CWuingh atin Company is ai large retaa business that thas a firm-wide balanced scorecard. Recently, management has discussed the need for the balanced scorecard to be mare relevant to warh ingmauai epartment of the compaby. Speotically, management wants to come up with unique scorecards for its Public Relations and inventory Management departmiente. For Both dephrthients, manaperent resognoes that properly and efficiently training employees is important. For these purposes, management gathers data on the median training hours of hiventany. Fespectively. For the Padic Relations departinest, management is focused on inproving the public's cSR image of the company and attracting new custorners. a. 1Aertity w name that wills toie scirecars of the public relaton and invertory management departments. Wicenoming wersecard Identify the unique metrics of inventory management department. a. Employee training hours and employee performance b. Number of back orders and discrepancies in physical and record counts c. CSR ratings for Forbes and number of new customers d. None of the above Identify the unique metrics for the public relations department. a. Employee training hours and employee performance b. Number of back orders and discrepancies in physical and record counts c. CSR ratings for Forbes and number of new customers d. None of the above CWuingh atin Company is ai large retaa business that thas a firm-wide balanced scorecard. Recently, management has discussed the need for the balanced scorecard to be mare relevant to warh ingmauai epartment of the compaby. Speotically, management wants to come up with unique scorecards for its Public Relations and inventory Management departmiente. For Both dephrthients, manaperent resognoes that properly and efficiently training employees is important. For these purposes, management gathers data on the median training hours of hiventany. Fespectively. For the Padic Relations departinest, management is focused on inproving the public's cSR image of the company and attracting new custorners. a. 1Aertity w name that wills toie scirecars of the public relaton and invertory management departments. Wicenoming wersecard Identify the unique metrics of inventory management department. a. Employee training hours and employee performance b. Number of back orders and discrepancies in physical and record counts c. CSR ratings for Forbes and number of new customers d. None of the above Identify the unique metrics for the public relations department. a. Employee training hours and employee performance b. Number of back orders and discrepancies in physical and record counts c. CSR ratings for Forbes and number of new customers d. None of the above