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Demographic and Environmental Timeline-Germany. Stage Stage 1 Year 1800 Stage 2 1900 Stage 3 1960 Situation in the country. Major Historical Changes: the country is

Demographic and Environmental Timeline-Germany. Stage Stage 1 Year 1800 Stage 2 1900 Stage 3 1960 Situation in the country. Major Historical Changes: the country is using Constitutional system with resistance of Napoleon. Both educational and military reforms are being carried out by Prussian Reform Movement. The country is being controlled by Metternich and Catholicism together with Liberalism getting more roots and becoming more prominent. Changing Population Size: general population size is low or rather decreases as a result of the constant wars going on during this particular period of time. The country is also resisting Napoleon who want to become the ruler of world thus leading to war. Birth and Death Rates: The birth rates are low while the death rates are high. This is as a result of constant wars taking place at this time and the couples are not giving birth as it would have been the expectation. Environmental Impact: Environmental impact is high as a result of wars. These wars tend to release a lot of toxic gases into the atmosphere thus affecting the entire population of the country. Major Historical Changes: There is a call to make peace resolution followed by signing of the Treaty of Versailles aimed at ending the First World War. The economy of the country depreciates with a demise of the Parliamentary Democracy. Germany embraces national Socialism and Modernity which serve as a direct way through to the initial step in Foreign policy. Women get recognition in the country where small entrepreneurs are engaged to venture into different kind of business. Changing Population Size: The population size increases as a result of recovery of the country from First and Second World Wars. Also, the country is becoming more industrialized thus people developing confidence of residing at Germany. Birth and Death Rates: There are high birth rates and low death rates following the end of wars. Peace is being recovered in the country and rights for women are being fought for thus encouraging women to bear children once more. Environmental Impact: There is an increase in environmental impact due to increase in industrialization. The country has now recovered from war and is trying to recover and heal itself. Major Historic Changes: Federal Republic of the country forges the Great Coalition of 1966 to 1969. Germany now confront with the past and forms the Extra-Parliamentary Opposition with the formalization of Chancellorship of Willy Brandt. The country also debates on the forging and usage of Atomic Weapons followed by West Germany Society undergoing a major transformation. Changing Population Size: The population size of Germany is still relevantly low as well as being constant since the country is try to Stage 4 1990 Stage 5 Present Day adjust itself into the new system after the end of wars. Also, people and more so the foreigners from abroad are reluctant to have a permanent resident in the country. Birth and Death Rates: The birth rates are high and death rates rapidly decreasing. Environmental Impact: Environmental impact is high since industrialization has been fully embraced thus causing numerous instances of pollution to the atmosphere and the society at large. Major Historical Changes: Germany welcomes technological advancement. The Berlin War ends leading to reunification of both East and West Germany after they were divided as a result of Cold War. This reunification of the country leads to debates over the past. Change in Population Size: There is an increase in population size as a result of people becoming comfortable enough to an extent of settling in the country. Also foreigners are investing well in the country though in few numbers contrary to the expectation. Birth and Death Rates: The birth rates have decreased as well as the death rates. The empowerment of women is high thus now women are capable of earning their individual income through means of employment. Many of the women are opting to work first and attain financial stability then get children. Environmental Impact: There is an increase in urbanization and industrialization in the country thus leading to high environmental impact due to pollution and toxic chemicals from industries. Chemicals and toxic gases from factories are causing high challenge to the environment and Germany community since majority of individuals opt to burn fossil fuels for their daily use. Major Historical Changes: There is establishment of women status whereby about 90% of women in the country gather employment outside home. As a result of reunification of the country, the government has adopted Angela Markel's two coalition form of governments. The country is currently economically stable due to globalization and industrialization that has seen it opening its markets and business to foreign countries. Changing Population Size: The entire population of the country has increased as more and more individuals are migrating to the country for the sake of business or permanently residing in Germany. This population increase is predicted to increase in the coming years as people are settling in Germany more and more. Birth and Death Rates: Birth rates are low as well as death rates. Low birth rates is as a result of the freedom that women have nowadays whereby the have freedom to opt not to have children but rather focus more on their husband and careers. The average number of children in each family is raging between one and two children. Environmental Impact: There is high standards of living in the country as a result of large carbon footprint and high levels of pollution. The automobile industry for instance Mercedes Benz have started manufacture of environmental-friendly vehicles which are commonly known as hybrid cars so as to minimize the impact of air pollution that is caused by conventional cars. References. Lucas, R.E., Jr. (2002). Lectures on Economic Growth . Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Allen, R.C. (2003). Progress and Poverty in Early Modern Europe. Economic History Review, 56. Pp. 403 - 443. Ewert, U.C. (2006). The Biological Standard of Living on the Decline: Episodes from Germany During Early Industrialization. European Review of Economic History , 10. Pp. 51- 88. Kitchen, M. (2011). A History of Modern Germany: 1800 to the Present. 2nd Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. 1 Industrial Revolutions - Environmental Impacts and Aftermath Diana Kotelovich Argosy University Industrial Revolutions 2 1. Introduction The Industrial revolution which has the origins during the 18th century in England is defined as a turnaround moment whenever steam engines begun to powering cotton mills and train engines. It was the beginning of extensive extraction of the non-renewable energy resources' application. The steam engine lead to various development and technology, across domains such as industries, commerce, transport etc. While an evident advancement as well as progress in inspiring the comfort and quality of life to people across globe notes, an adverse impact to environment originating from the varied factors of industrial revolution as well as result is equally adverse made threats to the environment (Hawken et al, 2013; Dunlap & Jorgenson, 2012). The three environmentally negative impacts, that we describe are, changes to environment, environment movement starting from 1970s, various initiatives laws approved by the government of United States. 2. Environmental Impacts - Identification & Changes to Environment The different environmentally negative impacts caused by industrial revolution are, (i) impacts of non-renewable energy, (ii) urbanizations, and (iii) Noise pollution (Hawken et al, 2013; Dunlap & Jorgenson, 2012). A. \"Non-Renewable Energy Resources\" The industrial revolution's origin aspect is our dependency over the \"non-renewal sources of the energy\" starting through coal as well as later over gas and fossil based sources of energy which powered transport, industries as well as other industries' levers around the globe. The extensive use of energy operated devices in domestic, industrial, transport and agriculture sectors in urban and rural areas have resulted in overall economic development of the society. Global warming has considered for causing various 3 natural calamities around the world making various places useable to natural ecosystem (Hawken et al, 2013). B. Natural Habitats' Deforestation One of the characteristic of industrial revolution in essence is the uprooting of populace from rustic regions to the urban ranges and additionally change of backwoods and normal living spaces to oblige production lines as well as human occupation. Urbanization has devastated different environments to assemble towns and urban communities for individuals to live in. More open land is utilizing for building houses, streets, malls, and modern parks. Such development parts the first natural surroundings. Numerous species can't make due in the little ranges left for them and' may vanish through and through. There is a dire need to find a way to stop the corruption of our planet. Deforestation influences the woodland environment. Without plants to eat and trees to live in, little beyond words. Bigger creatures that eat them will likewise be in danger. Creatures help to fertilize plants, blooms and scatter the seeds. Consequently they drink nectar and eat organic products. At the point when backwoods are cleared and meadows cut, creatures and plants lose their homes and nourishment. Deforestation likewise brings about expanding avalanches and soil disintegration. The foundations of trees hold the dirt solidly set up. This prompts different effects as far as an unnatural weather change, termination of different widely varied vegetation that prompting significant disturbing influences to biological community of world, the exhaustion of different assets like minerals, water, etc. C. Noise Pollution A biggest negative impact of industrial revolution is the noise pollution. Most natural clamor issues share a typical lineage: The Industrial Revolution, which viably put a conclusion to the period when man-made commotion was a constrained if now and again serious marvel. The expanded levels of noise have negative impact on our physical 4 and psychological health. While the negative effects are critical because there are the different effects which additionally have influenced nature like the mechanical squanders dirtying the water bodies warning gentle to the serious occurrence the unfavorable malignancy causing impacts crosswise over people and furthermore affecting biological system in water bodies. 3. Environmental Movement - 1970s During 1970s the \"industrial revolution\" in England and U.S. largely seen as the beneficial changes as well as environmental impacts didn't garner a special attention. Though over these years, the awareness of people slowly increased in 1970s whenever there was a significant movement as well as initiatives which lead to force and drive the government to undertake and intervene initiatives and pass laws for safeguarding the environment. These movements led to awareness among industry and companies players which profit maximization only should not be companies and objective have for functioning in manner which ensures an overall environment sustainability that operates in. While such transformation had a positive impact, but vast changes still require (Hawken et al, 2013). 4. Government Intervention by Laws Once the U.S. government realized about adverse impacts' significance which make to environment regarding industrial revolution, it assumed initiatives, As the laws which ensure the environment sustainability. An example should incorporate a need and consideration over the sourcing energy development utilizing sun and atomic based powers in compare of regular sources. Various laws started through the United States legislature incorporate a carbon assess impose on the organizations which unnecessarily make the air dirty through carbon discharges, demonstrations which pass with an aim to safeguard the common territories and resources, the alert linked in giving an access to the 5 businesses for setting up the operations in the locales. Moreover, the general outlook adjustment wherein business leaders attempt for creating trust in individuals living in a group. An improvement is wherever organizations consider responsible for the activities of harming conditions as well as refusing according to idea of harms attempted. While an intercession and activity from government has differed, an effects can says for being a long way since being palatable (Hawken et al, 2013; Dunlap and Jorgenson, 2012). While there has walks like a check over unnecessary contamination, an expanded observing and control, there is still an abnormal state of the dependence over \"carbon rich non-sustainable power sources.\" There is considerably bigger extension with an administration as well as additionally group and subject activities for addressing different difficulties. 5. Proposal The need to reduce the adverse impacts of industrial revolution on the environment is very critical in the scope. A proposal to reduce these negative impacts shows as following, i. Increased level of the community. ii. More focused efforts for moving to the sources of cleaner energy for industries iii. and electricity such as solar power and nuclear energy, etc. Larger financial disadvantages incorporated in existing laws and regulations which intend for safeguarding the environment. 6 References Hawken, P., Amory, B., L., and Hunter, L., L. (2013). Natural Capitalism- Next Industrial Revolution. Eds. Routledge Dunlap, R., E., and Jorgenson, A., K. (2012). Environmental Problems. Eds. Wiley Blackwell (Hawken et al, 2013; Dunlap & Jorgenson, 2012) LASA 1: Organisms in Your Biome Temperate Forests What is a biome? A biome is a large group of ecosystems that share the same type of climate and communities. What is a biome? Terrestrial Biomes On land Aquatic biomes Marine Oceans Fresh water Most Lakes Streams Ponds Rivers Temperate Forest Temperate forests are areas with high levels of precipitation, humidity, and contain a variety of deciduous trees. Locations where temperate forests exist include In general, temperate forests are formed by two types of trees; Deciduous and Evergreens Temperate forests are areas with high levels of precipitation, humidity, and contain a variety of deciduous trees. Locations where temperate forests exist include Vegetation The vegetation is predominantly arboreal, although there are also bushes and herbaceous plants. Within this biome are differentiated two formations deciduous forest and conifers. The development of vegetation of shrubs and herbs in this biome is facilitated by the fall of the winter leaves, which allows solar rays reach the bottom during the rest of the year. The sedimentation of litter provides salts minerals and organic matter, which fertilize the soil. Trees An important component of the temperate forest ecosystem is fallen trees, especially in temperate rainforests. When large trees fall, they create free spaces that allow sunlight to pass through the canopy of branches and leaves. The huge fallen logs are vital for the growth of young trees. It is estimated that there are approximately 7,000 different plant species in the pine and oak forests, which is much larger than those living in the forests. Fauna It is an ecosystem of great diversity, in which is a great variety of birds like parrots, paujiles, eagle and hawks The fauna of all the temperate forests of the world is very similar. They differ more by being in one continent or another, than by the plant variety present in temperate forests. There is great food that you can variety find in the woods. worms, insects, lizards. Much of the fauna of shrubs and shrublands that live in these forests is well used in soil, litter and hibernation, or in wood. Mammals Beavers are the second largest rodent in the world. Adult males grow up to 5 feet (1.5 m) in length, including the tail. Beavers are found in temperate deciduous forests of Canada and the United States. They live in colonies of about eight members and inhabit large mounds made of mud and wood. They are also nocturnal and hardly go out during the day. The cuons are a species of canine mammals found in India and Southeast Asia. The cuons are in danger of extinction, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, or IUCN. Only 2,500 cuoes exist in nature, in March 2011. They live in damp deciduous and temperate dry forests. Birds The American Bald Eagle, the US national bird, lives in the forest's deciduous temperate biomes. Bald eagles are about 3 feet (90 cm) in height and have a wingspan of 5 to 8 feet (1.5 to 3 m). The female bald eagle is generally larger than the male. The bird chooses a companion throughout its useful life, which is about 25 years in the wild. Bald eagles are identified by white feathers on the head and brown feathers on their bodies. The cardinals are red birds found in Canada and the eastern United States. Some species that have been seen in the Cardinals of the Southwest of the United States have only red feathers, with the exception of the black feathers around the eyes. These birds are typically found on the edge of the woods. Reptiles Cayman Turtles are found in the temperate forests of Canada, South America and the United States. They are reptiles with shell that grow up to 14 inches long (30 cm). According to the Ontario Natural Resources Ministry, they are threatened and endangered in some regions of the world, including Ontario. The causes of danger are habitat fragmentation and excessive hunting. Trees The trees most typically found in temperate forests are conifers, evergreens on needles. Accompanying them are the hardwoods, the trunk rises up straight ahead before branching out to form the forest canopy. Nuts such as nuts, almonds and hazelnuts provide food for many forest animals, including squirrels, raccoons, and badgers. Among them are: The Oak The Maple The Alamo Hague The Elm A New Environment The habitat of these organisms is determined by the annual temperature range. An increase of 10 C involves a massive exodus of many organisms. Others may be in danger of extinction. Many of them could emigrate to a comfortable place. To find a comfortable spot, species should look to the west coast. Considering that they should travel long distances, and that this biome is smaller, many of these species could perish. A New Environment This increase in the temperature range means that a new group of species could immigrate from the desert areas where the temperature range varies around 35 C. For example: Snakes, lizards, tarantulas, dingo, porcupines and coyotes are comfortable under this temperature range. A New Environment Bromeliads are grown mostly in mild temperate through tropical climates. Though they do respond well to watering; many Bromeliads will survive for long periods of time on very little water. However, resistance is poor in long periods of high temperatures. A New Environment Bromeliads are grown mostly in mild temperate through tropical climates. Though they do respond well to watering; many Bromeliads will survive for long periods of time on very little water. However, resistance is poor in long periods of high temperatures. Life in the temperate forest When precipitation ranges from about 70 to 150 cm annually in the temperate zone, temperate deciduous forests develop. Life in the temperate forest Temperate or deciduous forests are dominated by broad-leaved hardwood trees that lose their foliage annually. The soil of temperate forests usually consists of a top layer that is rich in humus and a deeper layer of clay. Life in rain forests The average temperature is about 250C. References Steinner, J. (2014). DROUGHT TOLERANT PLANTS . Retrieved from: Crawford, C.S. (2012). Biology of Desert Invertebrates. Retrieved from: NPN (2017). Biome. Retrieved from:

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