displays image, caption and location with the ability to save edited information or delete. create an app on android studio to document life memories This app will allow you to: Take a picture, enter a caption & location information and save it. View saved memories in a list - display thumbnails and caption Select a memory from the list and view details - a bigger sized image, caption and information; allow users to edit the location & caption or delete the memory When the application starts, it should display list of memories saved with a floating "Add" button on the lower right side. Make sure to include a custom icon for your app Screenshots of the following: App icon displayed in the "Applications" list First time the application is executed - blank list with "add" button Add screen that displays a picture and fields for caption and location List with few saved memories A memory selected from the list - displays image, caption and location with the ability to save edited information or delete