create an html code with the following information
Create a prototype web suite for the Indianapolis Food Fair. You and your software development company have bid on a contract worth a lot now, and over the next 10 years. You have been given some ideas about how a set of web pages should look, although the details still have to be established. The idea is to build a catchy but clear web page, to house the 4 most popular categories of food that Hoosiers have preferred over the last month or so. These details come from the customer, the International Food \& Beverage Marketeers. Starting Place The chief designer has worked with the potential customer and has come up with the following wireframe for the main page When a category is selected (click link), another page opens with details for the restaurant in that category. Your project lead did some work late last night to get this bid started, and came up with the following. She wants you to finish the prototype. Here is the landing page, Click on the category links, like American, and another page opens up, Click on the category links, like American, and another page opens up, American 2345 West Shelboume Avenue Indianapolis. 23456 Reservations - Call (317)234-5678 The Americano was first opened in 1937 and the ownership las been passed through generations of the Roe family. During the war years, this eatery established food kitchens for the famiifies of soldicrs, and for any one who would not have had a meal. The green icon at the top, is the one to use to get right back to the home page. Your project lead tells you that you can just surround either an image or a span or div with the anchor block, and set the href to the index.html file. The project lead wants you to give her the link to your Github repository as well as the link to your published site on GitHub Pages, once you are finished. You have a week to complete the project, due on Sunday at 11:59PM. Your task is to create all of the pages, the landing page, american.html, chinese.html, greek.html and italian.html - using HTML and CSS, and have them published via Github Pages.. You are to use all types of styling (inline, internal, external) and replicate her design and first draft of the web pages. You should use all 3 categories of styling. The colour in the background is aquamarine. Apparently this colour makes people think about eating who knew