Demonstrate a that passes the following test. The tests will rely on using the `__name__` methods (referred to as magic methods). The magic methods
Demonstrate a that passes the following test. The tests will rely on using the `__name__` methods (referred to as magic methods). The magic methods define some of the basic functions to operate on the class.
For instance, the `__eq__` function defines how equality is evaluated, for instance, that function determines what the following would output:
linklist1 == linklist2
The test code:
import unittest
from linkedlistadt import LinkedList
class LinkedListTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self._linked_list: LinkedList = LinkedList()
for i in range(10):
def check_data_integrity(linked_list: LinkedList) -> bool: # pragma: no cover
count = 0
for item in linked_list:
if item != count:
return False
count += 1
count = len(linked_list) - 1
node = linked_list.tail
while node is not None:
if node.item != count:
return False
node = node.previous
count -= 1
return True
def test_01_clone_with_valid_instance(self):
"""1. Cloning a LinkedList with a valid instance should deep copy the instance"""
linked_list = LinkedList.clone(self._linked_list)
self.assertEqual(len(self._linked_list), len(linked_list))
self.assertTrue(LinkedListTest.check_data_integrity(linked_list), 'Linked List data integrity issue')
self.assertEqual(self._linked_list, linked_list)
def test_02_clone_with_invalid_instance_should_raise_exception(self):
"""2. Cloning a LinkedList with an invalid instance type should raise a TypeError"""
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
linked_list = LinkedList.clone('This is a string')
def test_03_init(self):
"""3. A newly instantiated LinkedList should be empty"""
linked_list = LinkedList()
self.assertEqual(0, len(linked_list))
def test_04_init_empty(self):
"""4. A newly instantiated LinkedList should have head and tail with None value"""
linked_list = LinkedList()
def test_05_append(self):
"""5. Appending to a LinkedList should add items to the end"""
linked_list = LinkedList()
for i in range(50):
self.assertEqual(50, len(linked_list))
def test_06_prepend(self):
"""6. Prepending to a LinkedList should add items to the front"""
linked_list = LinkedList()
for i in range(49, -1, -1):
self.assertEqual(50, len(linked_list))
def test_07_insert_before(self):
"""7. Inserting before a value should insert the item before that value"""
values = [5, 15, 25, 35, 45]
linked_list = LinkedList()
for i in range(3, -1, -1):
linked_list.insert_before(values[i + 1], values[i])
i = 0
for item in linked_list:
self.assertEqual(values[i], item)
i += 1
def test_08_insert_before_middle(self):
"""8. Inserting after a value should insert the item before that value"""
values = [5, 15, 25, 35, 45]
linked_list = LinkedList()
for i in values:
linked_list.insert_before(25, 20)
new_values = [5, 15, 20, 25, 35, 45]
i = 0
for item in linked_list:
self.assertEqual(new_values[i], item)
i += 1
def test_09_insert_before_not_found(self):
"""9. Inserting before a value that does not exist should raise KeyError exception"""
values = [5, 15, 25, 35, 45]
linked_list = LinkedList()
for i in values:
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
linked_list.insert_before(500, 1000)
def test_10_insert_after(self):
"""10. Inserting after a value should insert the item after that value"""
values = [5, 15, 25, 35, 45]
linked_list = LinkedList()
for i in range(1, 5):
linked_list.insert_after(values[i - 1], values[i])
i = 0
for item in linked_list:
self.assertEqual(values[i], item)
i += 1
def test_11_insert_after_middle(self):
"""11. Inserting after a value should after insert the item before that value"""
values = [5, 15, 25, 35, 45]
linked_list = LinkedList()
for i in values:
linked_list.insert_after(15, 20)
new_values = [5, 15, 20, 25, 35, 45]
i = 0
for item in linked_list:
self.assertEqual(new_values[i], item)
i += 1
def test_12_insert_after_not_found(self):
"""12. Inserting after a value that does not exist should raise KeyError exception"""
values = [5, 15, 25, 35, 45]
linked_list = LinkedList()
for i in values:
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
linked_list.insert_after(500, 1000)
def test_13_extract_not_found(self):
"""13. Extracting an item not present in the linked list should raise a TypeError"""
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
def test_14_extract_head(self):
"""14. Extracting the head should make the second node the new head"""
i = 1
for item in self._linked_list:
self.assertEqual(i, item)
i += 1
i = 9
travel = self._linked_list.tail
while travel is not None:
self.assertEqual(i, travel.item)
travel = travel.previous
i -= 1
self.assertEqual(9, len(self._linked_list))
def test_15_extract_tail(self):
"""15. Extracting the tail should make the second to last node the new tail"""
i = 0
for item in self._linked_list:
self.assertEqual(i, item)
i += 1
i = 8
travel = self._linked_list.tail
while travel is not None:
self.assertEqual(i, travel.item)
travel = travel.previous
i -= 1
self.assertEqual(9, len(self._linked_list))
def test_16_extract_middle(self):
"""16. Extracting an item in the middle should reconfigure the list accordingly"""
i = 0
for item in self._linked_list:
if i == 5:
i += 1
self.assertEqual(i, item)
i += 1
tail = self._linked_list.tail
i = 9
while tail is not None:
if i == 5:
i -= 1
self.assertEqual(i, tail.item)
tail = tail.previous
i -= 1
self.assertEqual(9, len(self._linked_list))
def test_17_get_head(self):
"""17. Getting the head should return the head"""
self.assertEqual(0, self._linked_list.head.item)
def test_18_get_tail(self):
"""18. Getting the tail should return the tail"""
self.assertEqual(9, self._linked_list.tail.item)
def test_19_get_first_item(self):
"""19. Getting the first item should return the first item"""
self.assertEqual(0, self._linked_list.first)
def test_20_get_last_item(self):
"""20. Getting the last item should return the last item"""
self.assertEqual(9, self._linked_list.last)
def test_21_get_first_item_empty_list(self):
"""21. Getting the first item in an empty list should raise an IndexError"""
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
linked_list = LinkedList()
item = linked_list.first()
def test_22_get_last_item_empty_list(self):
"""22. Getting the last item in an empty list should raise an IndexError"""
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
linked_list = LinkedList()
item = linked_list.last()
def test_23_clear(self):
"""23. Clearing the list should remove all items"""
self.assertEqual(0, len(self._linked_list))
def test_24_eq_valid(self):
"""24. Equality operator should return true for identical linked lists"""
linked_list2 = LinkedList()
for i in range(10):
self.assertTrue(self._linked_list == linked_list2)
def test_25_eq_invalid(self):
"""25. Equality operator should return false for non-identical linked lists"""
linked_list2 = LinkedList()
for i in range(10):
linked_list2.append(i * i)
self.assertFalse(self._linked_list == linked_list2)
def test_26_eq_diff_sizes(self):
"""26. Equality operator should return false for lists of different sizes"""
linked_list2 = LinkedList()
for i in range(15):
self.assertFalse(self._linked_list == linked_list2)
def test_27_iter(self):
"""27. Iter should yield the next item in the linked list each iteration"""
i = 0
for item in self._linked_list:
self.assertEqual(i, item)
i += 1
def test_28_empty_when_empty(self):
"""28. Empty property should return true when the list is empty"""
empty_list = LinkedList()
def test_29_empty_when_not_empty(self):
"""29. Empty property should return true when the list is empty"""
def test_30_remove_first_with_populated_list(self):
"""30. remove_first should remove the first element in a populated list"""
self.assertEqual(1, self._linked_list.first)
expected = 1
for item in self._linked_list:
self.assertEqual(expected, item)
expected += 1
def test_31_remove_first_when_list_is_empty(self):
"""31. remove_first should raise an IndexError exception if the list is empty"""
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
linked_list = LinkedList()
def test_32_remove_last_when_list_is_empty(self):
"""32. remove_last should raise an IndexError exception if the list is empty"""
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
linked_list = LinkedList()
def test_33_remove_first_only_thing_on_list(self):
"""33. remove_first should make an empty list if it removes the only item on the list"""
linked_list = LinkedList()
self.assertEqual(0, len(linked_list))
def test_34_remove_last_with_populated_list(self):
"""34. remove_first should remove the first element in a populated list"""
self.assertEqual(8, self._linked_list.last)
expected = 0
for item in self._linked_list:
self.assertEqual(expected, item)
expected += 1
def test_35_eq_invalid_instance_type(self):
"""35. Equality operator should return false if the object to compare is not the right instance type"""
self.assertFalse(self._linked_list == 'String instance')
def test_36_reversed_iter(self):
"""36. Iter should yield the next item in the linked list each iteration"""
i = 9
for item in reversed(self._linked_list):
self.assertEqual(i, item)
i -= 1
def test_37_getitem_with_index_out_of_bounds_should_raise_exception(self):
"""37. Accessing a LinkedList by index that is out of bounds should raise an IndexError exception"""
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
def test_38_setitem_with_index_out_of_bounds_should_raise_exception(self):
"""20. Setting a LinkedList by index that is out of bounds should raise an IndexError exception"""
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
self._linked_list[100] = 0
def test_39_getitem_with_valid_index_should_return_item(self):
"""37. Accessing a LinkedList with a valid index should return that item at that index"""
self.assertEqual(4, self._linked_list[5])
def test_40_setitem_with_valid_index_should_set_item(self):
"""40. Setting a LinkedList item with a valid index should set that item to the new value at that index"""
self._linked_list[5] = 10
self.assertEqual(10, self._linked_list[5])
def test_41_extract_all_should_raise_exception_if_at_least_one_instance_of_item_not_found(self):
"""41. Extract All on an item should raise a KeyError exception if at least one instance of the item is not found"""
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
def test_42_extract_all_should_extract_all_instances_of_an_item(self):
"""42. Extract All should extract all instances of an item from the LinkedList"""
linked_list = LinkedList(['extract', 'leave', 'leave', 'extract', 'extract', 'extract', 'leave', 'leave', 'leave', 'extract'])
self.assertEqual(5, len(linked_list))
self.assertNotIn('extract', linked_list)
def test_43_init_with_list_instance_should_instantiate_list_with_those_items(self):
"""43. Initializing a LinkedList with a Python list should instantite list with those items"""
linked_list = LinkedList([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
self.assertEqual(self._linked_list, linked_list)
def test_44_init_with_invalid_python_list_instance_should_raise_exception(self):
"""44. Initializing a LinkedList with an instance that is not a Python list should raise a TypeError"""
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
linked_list = LinkedList('This is a string')
def test_45_insert_at_index_with_index_out_bounds_should_raise_exception(self):
"""45. Insert At Index with an index that is out of bounds should raise an IndexError"""
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
self._linked_list.insert_at_index(100, 'new item')
def test_46_insert_at_index_should_insert_new_item_at_that_index(self):
"""46. Insert At Index should insert the new item at that index and shift the item currently
at that index over to the right of the new item"""
linked_list = LinkedList([0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
linked_list.insert_at_index(4, 4)
self.assertEqual(10, len(linked_list))
Step by Step Solution
There are 3 Steps involved in it
Step: 1
Create the python class name LinkedList class Node def initself item selfitem item selfnext None selfprevious None class LinkedList def initself itemsNone selfhead None selftail None selflength 0 if i...See step-by-step solutions with expert insights and AI powered tools for academic success
Step: 2
Step: 3
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