CSE1341 - Lab 6 Assignment Overview In Lab 5 you created the BatterUp baseball simulation using structured programming techniques. In this lab, you will rewrite your application using object-oriented programming. Pre-Lab (5 Points) Create the class named Base found in the instructions. Include the name attribute, constructor and getter and setter methods for name. NOTES: Each program should include comments that explain what each block of code is doing. Additionally, the programs should compile without errors, and run with the results described in the exercise. The following deductions will be made from each exercise if any of the following is incorrect or missing: Lab (95 Points) Create the BatterUp system using object oriented programming, following the design provided on the following pages. Your output should match the format Proper formatting S points) shown on the last page, although your actual output will Comments Is points per class) vary based on the the outcome of the game. Proper names for classes and variables [5 points Submit the java and class files via Canvas (as a single zip- file). Include a comment block at the top of each Java file that includes your name, student id number, and "Lab 6 Fall 2018". Also be sure to include the answers to the post-lab questions found in these instructions. Program doesn't compile [ 10 points Source code (java file) missing I 10 points] Executable (class file) missing [10 points] Missing array where an array was required [5 points each Missing loop where a loop was required (5 points each Missing class from the design provided (10 points each Missing method from the design provided [ 5 points each) CSE1341 - Lab 6 Assignment Overview In Lab 5 you created the BatterUp baseball simulation using structured programming techniques. In this lab, you will rewrite your application using object-oriented programming. Pre-Lab (5 Points) Create the class named Base found in the instructions. Include the name attribute, constructor and getter and setter methods for name. NOTES: Each program should include comments that explain what each block of code is doing. Additionally, the programs should compile without errors, and run with the results described in the exercise. The following deductions will be made from each exercise if any of the following is incorrect or missing: Lab (95 Points) Create the BatterUp system using object oriented programming, following the design provided on the following pages. Your output should match the format Proper formatting S points) shown on the last page, although your actual output will Comments Is points per class) vary based on the the outcome of the game. Proper names for classes and variables [5 points Submit the java and class files via Canvas (as a single zip- file). Include a comment block at the top of each Java file that includes your name, student id number, and "Lab 6 Fall 2018". Also be sure to include the answers to the post-lab questions found in these instructions. Program doesn't compile [ 10 points Source code (java file) missing I 10 points] Executable (class file) missing [10 points] Missing array where an array was required [5 points each Missing loop where a loop was required (5 points each Missing class from the design provided (10 points each Missing method from the design provided [ 5 points each)