ctions for utilizing a Specific Fuel Consumption I Brake Horsepower curve Chart. . To find the amount of fuel an engine will burn er . . . specific horsepower: p hour when it IS developing a 1. From the BHP index at the left side of the chart, draw a horizontal line to the right until it intersects the propeller load horsepower curve. 2. At this intersection, draw a vertical line down until it 0 th ll load SFC curve. ( ) rosses e prope er 3. From'this intersection, draw a horizontal line to the right until it intersects the SFC Index. This number is the number of pounds of fuel burned per hour for each horsepower. 4. Multiply the SFC index by the BHP to determine pounds of fuel burned per hour. Divide pounds of fuel by six to determine gallons of fuel burned per hour. To find the BHP developed when the engine is operating at full throttle at a specifi RPM: 1. From the engine speed-RPM index at the bottom of the chart, draw a vertical line upward until it intersects the full throttle power curve. 2. From this intersection, draw a horizontal line to the left until it intersects the BHP Index. To find the amount of fuel an engine will burn per hour at full throttle when i developing a specific horsepower: 1. At the BHP index on the left side of the chart, draw a horizontal line to the right until it intersects the full throttle power curve. 2. At this intersection, draw a vertical line (down) until it crosses the full throttle SFC curve. 3. At this intersection, draw a horizontal line to the right until it intersects the SFC index. This is the number of pounds of fuel burned per hour for each horsepower. 4. Multiply the SFC index by the BHP to determine pounds of fuel bum per hour. Divide pounds of fuel by six to determine gallons burned per hour