Data table Austin Parthers provides management consulting services to government and corporate clients. The two suppor departmerts costs hsve been albeated to the two operating Austin has two support departments-administrative services (AS) and information systems departments using the direct method and the step-down method (AS department firs (1S)-and two operating deparments - govemment consuliling (GOVT) and corporate consulting the stop-down mothod (IS department first). The results of the ollocations are as follo (CORP) For the first quarter of 2020, Austris cost records indicate the folowing (Cick the loon to viow the direct method.) Click tee icon to view the cost records.) (Click the icon to view the alep-down method (US firti)) Resd the teaurements (Click the icon to view the step-down method (1S first)) (Cick te icon to viow a summary of the three methods.) Requirement 1a. Alocate the two support departrents' costs to the two operating departments using the recprocal method. First, detemine the Inear equatons for each wipport department. Now allocele the support departmentr' cous (AS and is department costs that you deterinined in the prior slop) to Ewe two operating departments uing the reoprocal metiod (Aceund degimal owoulationt to threo decimal places. X00, and your final answers to the nearest whole dollar. Use parentheses or a minut sign when docreasing departments by ilocating costs. Entor a tof for any 200 batances.) Support Departments Operating Depertments Aukin Parthers provides management consulting sorvicos to government and corporato clionts. The two sopport dopartments' costs have boen allocsted to the fwo operating Austin has two support departments-administrative services (AS) and information systems departmenis using the diect method and the slep-down method (AS depariment (IS)-and two operating departments-povemment consulting (GOVT) and corporate consulting the step-down method (is depariment first). The results of the allocations are as f (CORP). For the first quarter of 2020. Austin's cost records indicate the following: (Click the loon to view the drect method.) Click the icon to viaw the cost records.) (Cick the icon to viow the step-down method (AS firil)) Read the coquirements. (Click the icon to view the slep-down mothod (is firsti)) (Cick the icon to view a summary of the three methods.) Requirement 1b. Alocale the wo support departments' costs to the bwo operating departments using the reciprocal method. Use repeated lorationa. (Round your final answers to the nearest in dollar. Uso parentheses or a minus sign when decresing depariments by alocating costs. Enter a '0' for any zero balances.)