CSE 1311 Project 1 Write a program named DayOfWeek that computes the day of the week for any date entered by the user. The user will be prompted to enter a month, day, century, and year The program will then display the day of the week for that date as a number between 0 and 6, where 0 represents Saturday and 6 represents Friday. The program will also print the alphabetic day of the week (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, etc.) The following example shows what the user will see on the screen: This program calculates the day of the week for any date INPUT DATA Enter month (1-12): 9 Enter day (1-31) 2S Enter century: 19 Enter year of the century: 98 OUTPUT DATA Date is 9/25/1998 The day of the week is 6-Friday Hint: Use Zeller's congruence to compute the day of the week. se all integers for the data types. Zeller's congruence relies on the following quantities j is the century (19 in our example, not the 20t century) k is the year within the century (98) m is the month (9) q is the day of the month (25) The day of the week is determined by the following formula: h q+26m+1/10+k+k/4+j4+5)mod 7 The results of all divisions are truncated by the modulus operator. The value of h will lie between 0 (Saturday) and 6 (Friday). Note: Zeller's congruence assumes that January and February are treated as months 13 and 14 of the previous year, this affects the values of k and m, and possibly the value ofj. For full credit, just read in the four values (month, day, century, and year), plug them into the formula, and print the full date, h, the day of the week. This formula assumes that January and February are mouths 13 and 14 of the previous year. If you want the day of week for 1 12006, you must type in 13 1 2005. (For 2 1 2006, type 14 1 2005 and so on) Run the following 9 sets of data for output: 17 2008 (Should be 0-Sat) 10 3 2008 (Should be 1-Sun) 9 15 2008 (Should be 2-Mon) 8 5 2008 (Should be 3-Tue) 9 13 2006 (Should be 4-Wed) 11 2009 (Should be 5-Thu) must be typed in as 13 1 2008 2 6 2009 (Should be 6-Fri) must be typed in as 14 62008 2 2 2017 (Should be 5-Thu) must be typed in as 14 2 2017 1 10 2000 (Should be 2-Mon) must be typed in as 13 10 1999 Your birth date (Check the Intemet or call your mom to verify this day of week!)