d. Using your multiple regression output, please do the following: 1. Write out the estimated equation. (4 pts) 2. Predict the value of Y for each of the next three months of time. (9 pts) 3. Interpret the slope coefficient of the trend variable. (4 pts) 4. Test to see if there is an upward trend in the Y variable. Use alpha = 0.01. (15 pts) 5. Interpret the coefficient of determination. (5 pts) 6. Identify the value of the p-value associated with the model test. (4 pts) 7. Construct a 99% confidence interval for the slope coefficient associated with the trend variable. (6 pts) 8. Suppose the calculated value of the Durbin-Watson statistic is 2.87. At the 5% level of significance test to see if the error terms are autocorrelated. (12 pts) 9. Test to see if there is a difference between average sales in January and average sales in July. Use alpha = 0.05 (15 pts) e. Rank (from lowest to highest) the twelve months of the year in terms of amount of retail sales. This can be done using the coefficients of the dummy variables in your multiple regression model. (8 pts) YEAR MONTH 2009 TIME OUTLAYS (5000) 262 1 295 2 333 4 feb march april may june july august sept S 6 274 245 377 7 9 dec 10 11 12 13 2010 jan feb march may june july august sept 15 16 17 273 266 286 25 259 276 310 238 270 292 289 289 273 271 272 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 INOV dec 2011 jan feb march april may june july august 271 301 265 355 301 278 262 30 31 32 DOV dec 2012 jan 34 35 36 37 38 39 feb march april 2:46 221 251 231 252 293 278 447 216 40 41 June july august sept 43 44 45 267 281 297 boy 46 dec 2013 n 48 feb march april may june july august sept oct DOV SO 51 $2 53 54 55 56 57 Ss 298 283 315 287 301 185 368 310 313 312 326 59 326 dec 2014 jan feb 09 19 april 291 307 293 279 287 882 jane july august sept mov dec 2015 jan 2015 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 73 75 76 27 78 79 SO 81 359 250 368 359 345 275 321 352 322 309 314 299 355 324 310 339 320 18 18 SIE 85 87 88 89 90 91 92 370 316 361 320 324 320 300 16 16 OSE 95 333 354 365 389 198 366 389 341 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 105 107 IOS 100 110 387 384 415 2018 417 408 398 397 452 april may june July august sept 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 456 356 479 425 499 nov dec d. Using your multiple regression output, please do the following: 1. Write out the estimated equation. (4 pts) 2. Predict the value of Y for each of the next three months of time. (9 pts) 3. Interpret the slope coefficient of the trend variable. (4 pts) 4. Test to see if there is an upward trend in the Y variable. Use alpha = 0.01. (15 pts) 5. Interpret the coefficient of determination. (5 pts) 6. Identify the value of the p-value associated with the model test. (4 pts) 7. Construct a 99% confidence interval for the slope coefficient associated with the trend variable. (6 pts) 8. Suppose the calculated value of the Durbin-Watson statistic is 2.87. At the 5% level of significance test to see if the error terms are autocorrelated. (12 pts) 9. Test to see if there is a difference between average sales in January and average sales in July. Use alpha = 0.05 (15 pts) e. Rank (from lowest to highest) the twelve months of the year in terms of amount of retail sales. This can be done using the coefficients of the dummy variables in your multiple regression model. (8 pts) YEAR MONTH 2009 TIME OUTLAYS (5000) 262 1 295 2 333 4 feb march april may june july august sept S 6 274 245 377 7 9 dec 10 11 12 13 2010 jan feb march may june july august sept 15 16 17 273 266 286 25 259 276 310 238 270 292 289 289 273 271 272 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 INOV dec 2011 jan feb march april may june july august 271 301 265 355 301 278 262 30 31 32 DOV dec 2012 jan 34 35 36 37 38 39 feb march april 2:46 221 251 231 252 293 278 447 216 40 41 June july august sept 43 44 45 267 281 297 boy 46 dec 2013 n 48 feb march april may june july august sept oct DOV SO 51 $2 53 54 55 56 57 Ss 298 283 315 287 301 185 368 310 313 312 326 59 326 dec 2014 jan feb 09 19 april 291 307 293 279 287 882 jane july august sept mov dec 2015 jan 2015 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 73 75 76 27 78 79 SO 81 359 250 368 359 345 275 321 352 322 309 314 299 355 324 310 339 320 18 18 SIE 85 87 88 89 90 91 92 370 316 361 320 324 320 300 16 16 OSE 95 333 354 365 389 198 366 389 341 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 105 107 IOS 100 110 387 384 415 2018 417 408 398 397 452 april may june July august sept 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 456 356 479 425 499 nov dec