D F G H J L V B N M 2 NAMI Alise 1) A how we can they Denver the security marie Weber - -15% = 14 1911 19 20 20 130 2) Little deed in Question haspectum Fred Sock with wood 14.01 15015 .. 160 3) Using the caritatie de in what is the more a) 19 79 - Un the early marketine derved in Ostim 1, wat is the market risk peenin! b) .) 10 i 1 3) Using the security market line derived as Question what is the market 23 b) 10 09:59 H J F K L + D x C V B N M AH NAME the following to desde het H + + Awame the following the portion ved Papeeted Return 33 154 12 1 05 22 os 2 Find the equation of the plants must describe equilibrium rem. a) R 5+20+ ORI d) - 10+h2 7 Assume the following two-index model describes tume R-buhale+ Acuma the following three pantollon are observed: Portfolio Expected retum 13 15 bi 1 1 1 2 13 Find the equation of the place that must describe equilibrium returns a) R - 7+5+3 b) = 12 + 2y + Bu c) R; = 9.5+ 1562 d) N = 8 +36 + ho 8) Refer to the text, Chapter 12 Problem a) Australia h) France c) Japan d) France and UK D F G H J L V B N M 2 NAMI Alise 1) A how we can they Denver the security marie Weber - -15% = 14 1911 19 20 20 130 2) Little deed in Question haspectum Fred Sock with wood 14.01 15015 .. 160 3) Using the caritatie de in what is the more a) 19 79 - Un the early marketine derved in Ostim 1, wat is the market risk peenin! b) .) 10 i 1 3) Using the security market line derived as Question what is the market 23 b) 10 09:59 H J F K L + D x C V B N M AH NAME the following to desde het H + + Awame the following the portion ved Papeeted Return 33 154 12 1 05 22 os 2 Find the equation of the plants must describe equilibrium rem. a) R 5+20+ ORI d) - 10+h2 7 Assume the following two-index model describes tume R-buhale+ Acuma the following three pantollon are observed: Portfolio Expected retum 13 15 bi 1 1 1 2 13 Find the equation of the place that must describe equilibrium returns a) R - 7+5+3 b) = 12 + 2y + Bu c) R; = 9.5+ 1562 d) N = 8 +36 + ho 8) Refer to the text, Chapter 12 Problem a) Australia h) France c) Japan d) France and UK