Customer (CId, CName, CAddress, CPhone) Driver (DId, DName, DAddress, DPhone) Trip (CId DId.LicNo CallTime, StartLoc, EndLoc, StartTime, EndTime, Fare, Tip, TripRating) Taxi (LicNo, ModelName, ModelYear) TaxiDriver (LicNo DId) In this scenario CId is the ID of a customer, DId is the ID of a driver, and LicNo is the license number of the taxi, CallTime is the time when the customer called for a taxi, and StartTime is the actual time when the trip started. Startloc and EndLoc are the start and end addresses of the trip. TripRating is a rating between 1 and 5 given by the customer for the particular trip. A driver can drive several different taxis and a taxi can have several drivers, and table TaxiDriver stores which driver is allowed to drive which taxi. A taxi can only be called via phone for immediate pickup, and cannot be booked in advance for future use. The primary key attributes for each relation have been underlined. I. Create an ER Diagram for the above Business Rules. Label all entities and relationships. Show cardinality and optionality. II. In the Trip table, (Cid, DId, LicNo, CallTime) is the primary key. Could (CId DId, LicNo, StartLoc) be a primary key? Could (DId, StartTime) be a primary key? Explain. III. Identify appropriate foreign key relationships between the tables. IV, Write statements in SQL for the following queries. a List the license numbers and model names of all taxis that are model b. List the driver and customer names for all trips with a fare greater c. List the destinations, fares, and tips of all trips that started from d. List the names of all drivers who have driven more than one taxi in year 2005. than $100. location 199 Chambers St. Manhattan. 2014. e. Provide the name of the driver(s) who received the highest (single- f. g. Output the DId and name of any driver who has never received a trip) tip ever. For each driver, output the Did, name, and average trip rating. rating of 5