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CSc 220 Assignment 3. Due: TBD Introduction We want to write a program to simulate a bank with multiple tellers. The goal of this simulation

CSc 220 Assignment 3. Due: TBD


We want to write a program to simulate a bank with multiple tellers. The goal of this simulation is to collect statistical information of the banks customers and tellers. A bank service area consists of several tellers and a customer waiting line (or queue). In each time unit, at most one new customer arrives at the waiting line. If the customer waiting line is too long, the customer leaves without completing transaction; otherwise, the customer gets into the waiting line. If all tellers are busy, customers in the waiting lines must wait to for a teller. If a teller is free and customers are waiting, the first customer in the waiting line advances to the tellers counter and begins transaction. When a customer is done, the customer departs and the teller becomes free. We will run the simulation through many units of time. At the end of each time unit, your program should print out a "snap-shot" of queues, customers and tellers. At the end of the program, your program should print out statistics and conclude simulation.

Assumptions and Requirements

2.1. Assumptions

At most one customer arrives per time unit

All numbers are positive integer numbers (>=0), except average values should be displayed to two decimal places

No time lost in between events: a customer arriving and entering waiting line a customer arriving and leaving without banking a customer completing transaction and departing a customer leaving the waiting line, advancing to a teller and beginning transaction

2.2. The limits of simulations parameters

Maximum number of tellers 10

Maximum simulation length 10000

Maximum transaction time 500

Maximum customer queue limit 50

Probability of a new customer 1% - 100%

2.3. Input parameters and customer (random/file) data

The following data are read at the beginning of the simulation:

int numTellers; // number of Tellers. int simulationTime; // time to run simulation int customerQLimit; // customer queue limit int chancesOfArrival; // probability of a new Customer ( 1 - 100) int maxTransactionTime; // maximum transaction time per customer int dataSource; // data source: from file or random

Sample input layout :

$ java PJ3.BankSimulator

 *** Get Simulation Parameters *** 

Enter simulation time (positive integer) : 10 Enter the number of tellers : 3 Enter chances (0% < & <= 100%) of new customer : 75 Enter maximum transaction time of customers : 5 Enter customer queue limit : 2 Enter 0/1 to get data from Random/file : 1 <- see datails below Enter filename : DataFile <- for input 1 above

In each time unit of simulation, your program will need two positive integers numbers to compute boolean anyNewArrival & int transactionTime. A user should have two options to specify the source of those numbers (input 1 or 0):

For user input 1, numbers are read from a file. A filename should be provided at the beginning of simulation. Each line in a datafile should contain two positive numbers (> 0). A datafile should contain sufficient data for simulationTime. In each time unit, anyNewArrival & transactionTime are computed in getCustomerData() as follows :

 read data1 and data2 from the file; anyNewArrival = (((data1%100)+1)<= chancesOfArrival); transactionTime = (data2%maxTransactionTime)+1; 

For user input 0, numbers are generated by method nextInt() in a Random object, dataRandom, which should be constructed at the beginning of simulation. In each time unit, anyNewArrival & transactionTime are computed in getCustomerData() as follows :

 anyNewArrival = ((dataRandom.nextInt(100)+1) <= chancesOfArrival); transactionTime = dataRandom.nextInt(maxTransactionTime)+1; 

2.4. Input/Output information

At the end of each time unit, you program should print out "snap-shot" of simulation. At the end of simulation, you program need to print out end of simulation report

Sample run is provided at the end of Readme file.

2.5 Data structures and simulation algorithm

I have defined package PJ3 with the Customer, Teller and ServiceArea classes. You need to implement their methods. I also provide an outline of a simulation program

Compile and run program

You need to download PJ3 zip file (with sample datafie) from ilearn.

Compile programs (you are in directory containing Readme file):

javac PJ3/*.java

Run programs (you are in directory containing Readme file):

// Run simulation java PJ3.BankSimulator

Due Date

11:55 of Wednesday 4/26/2017

To submit your project, you need to zip all source files (*.java) and upload it to ilearn.

===================================================================================== SAMPLE RUN

=> Java PJ3.Customer Customer Info:customerID=1:transactionTime=5:arrivalTime=18:finishTime=28

=> java PJ3.Teller tellerID=5:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=0:startBusyTime=0:endBusyTime=0:totalFreeTime=0:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=0>>customer:null



 Teller ID : 5 Total free time : 20 Total busy time : 5 Total # of customers : 1 Average transaction time : 5.00 

=> java PJ3.ServiceArea [customerID=1:transactionTime=18:arrivalTime=10:finishTime=0, customerID=2:transactionTime=33:arrivalTime=11:finishTime=0, customerID=3:transactionTime=21:arrivalTime=12:finishTime=0, customerID=4:transactionTime=37:arrivalTime=13:finishTime=0]

Remove customer:customerID=1:transactionTime=18:arrivalTime=10:finishTime=0 Remove customer:customerID=2:transactionTime=33:arrivalTime=11:finishTime=0 Remove customer:customerID=3:transactionTime=21:arrivalTime=12:finishTime=0 Remove customer:customerID=4:transactionTime=37:arrivalTime=13:finishTime=0

freeTellerQ:[tellerID=1:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=0:startBusyTime=0:endBusyTime=0:totalFreeTime=0:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=0>>customer:null, tellerID=2:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=0:startBusyTime=0:endBusyTime=0:totalFreeTime=0:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=0>>customer:null, tellerID=3:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=0:startBusyTime=0:endBusyTime=0:totalFreeTime=0:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=0>>customer:null, tellerID=4:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=0:startBusyTime=0:endBusyTime=0:totalFreeTime=0:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=0>>customer:null]

Remove free teller:tellerID=1:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=0:startBusyTime=0:endBusyTime=0:totalFreeTime=0:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=0>>customer:null Remove free teller:tellerID=2:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=0:startBusyTime=0:endBusyTime=0:totalFreeTime=0:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=0>>customer:null Remove free teller:tellerID=3:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=0:startBusyTime=0:endBusyTime=0:totalFreeTime=0:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=0>>customer:null Remove free teller:tellerID=4:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=0:startBusyTime=0:endBusyTime=0:totalFreeTime=0:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=0>>customer:null

freeTellerQ:[] busyTellerQ:[]

Assign customers to free tellers

Insert tellers to busyTellerQ busyTellerQ:[tellerID=1:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=13:startBusyTime=13:endBusyTime=31:totalFreeTime=13:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=1>>customer:customerID=1:transactionTime=18:arrivalTime=10:finishTime=31, tellerID=2:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=13:startBusyTime=13:endBusyTime=46:totalFreeTime=13:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=1>>customer:customerID=2:transactionTime=33:arrivalTime=11:finishTime=46, tellerID=3:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=13:startBusyTime=13:endBusyTime=34:totalFreeTime=13:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=1>>customer:customerID=3:transactionTime=21:arrivalTime=12:finishTime=34, tellerID=4:startFreeTime=0:endFreeTime=13:startBusyTime=13:endBusyTime=50:totalFreeTime=13:totalBusyTime=0:totalCustomer=1>>customer:customerID=4:transactionTime=37:arrivalTime=13:finishTime=50]

Remove busy teller:tellerID=1:startFreeTime=31:endFreeTime=13:startBusyTime=13:endBusyTime=31:totalFreeTime=13:totalBusyTime=18:totalCustomer=1>>customer:customerID=1:transactionTime=18:arrivalTime=10:finishTime=31 Remove busy teller:tellerID=3:startFreeTime=34:endFreeTime=13:startBusyTime=13:endBusyTime=34:totalFreeTime=13:totalBusyTime=21:totalCustomer=1>>customer:customerID=3:transactionTime=21:arrivalTime=12:finishTime=34 Remove busy teller:tellerID=2:startFreeTime=46:endFreeTime=13:startBusyTime=13:endBusyTime=46:totalFreeTime=13:totalBusyTime=33:totalCustomer=1>>customer:customerID=2:transactionTime=33:arrivalTime=11:finishTime=46 Remove busy teller:tellerID=4:startFreeTime=50:endFreeTime=13:startBusyTime=13:endBusyTime=50:totalFreeTime=13:totalBusyTime=37:totalCustomer=1>>customer:customerID=4:transactionTime=37:arrivalTime=13:finishTime=50

=> java PJ3.BankSimulator

 *** Get Simulation Parameters *** 

Enter simulation time (positive integer) : 10 Enter the number of tellers : 3 Enter chances (0% < & <= 100%) of new customer : 75 Enter maximum transaction time of customers : 5 Enter customer queue limit : 2 Enter 0/1 to get data from Random/file : 1 Enter filename : DataFile

 *** Start Simulation *** 

Teller #1 to #3 are ready...

Time : 0 customer #1 arrives with transaction time 5 units customer #1 wait in the customer queue customer #1 gets a teller teller #1 starts serving customer #1 for 5 units

Time : 1 customer #2 arrives with transaction time 2 units customer #2 wait in the customer queue customer #2 gets a teller teller #2 starts serving customer #2 for 2 units

Time : 2 customer #3 arrives with transaction time 5 units customer #3 wait in the customer queue customer #3 gets a teller teller #3 starts serving customer #3 for 5 units

Time : 3 No new customer! customer #2 is done teller #2 is free

Time : 4 customer #4 arrives with transaction time 3 units customer #4 wait in the customer queue customer #4 gets a teller teller #2 starts serving customer #4 for 3 units

Time : 5 No new customer! customer #1 is done teller #1 is free

Time : 6 customer #5 arrives with transaction time 3 units customer #5 wait in the customer queue customer #5 gets a teller teller #1 starts serving customer #5 for 3 units

Time : 7 customer #6 arrives with transaction time 5 units customer #6 wait in the customer queue customer #4 is done teller #2 is free customer #3 is done teller #3 is free customer #6 gets a teller teller #2 starts serving customer #6 for 5 units

Time : 8 No new customer!

Time : 9 No new customer! customer #5 is done teller #1 is free


End of simulation report

 # total arrival customers : 6 # customers gone-away : 0 # customers served : 6 *** Current Tellers Info. *** # waiting customers : 0 # busy tellers : 1 # free tellers : 2 Total waiting time : 0 Average waiting time : 0.00 Busy Tellers Info. : Teller ID : 2 Total free time : 2 Total busy time : 8 Total # of customers : 3 Average transaction time : 2.67 Free Tellers Info. : Teller ID : 3 Total free time : 5 Total busy time : 5 Total # of customers : 1 Average transaction time : 5.00 Teller ID : 1 Total free time : 2 Total busy time : 8 Total # of customers : 2 Average transaction time : 4.00 


package PJ3;

import java.util.*;


// You may add new functions or data in this class

// You may modify any functions or data members here

// You must use Customer, Teller and ServiceArea classes

// to implement Bank simulator

class BankSimulator {

// input parameters

private int numTellers, customerQLimit;

private int simulationTime, dataSource;

private int chancesOfArrival, maxTransactionTime;

// statistical data

private int numGoaway, numServed, totalWaitingTime;

// internal data

private int customerIDCounter; // customer ID counter

private ServiceArea servicearea; // service area object

private Scanner dataFile; // get customer data from file

private Random dataRandom; // get customer data using random function

// most recent customer arrival info, see getCustomerData()

private boolean anyNewArrival;

private int transactionTime;

// initialize data fields

private BankSimulator()


// add statements


private void setupParameters()


// read input parameters

// setup dataFile or dataRandom

// add statements


// Refer to step 1 in doSimulation()

private void getCustomerData()


// get next customer data : from file or random number generator

// set anyNewArrival and transactionTime

// see Readme file for more info

// add statements


private void doSimulation()


// add statements

// Initialize ServiceArea

// Time driver simulation loop

for (int currentTime = 0; currentTime < simulationTime; currentTime++) {

// Step 1: any new customer enters the bank?


if (anyNewArrival) {

// Step 1.1: setup customer data

// Step 1.2: check customer waiting queue too long?

// if it is too long, update numGoaway

// else enter customer queue

} else {

System.out.println("\tNo new customer!");


// Step 2: free busy tellers that are done at currentTime, add to free cashierQ

// Step 3: get free tellers to serve waiting customers at currentTime

} // end simulation loop

// clean-up - close scanner


private void printStatistics()


// add statements into this method!

// print out simulation results

// see the given example in project statement

// you need to display all free and busy gas pumps

// need to free up all customers in queue to get extra waiting time.

// need to free up all tellers in free/busy queues to get extra free & busy time.


// *** main method to run simulation ****

public static void main(String[] args) {

BankSimulator runBankSimulator=new BankSimulator();









package PJ3;

class Customer


private int customerID;

private int transactionTime;

private int arrivalTime;

private int finishTime;

// default constructor




// constructor to set customerID, transactionTime, arrivalTime

// and compute finishTime

Customer(int customerid, int transactiontime, int arrivaltime)


customerID = customerid;

transactionTime = transactiontime;

arrivalTime = arrivaltime;


int getTransactionTime()


return transactionTime;


int getArrivalTime()


return arrivalTime;


int getFinishTime()


return finishTime;


int getCustomerID()


return customerID;


void setFinishTime(int finishtime)




public String toString()


return "customerID="+customerID+":transactionTime="+




public static void main(String[] args) {

// quick check!

Customer mycustomer = new Customer(1,5,18);


System.out.println("Customer Info:"+mycustomer);






package PJ3;

class Teller {

// teller id and current customer which is served by this cashier

private int tellerID;

private Customer customer;

// start time and end time of current free/busy interval

private int startFreeTime;

private int endFreeTime;

private int startBusyTime;

private int endBusyTime;

// for keeping statistical data

private int totalFreeTime;

private int totalBusyTime;

private int totalCustomers;

// Constructor





// Constructor with teller id

Teller(int tellerId)


// add statements



// accessor methods


int getTellerID ()


return tellerID;


Customer getCustomer()


return customer;


int getEndBusyTime()


return endBusyTime;



// mutator methods


void setCustomer(Customer newCustomer)


customer = newCustomer;


void setStartFreeTime (int time)


startFreeTime = time;


void setStartBusyTime (int time)


startBusyTime = time;


void setEndFreeTime (int time)


endFreeTime = time;


void setEndBusyTime (int time)


endBusyTime = time;


void updateTotalFreeTime()


//add statements


void updateTotalBusyTime()


//add statements


void updateTotalCustomers()


//add statements



// Teller State Transition methods


// From free interval to busy interval

void freeToBusy (Customer newCustomer, int currentTime)


// goal : start serving newCustomer at currentTime


// steps : set endFreeTime, update TotalFreeTime

// set startBusyTime, endBusyTime, customer

// update totalCustomers

//add statements


// Transition from busy interval to free interval

Customer busyToFree ()


// goal : end serving customer at endBusyTime


// steps : update TotalBusyTime, set startFreeTime

// return customer

//add statements

return null;



// Print statistical data


void printStatistics ()


// print teller statistics, see project statement

System.out.println("\t\tTeller ID : "+tellerID);

System.out.println("\t\tTotal free time : "+totalFreeTime);

System.out.println("\t\tTotal busy time : "+totalBusyTime);

System.out.println("\t\tTotal # of customers : "+totalCustomers);

if (totalCustomers > 0)

System.out.format("\t\tAverage transaction time : %.2f%n ",(totalBusyTime*1.0)/totalCustomers);


public String toString()


return "tellerID="+tellerID+






public static void main(String[] args) {

// quick check

Customer mycustomer = new Customer(1,5,15);

Teller myteller = new Teller(5);



myteller.freeToBusy(mycustomer, 20);

System.out.println(" "+myteller);


System.out.println(" "+myteller);

System.out.println(" ");







package PJ3;

class Teller {

// teller id and current customer which is served by this cashier

private int tellerID;

private Customer customer;

// start time and end time of current free/busy interval

private int startFreeTime;

private int endFreeTime;

private int startBusyTime;

private int endBusyTime;

// for keeping statistical data

private int totalFreeTime;

private int totalBusyTime;

private int totalCustomers;

// Constructor





// Constructor with teller id

Teller(int tellerId)


// add statements



// accessor methods


int getTellerID ()


return tellerID;


Customer getCustomer()


return customer;


int getEndBusyTime()


return endBusyTime;



// mutator methods


void setCustomer(Customer newCustomer)


customer = newCustomer;


void setStartFreeTime (int time)


startFreeTime = time;


void setStartBusyTime (int time)


startBusyTime = time;


void setEndFreeTime (int time)


endFreeTime = time;


void setEndBusyTime (int time)


endBusyTime = time;


void updateTotalFreeTime()


//add statements


void updateTotalBusyTime()


//add statements


void updateTotalCustomers()


//add statements



// Teller State Transition methods


// From free interval to busy interval

void freeToBusy (Customer newCustomer, int currentTime)


// goal : start serving newCustomer at currentTime


// steps : set endFreeTime, update TotalFreeTime

// set startBusyTime, endBusyTime, customer

// update totalCustomers

//add statements


// Transition from busy interval to free interval

Customer busyToFree ()


// goal : end serving customer at endBusyTime


// steps : update TotalBusyTime, set startFreeTime

// return customer

//add statements

return null;



// Print statistical data


void printStatistics ()


// print teller statistics, see project statement

System.out.println("\t\tTeller ID : "+tellerID);

System.out.println("\t\tTotal free time : "+totalFreeTime);

System.out.println("\t\tTotal busy time : "+totalBusyTime);

System.out.println("\t\tTotal # of customers : "+totalCustomers);

if (totalCustomers > 0)

System.out.format("\t\tAverage transaction time : %.2f%n ",(totalBusyTime*1.0)/totalCustomers);


public String toString()


return "tellerID="+tellerID+






public static void main(String[] args) {

// quick check

Customer mycustomer = new Customer(1,5,15);

Teller myteller = new Teller(5);



myteller.freeToBusy(mycustomer, 20);

System.out.println(" "+myteller);


System.out.println(" "+myteller);

System.out.println(" ");




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