\#DELETESHOPIFY company provides backend support iby corvecthg wor only were offensive but also were helping Breitbart to fund its expansion elforts. Protesters also claimed that Brestbers, products viclated Shopify's terms of service, which allom Shopify to remove content it deems "offensive thresteng libelous, defamatory, pornograp hic, abscene, or otherwes oblectionable: More than 204,000 people signed ata tion urging Shopty to remove Breitbart as a client, Alncit 10,800 of those signe. cures were other Shopify merchan: threatened rothetheit business elsewhere Shopify tro ic pes also wanted shopify to end their relaticnship witl ty controversial store wrofe a letter to the CEO urging him ty consider Strophys stance on the issue Due to this pressizt shopify hosted a When the due wasn't resolved to their suturfaction several rmpoyeesquit. Tothis tutoe explained to employees and to the public that choply was not in the business of censoring its merchants. afe that if would continue host Breitbart merchandise ch the site. Protesters angrily responded that Shopify was teping to fund hate speech, More than 10.000 emails, theth, and messoges were sent to shopify's CEO, and thow ond or facebook messages and comments were posted on the organbaichs ficetook page urging the company Apoly Your Understanding 2. tieficitiontion 7. Whir atis of conthict. \#DELETESHOPIFY company provides backend support iby corvecthg wor only were offensive but also were helping Breitbart to fund its expansion elforts. Protesters also claimed that Brestbers, products viclated Shopify's terms of service, which allom Shopify to remove content it deems "offensive thresteng libelous, defamatory, pornograp hic, abscene, or otherwes oblectionable: More than 204,000 people signed ata tion urging Shopty to remove Breitbart as a client, Alncit 10,800 of those signe. cures were other Shopify merchan: threatened rothetheit business elsewhere Shopify tro ic pes also wanted shopify to end their relaticnship witl ty controversial store wrofe a letter to the CEO urging him ty consider Strophys stance on the issue Due to this pressizt shopify hosted a When the due wasn't resolved to their suturfaction several rmpoyeesquit. Tothis tutoe explained to employees and to the public that choply was not in the business of censoring its merchants. afe that if would continue host Breitbart merchandise ch the site. Protesters angrily responded that Shopify was teping to fund hate speech, More than 10.000 emails, theth, and messoges were sent to shopify's CEO, and thow ond or facebook messages and comments were posted on the organbaichs ficetook page urging the company Apoly Your Understanding 2. tieficitiontion 7. Whir atis of conthict